General Discussion

General DiscussionStreaming some Trashcan dota, live feedback appreciated

Streaming some Trashcan dota, live feedback appreciated in General Discussion

    Playing some ranked


      I will have a look.


        No talking, thuglife music, no entertainment.

        Why should we watch?

        Ples Mercy

          really shitty music bro, also u don't talk ._.


            Started at 4:50
            How have you not killed a solo Jakiro by this point?

            Stacking and pulling oblivious to everything else, your carry and second support get dropped.

            The drop your second support who is juking and you seem to be waiting for something? You wait till he's dead to make your move and you die as well.

            [Note] You seem very focused on YOU and not on what is going on around you.

            11:40 You buy wards and sentries which you don't really need because you have just put up two fresh wards and that money would have been better spent or saved for later.

            12:00 You're just placing random sentries in kind of weird places (waste of gold)

            12:51 You're kinda wandering the map with people dying in all your lanes, you have had your ult for two minutes....USE IT!

            14:45 You are horribly out of position but manage to get your ult off finally.

            16:11 You get caught out by Kunkka again and walk into his boat along with SF (he is having a field day)


            17:10 Again your team is fighting and you're just roaming around placing random wards in places

            18:10 More random wards......

            18:26 You're there for you team this time, a really nice ult.....on one person (Jakiro)

            19:23 You stand and "man fight" the tower I think I know who will win this one. Tower 1 Warlock 0

            [Note] You have the wrong mindset about supporting, supporting is more that adding wards to your quick buy and buying them all the time and randomly placing them in places.

            20:15 - 22:04 You're just walking in circles around the map

            22: 15 You land what is a semi decent ult in a team fight, work on getting it right so that the impact hits all 5 instead of just two.

            23:02 You TP out without looking at your hero (you're looking where you're TP'ing) and you get dropped. Don't do this, if you're in a dangerous spot watch your hero or if you are in a safe spot then watch where you TP to.

            24:35 You have the mid lane and the map is thoroughly warded but still you buy more wards

            25:18 You drop a 1 man ult again and you continue to dive under tower after a dazzle. You're taking aggro from the tower and there is a TP in, you stand there and die again for reason.

            27:44 You drop your ult late and again, take tower aggro, don't remove it, and die.


            You would have had a 40-50 minute sceptre at the rate you were going, you had so much early advantage but even then you didn't have a lot of impact. Unless you are utterly raping don't rush the sceptre.

            Stop buying wards constantly and just throwing them around willy nillly, think about where you need/want sight and buy appropriately.

            You need to work on your positioning badly, the fact that a solo Jakiro outplayed a trilane and even managed to get kills and level up faster than your mid is appalling. How does a trilane not kill an aggressive solo Jakiro over and over?


              Thanks a bunch. I'll try and use that feedback to improve :)

              Ples Mercy

                I think he wants more feedback for his stream rather than his gameplay.


                  Nope, I was primarly looking for gameplay feedback. I know the stream is amateru-ish at best, if you have improvements for that as well I'm happy but I wanna improve as a player :)


                    My internet just hung itself, so stream is over for now :/

                    Ples Mercy

                      then watch your own replays srsly. Your mistakes are very basic like tanking towers, not healing people, shit positioning etc.


                        Daymn Son Not all people can see their own mistakes. I dont see mine but i know i cant be that i dont do mistakes then i would be better :p. Analyzing Games is not for evyrone. You have to know already how to play to say that is a Mistake a new guy dont care about last hitting in his eyes he does evrything right. But you "see" he has only lets say 10 last hits after 10 min you see it he doesnt know it and cant see it. Maybe you did understand what i mean. Cant explain it properly sorry. :S

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                        Ples Mercy

                          if you can't see its wrong to not tank towers and die to them 4 times in the same 30min game, then perhaps you need to switch the game.


                            Well i didnt watch the Games but did he accomplish somthing with the Dives?

                            Ples Mercy

                              nothing at all. He is a 2,7k mmr player so it's kinda expected to play rather shitty but these people really need to watch their own replays, there's so much people don't see unless they watch their own matches from a 3rd view.

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