General Discussion

General DiscussionTagging matches - "Plus" suggestion

Tagging matches - "Plus" suggestion in General Discussion
Selena Gomez

    1.1 Ability to view matches by certain hero TYPE. I know you can't classify all heroes as offlaners/supports/mids/carries, but set a default list and allow us to customize it.
    Why? For example, I used to do a lot of offlaning, then dota faded out from my mind for a month or so and now I'm playing regularly again and I feel like I'm winning more often when carrying, which I do more often aswell now, so I'd like to be able to throw feelings aside and look at the facts. It can help me to decide either to focus on improving my weaker roles to be a better allround pub player, or just to focus on my best strength so that I can pubstomp easier. Also, it can settle certain disputes among friends :)
    1.2 Tagging matches - I want to be able to set up my tags and then tag my matches for easier browsing later.
    Why? For example, sometimes it happens so that I fail really bad for whatever reason, and more often than that someone else fails, so I'd like to be able to sort and view matches to see the actual amount it to which it corresponds. Also, I can see my failings and determine whether it is occuring more often in specific roles (back up to 1.1), on specific heroes or some other arrangement.

    Outside of my reasonings, tagging matches can have a myriad of uses and I'm sure most Plus users will appreciate it. Sorry if this is the wrong spot to post a suggestion, but can't see any other category on your forum other than "GD" :)