General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Arteezy Invoker | Pro Gameplay

Dota 2 Arteezy Invoker | Pro Gameplay in General Discussion

    Uh yeah he steam rolled after someone got wise and ganked mid because he had a "team" with him and not 4 other random nublets.

    Boring invoker mid play again. booo hisss


      he himself admits that he sucks on invo


        i think that is the worst invoker video i've ever seen


          ^ so , you do it better , right?


            where did he say he was better than arteezy? he has only stated that this is the worst invoker video he ever seen
            and it pretty much is, nothing interesting there, just rtz being noobish


              but if you want to criticize you need to be able to do better , right?


                no you don't man, wtf?
                he would need to be better if he had said "lol this rtz so noob at invoker i could beat him", thats when he needs to be better

                but he only said the video is poor, nothing further
                and if you watch it, you'll realize it too, being you better than rtz or not


                  yeah agreed lol def worse invoker video ive seen


                    i watched this live when he was really tired and he did say that his performance in that game was shit. and it was, compared to what he can do


                      Arteezy n00b. There's your proof.


                        Beast? LOL. These rtz fanboys.
                        This is how a "beast" invoker looks like.