General Discussion

General DiscussionFor those of you with time

For those of you with time in General Discussion

    Can someone watch this game, I really like tiny, but this was my first pub with him. What could i have done better and what would you have done in some of the scenarios. Keep in mind that me and my brother were in the same game, with two of my friends and we were all in a skype call, so I was lagging a bit. If you want to be really through with your critique, posting the times of specific events would be nice so I can watch it to and see what you mean.

    Thanks in advance


      i honestly think daedalus on carry tiny is better than hex but i didnt watch your game just sharing my general opinion


        Ya, i got a hex to help out against the 500 damage LC with no damage items, and the feed as fuck slark.


          someone, plz halp meh.


            I can't watch an hour but ill sum it up for you of what i see.


              Alright ill sum it up:

              Good buys for mid 3 branches 1x tangos 0:00

              Missed a few last hits while casting avalanche got 2x creeps down to so cast wasted, did hit LC mid but minimal dmg 1:30

              No harass LC during mid phase: 2:00

              Great toos/avalanche on LC 2:30 knocks her down to 1/4th health

              Notice regen rune then compete for LC 2 late 2:50 mark, she gets it ur bottle is empty

              Lc grabs dd rune goes bot 4:00

              U cast 5:00 on lc but dont continue to right click her when below 1/4th health again, she has 20 last hits/4 denies you have 8 last hits 3 denies

              top is pushed back 6 min mark, theres an illusion rune top, you do not go pudge grabs it 6:30

              U have no boots until 8 min mark finally with wand recepie and a bottle 1 tango, still empty bottle

              LC is ganking during this whole time to the 10 min mark

              I'm going to stop there man. I watched about 10 min of it and really there are wards for rune control and you do not take advantage of it. You have high cast rates on tiny for mana and you are having an empty bottle for 8 minutes of the 10 i watched.

              Early game is most important part of the game sorry dude.


                why ask us how to do better in a won game? ask for help when you lose a game.


                  @wink, because i feel like i could have played, and it was my first game as tiny, so i wanted to hear waht you guys have to say about my plays.

                  @caveman, thanks, ya my bottle was empy for so long, I noticed some of the runes, but due to no mana was unable to push the wave back to grab them until someone else had them.


                    oh he was trolling me. duh i should of watched the whole game. IDK my ruling still stands though :X


                      • inefficient early game and retarded opponents.
                      • improve your skill build
                      • dont waste time moving around the map when you could be last hitting
                      • as radiant mid you should stack neutrals if the creep wave is pushed towards the enemy's tower / after you've pushed the wave
                      • learn to tread switch
                      • use your mana wisely - either to farm, last hit + harass at the same time, or to kill.
                      • watch this -

                      you're welcome

                      • Pre level 6 you should prioritise avalanche over toss, because you will do more damage with points into Avalanche than Toss. The only exception to this rule if you only cast one spell i.e. you don't do a double nuke combo. Rank 3 toss will damage the tossed target for 270 damage compared to rank 3 avalanche which does 260, however units hit by Toss will only receive 225 damage, while every unit hit by avalanche takes a constant 260, so 3-2-0-0 is still going to be more useful than 2-3-0-0 in every realistic situation.

                      • Secondly, if you perform the avalanche toss combo, avalanche's damage is doubled, not toss's, so each extra point in avalanche will add 160 more magic damage for each extra point put into it, whereas toss only adds 90 damage.

                      At level 2, you will have a total of:
                      1A + 1T = (2 x 100) + (1.2 x 75) = 290 damage
                      (Avalanche's 100 damage is doubled, Toss's damage is increased by 20% to a Tossed unit)

                      When you get to level 3, you have 2 choices - either have 2 points into Avalanche and 1 in Toss, or 1 in Avalanche and 2 into Toss.
                      Let's say you level up Avalanche again at level 3.
                      2A + 1T = (2 x 180) + (1.2 x 75) = 450 damage, 160 more damage than the previous level

                      And in this case, let's say Toss is levelled up instead.
                      1A + 2T = (2 x 100) + (1.2 x 150) = 380 damage, only 90 more than the previous level.

                      Or lets say you reach level 5 then you go 3 points into Avalanche, and 2 into Toss
                      3A + 2T = (2 x 260) + (1.2 x 150) = 700 damage

                      Compared to 2 into Avalanche and 3 into Toss.
                      2A + 3T = (2 x 180) + (1.2 x 225) = 630 damage

                      • After level 6, you want to get Toss at 7 and 8, because Avalanche only increases your combo's damage by 80 (since the damage increase is only 40, going from 260 to 300), whereas each extra point into Toss increases your combo damage by 101 due to Grow (75 x 1.35 = 101)

                      • So the optimal skill build which will give you the most damage is Q-W-Q-W-Q-R-W-W-Q-E-R.

                      • I don't think Sheep was a good choice due to Legion's BKB. You also can't use it to kill Abaddon if he has borrowed time, he will merely purge it off when it activates. Slark can purge off sheep with dark pact if timed correctly, and the other heroes, you don't need sheep against them anyways, especially since you have a shadow shaman, who has a sheepstick on top of his abilties. One critical cleave can change the whole scope of a fight, much more than a hex would.

                      • For farming, radiant has the advantage over dire due to radiant's set of 3 neutrals being spaced closer together, as well as the mid player being able to stack either the medium or ancients with less movement compared to dire. Not once did you stack the neutrals or the ancients, both of which you could farm later (ancients with aghanims, regular neutrals with your nukes), which would've made up for your appalling 500 GPM.

                      • You missed your block because you are using a hero that is too slow to use the 'rtz block'. You need to be faster because you have to walk around the tower in order to block earlier. Luckily legion's block was also shit.

                      • Starting items. In some cases I start with a Stout Shield + 1 set of Tangos instead of the widely known 3 branches + 1 tango. It costs 100 gold more, but it makes up for it by allowing you to trade hits better, especially since every single mid candidate for the enemy (Pudge, Slark and LC) is melee, and they have low starting armour (not as bad as Tiny's but still low), so having a Stout gives you a huge advantage for trading hits.

                      • Legion started with a Stout Shield, which you didn't see because you don't check starting items. She has a 2 armour + damage block advantage over you, so trading hits is worse for you, since you have equal amounts of regen. Not that you were trading hits anyways, but if you checked, then you'd know not to trade.

                      • Missing last hits due to positioning. You stand way too far back and end up missing several last hits that Legion didn't bother denying anyways. Looking at the number of denies in the mid lane I'm judging that it's not a high skill game. If it's a melee vs melee lane you don't have to be as scared about taking auto attacks as long as you're not one of those idiots who takes 3 auto attacks because they stood still waiting for a last hit.

                      • You don't know how to pull creep aggro, which also would've stopped the creep wave pushing to your tower, because the enemy creeps would have spent time chasing you instead of attacking your creeps, making your creeps survive longer.

                      Had you done this, it would've accomplished several things - force the Legion to be in the river if she wishes to last hit - opening her up to ganks due to lack of vision from low ground, prevent you missing last hits due to the tower's high damage, keep the creep equilibrium on your side of the river, which means that you don't have to be on the enemy side of the river which would leave you prone to ganks, which is what happened soon after.

                      • 1:40 - trading inefficiently and also not getting last hits. Avalanche's damage is only 100 at level 1. It's better than auto attacks, but not by much. You can still miss a last hit -or two- with it (which you did). I assume what you were trying to do is get 2 last hits as well as damage the Legion at the same time.

                      • This doesn't work because even if you did kill those 2 creeps, you'd have Legion, a ranged creep and a melee creep attacking you, whereas Legion would only have you and a ranged creep who would have a 25% miss chance attacking her, plus she has a Stout Shield, which would result in you taking more damage than she does, which is exactly what happens. This results in you doing about 100 damage to Legion while she does 350 to you.

                      • Don't try to trade hits when the enemy has more creeps than you, creep damage definitely adds up in the early game.

                      • As soon as you have your bottle money, it should be on the courier coming towards you. Again you don't prepare the last hits on the ranged creeps that are at your tower, and also run too far away, wasting time that could've been spent prepping last hits under tower.

                      • Didn't check 2 minute rune. Even if you are not getting it, at least see what the rune is. A teammate could get it, which could prevent the enemy using it to get a kill with it (e.g. invis or haste). You should be checking every rune on the dot. Make it a habit or you're not going to improve.

                      • Needlessly using your combo at 2:30. End up missing a last hit for it, and you don't even trade favourably anyways, due to Moment of Courage + Press the Attack mitigating a large amount of damage. So you wasted 240 mana which might be useful later, and 44 gold. If there were no enemy creeps in tower attack range, the better thing to do would be to throw Legion to your ranged creep, stun her under your tower, then body block her. The 160 magic damage (120 HP) you lose from not doing your QW combo is more than made up for by the tower hits.

                      • Contesting Legion for the top rune. Had you made a beeline for it then maybe you could've got it, but Legion is faster than you by a good 35 points, and you spent time going uphill instead of through the river. If the enemy hero has no boots, and the rune they get will not result in your teammates dying, that's just a free pass to some unmissable last hits, and also denies, which means they don't get one creep wave of gold, or XP. That's immediately a ~250 XP and 300 gold in your favour.

                      • At 3:30 you wasted your mana using Avalanche which could've been used to help you last hit under the tower. You literally missed all 5 lcreeps + 1 catapult (300g) because of this, plus you backed off too much, when Legion has no kill potential on you without her Q and pre level 6, plus the fact that you can stun her, or toss her away from you had you not wasted your mana. A good player can stay at low HP and realise he is in no danger of dying.

                      By now you'd have boots + 1 other item, like wand or magic stick + a TP or something. Boots would've helped you secure runes and establish lane dominance because you can trade hits then back off whenever you want, but also continue chasing if there's kill potential, due to your faster speed.

                      • Legion leaves the lane to obviously get the rune. By that time you get your bottle back, but you don't bottle crow again despite the fact that you're just going to empty your bottle as soon as you receive it. Again missing tons of last hits because you're stood too far back for no reason. Creeps will not attack you unless you aggro them. You can bottle right next to a creep and it won't attack you unless you aggro it.

                      • Arcane Boots are shit on Tiny compared to treads if you can swap the attributes. tread switching for mana is most effective when the int from the treads makes up for a large portion of your mana pool - which it does. i.e. its more useful when your int is 18, not 80. you'd get more mana regen, as well as health regen by combining treads with bottle than arcane boots, plus the attack speed helps hugely when Grow lowers it to below 100.

                      Learning to tread switch at first will suck, and you'll wish you had Arcanes instead, but when you know how, which honestly doesn't take that long to practice, it'll pay off in the long run. If regening mana, switch to strength or agi. If regening health, switch to int or agi. If regening both health and mana e.g. with bottle, or magic wand/stick, switch to agi. Pretty simple stuff if you put your treads on an easy to press key like space, tab, caps lock, whatever you want.

                      15 last hits at 8 minutes is terrible. Stacking neutrals is even better if you suck at last hitting, because you literally can't miss them. By trading lane last hits for stacking neutrals, you gain more XP as a result, but slightly less gold, but if you were going to miss the lane creeps anyways, then you're earning gold by stacking.

                      • Wasting the 8 min regen rune. You could've used it to farm a creep wave before you restored yourself to full mana. Literally free gold.

                      • Common mistakes for noobs is to think that they have to gank. A kill will give you about 250 gold, and in return, you'll miss about 2 creep waves of gold, which is 350 gold. You're better off farming and only showing up to kills that are going to happen. Luckily you did kill the Pudge bottom, but if not, then you woul'dve wasted all that time walking from mid to bottom, when it's just better to keep farming, and then teleport in to assist in kills. After the kill, you didn't farm the creep wave bottom, when there were no teammates in your lane. That's wasted gold right there.

                      • You head mid and combo the Legion Commander for nothing. Literally nothing. You waste your mana, she doesn't die, and you miss last hits, so although you get a double kill mid for a 3-0-1 score, you're not even breaking 300 GPM. People who use their time efficiently can net at ~500 GPM in the early game with little to no kill contribution.

                      Despite your score looking good, it's just because your enemies were retarded and kept getting picked off, or grouped up for your team's AOE spells. Had it not been for your teammates helping out, you wouldn't have got nearly as many of those kills that you got. You didn't win your lane, nor did you help your teammates win their lanes either.

                      Fast forwarded alot of it, got to about 25 minutes in. A score of 14-3-6, 25 minutes in is good. Having a score of 14-3-6 and only having 410 GPM is just terrible though. You basically played less badly than your opponents did, hence why you won.


                      Watch this video of Merlini getting 800 GPM on a Tiny. It's a bit different since he has Tranquil + Soul Ring, since Tranquils were different back in 6.78, but you can do a similar thing with bottle as radiant mid, or Soul Ring + Treads in the safe lane. It shows how you can use your time effectively, and doesn't only apply to the safe lane. He gets a 14 minute Aghs with only 1 kill, although probably still would've got it at the same time without one kill to his name.

                      mr dee

                        Didn't watch the replay but could have better item choices i feel, Butterfly instead of heart (they dont even have MKB, am not a big fan of raw HP), Lifesteal would be really nice against their hero. You'd prolly noticed this too but yeah, stacking AC is not so effective. Rhasta have 2 Hex anyway. I think ur Hex is kind of redundant, not awful anyway, as everything is pretty subjective, so.


                          Thank you guys, really helpful, will watch Merlini when i get the chance.