General Discussion


FUCKING MM SUCKS THIS WEEK in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Can't win a fucking game without trying hard to death. Fucking look at all this shit.

    Support, offlane, carry. DOESN'T MATTER. CAN'T WIN A FUCKING GAME. AND YES I'M MAD.


      elo hell?


        bad day sam bad day


          Yes, same for me.


            bad games indeed, but if you noticed you weren't solo mid in all 4 of these games so it's not shocking to me of the loss

            most competent players should solo mid in pubs -> shut down mid -> proceed to help other lanes so they get + gold and + xp instead of dying and - xp = all lanes won = easy game

            not soloing mid = mid gets crushed (presumably) -> opposing mid having 2-3lvl adv, helps other lanes, you on the other side, perfect cs safe lane, gets shut down = farm freezes = lose


              I'm in same boat! Lost 6 of 6 games this week because of stupid picks / people randoming. In 5 of these games the carry had free farm for first 10 min while the enemy offlaner was hugging tower, how could I lose so many times in a row?


                This week I've played 22 games and lost 15 of them -.- long way back up to 50% for me


                  u just need to play heros that have strong impact in team fights in pubs, sd nyx bb just won't cut it, doesn't matter if you're dendi or not, you can be supporting perfecting while your carry can't cs, mid fails, etc


                    ^Heroes like what? Any hero can have impact if played properly, in the right lineup.


                      BTW can someone confirm low priority still works?


                        thats not true, let me give you an example, so if you play supports such as cm/sd/bane, you can be supporting near perfectly, creating space for your carries, warning them about ganks. But if they have no map awareness and don't understand how to farm, after 20-30mins, or as the game progresses longer and longer, your impact on the game is lesser and lesser.

                        However when you play heros that have strong game dominance, such as tinker/potm/storm/qop/ember/phx/furion/sf/etc etc, basically semi-carries, so throughout the early game, you can dominate mid/other lanes, help out other lanes, and STILL have a HUGE impact 20-30 till late game.

                        Don't pick afk farming heros since most of the time when you do win, you probably got carried by your team since ur afk farming most of the game for items. Pick heros that can fight early on, snowball early on, and games will be much easier. Especially in the pub nowadays, after a streak of kills, ppl just give up. It's not even funny, I hear things like "gg we lost" so often when kills are not even the spread, like 10 5 etc


                          You played with Padrinho, W33 and other top players, and still you did the most or second most dmg in your team (even as Shadow demon), while they didnt do much and had way too low impact on the game, especially for highest mmr on the team. Shit happens, but anyway i noticed you guys didnt push a lot. Didnt watch replays of the games, but could that be the case that you all were too passive?


                            I'm not talking about carrying players 1k mmr bellow, I'm sure there are more competent players to play these heroes at my mmr.

                            Fun facts:
                            1) Low priority rules were changed recently;
                            2) If you look at my teams, most of them are on losing streak.

                            I guess I take a break from ranked until report system does it's job...

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                              Wuqing dota boys!!!


                                How many sentries did you buy?


                                  ^Wrong thread?


                                    I cant agree more.

                                    this week, after 4 fucking months I actually reached spot where I began, 4157 mmr ( i dropped so much it is pathetic). So I took things serious, but man... win/loss, win/loss and like that for 6 times, like it is cursed or something. You win easy and loss even easier. Then 4 losses in a row, but all of those losses were HORRIBLE games.. Anyway, in my experience, this 4 loss strike will proced to multiply for 2 or 3 times... And after couple of months I will be again on the same spot. :)


                                      I had issues before I went offline a couple days back, I thought that was possible due to my queuing partners but I didn't seem to do that good so I got fed up and started randoming which made things worse.

                                      Sometimes maybe it is better to take a break then keep going.


                                        I think most of LPQ guys are free... for now.

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                                          Now got "fixed"... just had easiest 2 games of this month. I could guard the fountain and we were still winning.



                                            MM so gud for me


                                              at that mmr i think the most impact comes from offlane... try 5 games in a row


                                                Because for sure I'm better offlane player then most at my mmr, right?

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Can only win with and against bOne7, fuck this MM.


                                                    Sam is winning again ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆


                                                      Bogi is winning again also



                                                        Best Lifestealer build I've seen in a while.
                                                        Except for the Lifestealer on my team who built a BkB and carried the team to victory

                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          don't play when major games going down. Chances are most are watching the game and only noobs are in que during that time. It's like queing in during TI3.. Only russians & peru playing during title matches.

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                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Dude, you know how many tournaments are active right now? Yes, it's over 9000. There won't ever be such a time.

                                                            PICK MORE SH!T PLZ

                                                              What a bs someone posted earlier ... Current meta is : farm 10 min and 5 man -> mid win. Volvo balance is a masterpiece.


                                                                ^Isn't this the unfair bots strat?

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!