General Discussion

General DiscussionAccepting all 1v1 matches

Accepting all 1v1 matches in General Discussion

    Rules: bs vs qop

    im bs

    bet 2 trash rares, if u lose u dont need to give anything

    my region which is sea

    I need to prove my point


      if kabal or sam had balls they would accept.

      especially since im only 2k and they have mmr advantage


        Use this site. Kthxbai.


          its to prove my point

          like imagine if i told you od wins lr mid. and if you lose as od it just means you're shit. and i dont have to explain why.

          GG | dudutsai

            I'll do it when I get home in 5 hours


              because 1 match is such a reliable sample size right?


                that would be 7am for me. but just add me first anyway.


                  oh my god someone needs to srsly knock this 49% WR up that BS does not beat qop mid afk
                  i'd be playing u if i were on ur server, easiest rape of my life


                    jesus i can imagine some 1k mmr noob challenging him and gets raped by his 2k mmr bs and then he goes ape shit and tells everyone GG IM RITE np


                      dude you got drums on fkin qop, godammit, fk dota 2


                        please challenge


                          od wins lr mid? wtf lol joke


                            its called sarcasm

                            Apparently you lack in intelligence as well.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              And you don't have much of it either because this sentence is wrongly established.
                              "like imagine if i told you od wins lr mid. and if you lose as od it just means you're shit."

                              GG | dudutsai

                                I dunno why you're flaming lol. He has a point to prove, and he's putting his rep and rares up for no return. I play use but I'm gonna challenge anyway. You guys should too if you think he's wrong, unless you're too scared to do so?


                                  Sam, thats like telling someone who says "lawl" they their are mentally disabled because they can't speak simple English.

                                  Anyway, please challenge.

                                  And thanks @Elsa.


                                    i added


                                      Well, u play on SEA servers, if u were on Europe I would go for it 100%.

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        I won first to two kills with QoP.

                                        Fed first blood due to greed and not changing tower aggro.

                                        Got first kill by a margin of 7 hp, got second kill by abusing turn mechanics against him.

                                        I think it's down mostly to laning mechanics and BS's ability to last hit. Not particularly skewed either way...

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          Lost to Zenoth, he didn't want the rares.

                                          Score was 2-1
                                          CS was 31-14 to 54-21

                                          All 3 kills were close. Bloody 15hp on both times I died.

                                          Offer is still up. While I won't say BS dominates QoP, its not exactly a QoP dominates BS either. Considering the 1.7k MMR difference, if I was a better player then I believe the score would have been much closer.


                                            So, did u get the 2 "trash rares"?
                                            I hope u were on Europe servers
                                            I have 3k MMR

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              BS in 1v1 is not that great because he needs those random thirst boosts to be effective IMO.


                                                With the better block, an early PMS and Quelling those thirst boosts are not going to be "random". -edit- whoops i read thirst as bloodbath my bad. Anyway Thirst doesn't really do jack for him from a laning perspective, that 5 damage is pretty negligible and you're not going to have more than 1 point in it by level 6.

                                                A good enough BS can keep aggro-ing individual creeps to make it harder for QoP to deny them. Eventually QoP will be forced to push the lane with scream in order to get runes. I stand by my view that I would be more comfortable with BS than QoP in this matchup.

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                  I don't really consider those random thirst boosts to be part of BS winning QoP but I guess they do help and potentially win BS the lane. Its unreliable though.

                                                  I agree with what Zenoth said above. Him winning was mostly due to his ability to control the creep equilibrium. Something I didn't do well. That and me being slow in casting Silence before he shadowstriked me all those times.


                                                    I think Luxon means other players getting low HP so BS can trade hits and last hit better due to Thirst.


                                                      @Androgynous, yeah I get what you mean. I mean its not that reliable of a thing and its not what makes BS a strong laner. Its just an added boost.


                                                        come add me, i have 30 minutes free time before sleep :3


                                                          Sure I'll play. Add me whenever


                                                            i'll play too. add me.

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