General Discussion

General DiscussionTalking mmr some

Talking mmr some in General Discussion

    Hey guys, since you guys are all into mmr and shit, I decided to share it here~


      (If you want me to make a video on smth else lemme know, and I'll take it in consideration!)

      nuvole bianche

        can u carry me to high mmr waga


          I checked video its nice, but Waga plz look this shit Its fucking hilarious I won lane 1v3 as clockwerk and my team loss 3v1 lane vs weaver I did fucking biggest dmg out of 10 players with fucking clockwerk did more than 2x than my carry player. I was 5000 mmr and now I m 4300 cus always 1v9 I play,and i lost all motivation to play those low skilled games any tips?

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            wow, thats actually extremely informative, thanks waga



              Get off his d-piece. He won't add you to flist.

              King of Low Prio

                I wish I was able to put things as nice as waga

                King of Low Prio

                  in be4 waga hate for telling them the truth

                  bum farto

                    If you wouldn't mind when you get the chance I would like to get a video on the laning phase and your views on it.

                    Touching on topics like...

                    >How to effectively play against a trilane as a solo and to maximize on your situation.
                    >How to get the most impact out of a trilane if its solo or if it is against an opposing trilane.
                    >When is it a good time to "move out" of your laning phase. Is it hero dependant?
                    >When should support gank and smoke and what is the best pathing and times to do this?
                    >Warding and support positioning, should they be in front, to the side or next to their laning partner?

                    Obviously some of these things are commonly known and kind of obvious but it is always nice to have insight from someone at a pro level and even if someone only picks up a single new thing from each of these videos it would be worth it for them and help improve their gameplay.

                    Thanks again for making the video and taking the time to answer the odd question on the forum here and there.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                    Quick maffs

                      Nice video

                      King of Low Prio

                        Dorkly plz convince Waga that MM isnt working.

                        Now is your time :D


                          fuck you waga! you're never accepting my friend invites :'(


                            How do you encourage your team to start 5 man pushing towers because it is apparent the the enemy has the late game.

                            How do you get your teammates to stop jungling instead of helping push lanes/team fight.


                              i want a video of you dancing to classical music
                              is that doable?

                              Quick maffs

                                When did i say that MM isnt working ??

                                Whatever ....


                                  Havoc I might do smth like that, good suggestion.


                                    so is my dance request out of the possible videos?

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Thanks waga. All input you give us is much appreciated.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        why r u not on steam melody.....

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          Melody is getting on steam now. >.o


                                            ^heard its not even real melody.

                                            smelly cunt



                                                Surely he'd also have a blue checkmark next to his name.


                                                  zetex, what a player!

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Holy shit that solo queue game against a 5 stack was hard waga

                                                    Just go mid man

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      Hahahaaaa. Damnit -.-


                                                        I agree with almost everything, however I think there is something to be said for the disparity between support players vs core players and their MMR.

                                                        While i don't disagree that the mmr you are at is what you have earned, i think a sad truth of dota is that if you want a higher MMR, supporting isn't a reliable way to get there. Supports make a huge impact, but by their very nature they can not carry a game into the later stages, and a support player is at the mercy of chance far more than a core player. You can support the hell out of a carry, but if that carry can't farm, you are fucked. Conversely, its never good to have a 5 carry team, and having an mmr system that encourages that behavior is unfortunate.

                                                        So, overall this is a great vid and the correct message to send, but there are some details and unfortunate truth's to the mmr system that i don't think are covered here.

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          anledningen till att du har 6.5k+ legit är för att du streamar och har ca 1k+ viewers, hade du vart nån random snubbe så hade du haft feeders, folk från peru som feedar i EU west, folk som inte bryr sig helt enkelt

                                                          så fort folk hamnar med dig i samma lag så tryhardar dom som fan med wards, ganks, smoke, rune control etc
                                                          prova att inte streama en gång så kommer du ångra det lol

                                                          menar inget illa, kanske låter paranoid o lite så så men jag är faktiskt helt hundra på detta och du har säkert lagt märke till detta.
                                                          best of wishes waga may you get that 7k some day

                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                            btw jag kollar alltid på dina streams, har lärt mig skit mycket trots jag är 6k, hoppas du inte tar detta på fel sätt :P

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              I think he understands english......

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                Waga, did you just decide to quote one of my posts when you made this? I feel like I'm preaching this constantly...


                                                                  Need to Summon Sam, There is offlaner feeding !!!!

                                                                  related to topic, overall good video. Always nice having an insight from pro player especially 6,5k bracket.

                                                                  anwy, Whats your opinion about someone who currently just stuck at his mmr like 4,5k bracket or 5k bracket and cant move on because he already think that perhaps he only belong there and cant improve more? Many of my friends stuck at 4,5k bracket and satisfied with it thought I think actually they are better than they think.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    practice, I dont understand why people seem to completely neglect dont get better simply wishing yourself to be better. Keep in mind practicing does not just consist of going through the motions it also involves finding mistakes and correcting those mistakes.


                                                                      Guess I'm meant to be a 5k player forever. Can't go up...............

                                                                      EZ MID 9k mmr


                                                                        Post your chat wheel setup.


                                                                          lolf4g HAHAHAHAHA :D Thank you for making my day man!

                                                                          People arguing that it's EASIER to get high MMR cuz ur streaming, man that's just great :D Dont worry man I dont take it the wrong way, I just find that reasoning hilarious!

                                                                          The ONLY thing streaming does is give enemies a chance to streamcheat aswell as removing my chance to be anonymous (thus having higher chance to sneak high impact in a game)

                                                                          Klasynky for example would not stream his soloQ tryharding, yet he hit 7k and streams his partygames. Or veldt, who changed his name between every single game he played to stay anonymous climbing to #1 position. If I wasnt streaming I would definitely change my name/profilepicture 24/7 and have an easier time. People get more motivated to BEAT a streamer than they get to kiss a streamers ass and play good, believe me :)


                                                                            Nice to see the warm reception of my videos, I guess I will make a thread here whenever I upload something you might enjoy :)

                                                                            Ave my chatwheel has like 3 different versions of "Go!" , relax , wellplayed and i regret my decision.
                                                                            90% of the case I just ping and Well Played :D It gets the job done!
                                                                            "Fight under the tower!" is a favourite tho!


                                                                              The only reason i want higher MMR is to have a better time! nice video! that voidgame tho haha 1.1k something right? ;P STÄRKE


                                                                                MMR doesn't matter to me. Just a number slapped on your profile. But very nice video, and I do agree, just try to have fun even if you're losing. i.e. my last Vengeful game, I can't remember why we were losing, I think it was just picks or confusing lanes but once we got way behind I just kept asking seeker to go gank with me so we could use our ults together for the lols.

                                                                                Affirmative is one of my new favorite chat wheel things. As well as That just happened and Game is hard.

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  Hey Waga,
                                                                                  first of all thanks to be so grounded and taking the effort to share this with us and then even replying to all the questions.

                                                                                  I have a question regarding the fact that, the higher your MMR gets, the worse your allies get. I am currently experiencing that aswell and I was wondering how you cope with it. I played only supports when I started and now I am only playing mid or carries in the games I play (almost 5,5k mmr).
                                                                                  Does it get worse the higher your MMR gets or will it get better at some stage again?


                                                                                    elo hell believers flooding the youtube comments section waga


                                                                                      Panthers, let's play with the idea of someone having an absurd MMR.
                                                                                      10000MMR, rest being as they are-

                                                                                      Your teammates will be ridiculously lower than your opponents. This is what you will experience if you´re close to the top, only in a lighter version.
                                                                                      In light of that, you need to have a (much) bigger positive impact than the average player.

                                                                                      You basically have to play really good, if you want high mmr, is what that leaves u with. Game is hard game is hard...


                                                                                        Yea, some friends of mine had a theory that at 5,8k the games get better again because at peak times there are enough people with 5,5k-6k queueing to fill games but I guess it is a dream then

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                                                            LOL, waga dont take lolf4g aka wavenoob srs, hes just another bare 4k player telling everyone hes 6k mmr.

                                                                                            He even mentioned to you "legit", when in fact the only account he has had over 5k is sandboxie fed and calibration abused :(

                                                                                            very delusional person.

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                                              theres only one person i know who would flame me like that.

                                                                                              im a sub 4k player :'( heres my profile condolences for my autism, i try my best to pick broken heroes


                                                                                                To be fair to wave he is a legit mid 5k player even if I don't like that fella. He even advertises his MMR boosting services as 100% legit and boosts by simply winning normally. While he is an ass I thought to just clear that up.

                                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                                  appreciate the support. i did the sandboxie thing like 15 times because i was a victim in some matches so i thought i'd return the favor to myself


                                                                                                    Seems like you have a good amount of haters then :(

                                                                                                    ask him to let you spectate all of those "legit" boosted games zenoth, might reconsider what you just said ;D

                                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                                      im being flamed by enraged 4k ES picker help