General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Drow Ranger

Support Drow Ranger in General Discussion

    1. 60% slow, 6 second silence, 36% damage aura for ranged, its all great for a support hero!
    2. Drow can already output a decent amount of damage when her ult is up
    3. A carry Drow will just get stunned and die, so why not put her support and then have a better ranged carry like Luna benefit from the damage!

    Sounds good?


      Would be interesting to see in a pro game, though doubt it would happen, since she has no lockdown and needs farm to be effective. She's also squishy as fuck.


        We ran it in a team game, went quite well actually. She also has the 60% slow for lockdown. For the other support make sure they have a stun.

        Dire Wolf

          What does support drow build any differently than carry drow? I don't get the distinction.


            C9 does a semicarry drow with blink MoM for quick jungle farming (Aui took lane to farm Aghs)
            Support drow is... stupid no burst which is crucial for early game

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              drow support in a tf, magnificient.


                maybe it could work. orb walk really hard in lane when ever you are not pulling/stacking. build support items that help you as much as your team drum + force staff maybe. start ganking really hard once you get your frost arrows up to lvl 4.


                  As a 4 or 5 position I don't think Drow would work very well.

                  IMO Drow really only needs levels to have an impact. Items are nice, but she can leverage a level advantage very well because of her ultimate (which is basically a free Butterfly at level 11 in terms of damage). Having her as a support is a waste IMO because she will be underfarmed and underleveled with her only contributions being the silence and slow.

                  I think the best position for her is as a solo safelaner to counter lineups that you know will have a solo offlaner. Like if the other team picks Dark Seer early in their draft. Drow should pretty much get freefarm and runs little risk of dying to Dark Seer thanks to the newly reworked Gust.

                  She could also maybe work solo offlane against really weak trilanes, but that's pretty rare.

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                    well all you said is true, but you forgot one thing

                    you'll need levels to have that 60% slow and insane dmg from ulti lvl11, its not like a support drow will get it soon

                    so by the time you have the slow and the insane dmg, you are already getting 2 hitted by their carriers and your dmg will not be that insane.


                      i dont see it being effective outside of laning. What would she build? Not mek, not pipe, maybe forcestaff and necro? atos?


                        Yeah I was thinking Treads > Force would be the build if you had to play support Drow. I mean she could build Mek too though since she doesn't really have mana issues.

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                          ^she does if you actively use gust. maybe arcane boots would be better if you go mek?


                            Yeah I'd go Arcanes if I went for Mek. After Treads/Arcanes > Mek > Force I guess you just start building carry items?

                            King of Low Prio

                              drow needs levels put her in the mid have a offlaner who can roam/gank and have a hard carry in the safe lane. I dont like her as a position 1 but it can work in certain line ups


                                I did it once. My game impact wasn't that great. The utility of the gust is useful for the silence but it won't really stop them from killing your team. She dies too quickly, thus removing the precision aura, which is her most useful skill, from play. She is useful for pickoffs but not in teamfights.

                                We won that game through a base race (we outputted more damage through the aura)

                                waku waku

                                  does her needing levels mean that you should get midas on her

                                  Miku Plays

                                    suppport TB.. he has 60% slow as well


                                      potentially everything can support, doesnt mean its any good. in this case its not. deal closed. anysupport has more impact that a drow.
                                      squishy shit that wont deal shit and cant protect herself or even add anything exepct one silence entire fight. get real stop argue with such obvious shit. there are a lot of unusually support that are bad but are much better than trax. like gyro for exemple.
                                      he can roam and kill ppl ETC.
                                      what trax can do?
                                      its only good vs timber on laning thats it. but viper would fulfill that role better.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Totally useless. She can't harrass any offlane in a 1v1. Her armor, base damage and animation all suck. No reliable disables or no teamfight initiation.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          @community toxin ♥

                                          every single game you should have midas on drow

                                          she wants

                                          everything midas gives you


                                            she is squishy as fuck... no nukes to harass carries and mostly... she is useless without "carry" items..


                                              @LG3N || DannyBot
                                              1. 60% slow, 6 second silence, 36% damage aura for ranged, its all great for a support hero!"

                                              No one mentioned so far that 36% damage aura is on Vengeaful Spirit, not Drow.

                                              If you know how Drow's aura work, then you have no questions about her items build - it's six Ethereal Blades.

                                              some random trashcan

                                                well she has no stun, very level dependent (level 1 freezing arrows wont do much, same with most of her skills)

                                                very squishy

                                                i would take venge over her all day, way better support throughout the game (unmatchable single target stun at lvl 1)


                                                  i've made it work but its too situational


                                                    First post assumes support drow will get a reasonably timed level 14....which probably won't happen. No stun/nuke.


                                                      how is AA, a popular Pro support significantly better than a drow support?

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