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General DiscussionZephyr in TI4. Pls write why you hate zephyrs or why u like them

Zephyr in TI4. Pls write why you hate zephyrs or why u like them in General Discussion

    I know I am a fanboy of Purgegamers and am proud to be part of purgegamers community.. its just that will people hate purge if they win TI4? Come on... give this guy a break. He worked hard to achieve the level he is on right now. I wish they win as underdogs.. how much of a drama would that create? Go Zephyrs!


      While they may be good in Korea, they wouldn't stand a chance against the good European/Chinese teams.

      Quick maffs

        Personally i like those guys, i mean they dont stand a chance against any team out of korea but still its nice to see they trying at least.


          Yeah I like those big plays of sexy bamboe but I also think that they wont get into TI4


            good to know... :( well i just wish they get into TI4

            casual gamer

              Realistically I don't think they're anywhere close to that level of play. They have said they want to compete in the qualifiers though so we'll see


                ^Well if they get through the qualifiers, then they deserve a spot, but I don't think they should be invited


                  Bamboe was one of my favourite pro players whom i liked to follow throughout an entire game without getting bored, but i highly doubt the team could be more efficient than MUFC was on TI3. (Ok this was a bit pessimistic, maybe they could catch 1 game)


                    ^ that's the spirit!! whoooo!!!

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Purge being in the team doesn't make the team bad. Personally I don't like him at all, but the other 4 players in the team, especially Bamboe, are actually really good players. And they convincingly won 3-0 vs MVP.P the other day and MVP.P is hands out the best team in Korea. But Korean Dota is also the weakest among all regions so that doesn't show much until they join a SEA tournament and do well.

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                        Yeah Purge came out a while back and said the chances of the making the qualifiers even are like 10% or somewhere around there. They are just hoping to get there realistically. They are the best team in Korea by a mile but that says very little, the best team from South Africa are basically playing solely in Europe now to try get more exposure.

                        I dont like the fact that they had to go to Korea to do well. I can understand the $ side of it and thats a valid reason to do what they did. I just feel for them to be taken seriously they need to go back and try crack it against sides like Liquid, EG and Cloud 9 (Liquid easily beatable right now). They might next year and then we will see.

                        Good luck to them though, if they make it I will be behind them. Purge videos helped me alot when I was new so I wish them all the best.

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                        King of Low Prio

                          rofl 10%


                            newcomers usually crfeates haters and lovers, nothing new. just for the blabla it would create i wish they win ti4.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              Zephyr is Tier 4 team. I don't see why they should qualify when any SEA> beats korean teams. I mean they would bearly beat any IXMIKE's league players or NA amateur dota team. Purge even says it himself Koreans suck and they que SEA to play dota in Korea.

                              If Thailand players stop playing HON today and switch over to Dota 2, Zephyr will lose to them. Heck I think any 3rd world country is better than Korea atm. South Africa, Australia, Brazil.. Heck even Peruvian and Russia amateur leagues.

                              Only good player on Zephyr is SexyBamboe cuz he comes from Hon. Their 1 player is pretty good. But seriously Blitz got no style he plays role 1-2 as mid but actually a 4. I mean 4 as in the 4th man running after 1 person in that 4 man gank. As for purge he's still learning Chen for god sakes, he only plays 1-2 role in pubs and QQs. Doesn't even know how to play VS/rhasta or any semi-carry/support 5 player.

                              I wouldn't Trust Purge's words, He's the guy who said if they won that stupid korean cup league, they are easily top 30 dota team in the world. I lul so bad. He talked shit about Demon being a murc in korea and he does the same thing. Talk shiet about BTS casters being new to scene when 99% of them casted way back since 2009 etc... Seriously these korean teams they go against doesn't even have a warcraft 3/dota or HON background.

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                              Oh Shit Waddup

                                ROFL AUSTRALIA 3RD WORLD COUNTRY. this is news to me.

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  I suppose them getting an INVITE is Purey's only way of getting free ride home, lul douchebag.


                                    Arteezy shown so much skill, while riding on Dendi's hook yesterday. Koreans are clearly no match for him.


                                      ^ arteezy had a ping of 300 both games they lost get off your high horse

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Soultrap u make it seem like any rational person believes that rtz does not fuck up badly ALOT. If it wasnt for his random insanely skilled plays he would not be on any team. This is why rtz will never play on a t1 like Alliance because he is so inconsistent and it is better to take a teammate who is like 80% of rtz's top skill level so you dont have to deal with him on his 20% level. (the same can be said for EE) although cloud 9 is a stronger team on the back on sing sing


                                          @ M[A]EHLini

                                          Australia is a 3rd world country? Do you know that one of the most expensive places to live in the world is Sydney? WTF man get your princess kenny gross photo and dumb comments outta here. I just got more retarded reading that. You just made everyone dumber for having looked at that post.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            I dont understand why would someone say that purge is a asshole, he did so much for the community



                                              as a dota 1 veteran, it is annoying to listen to his item choices and tactics. not always great advice

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Well, i would understand someone getting mad if a worst player than you is trying to teach you something that doesnt work or its really bad, but that its the thing right, he tries to teach NEW PLAYERS how to play the game, his advices are pretty good for any 2k-4k MMR player.

                                                But you know how dota works, i am pretty sure that a lot of -4k players actually think they are better than purge, oh well ....


                                                  I actually like that team, but i dont think they stand chance in qualifiers for Ti4. But its always nice to be surprised, so i'm looking forward seeing that :)

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