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    Quick maffs


      Jay Ashborne




          I knew this about the book but I brought it up one day to my wife and she told me to shut the fuck up.

          So once I ran the house at one point, I ran the finances, we were ahead and had a couple of months in savings. She got upset, took me to counseling where the dyke marriage counselor told me to hand over the checkbook to save my marriage. Now I have owe cash to credit card people and banks.......

          I listened to her and changed jobs even though it was my dream job out of college, and took less money to be at home a few years back. Just so i could be at home. Then what happens? Shes fucking doing her own activities and I get 0 time with the kids which was the plan. Great plan bitch.

          I listened to her when I wanted to wait to get a house and save up some but she had to have one right away before our kid came and thought it was shameful to live in an apartment until we saved up for a down payment. Now the house we bought is worth 20% less than what it was because I bought it before the mortgage crisis and the market tanking.

          She wanted to go to college a second time around "online" (BTW online degrees are a big fucking waste of time/money and requires 0 effort, and will get you 0 increase in pay you're dumb for doing it) just to show my daughters when they grew up they would be inspired to do good. Promised me she would get a better job. 5 years hasn't shown any use of that business degree. Big fucking waste of $20,000.

          Think it's OK to spend $500 per child per birthday and christmas and $200 per easter and every other fucking little bulllshit holiday in between? Not when you're swiping the plastic. No one listens to me!

          "Hey don't go out and eat today make yourself some lunch" "Get my credit card so you can get some gas today" And it's fucking monday? Dude........... thanks lesbian marriage counsellor for such "great" financial and marriage saving advice 6 years ago. The only reason it saved my marriage is because I'm developing a tumor in my brain from me restraining myself about bitching about cash and the lack there of, and piss poor decisions made by my wife. I make NO decisions at home.

          You think this shit is a crock? Think that things would be different if I was making decisions? You mother fucking bet there would be. Believe this, once my kids are 18 I'm bailing ship even though the bible says divorce is a sin i don't really give a shit. I guess I'm not a true christian.

          I mean I could go on and on and fucking on about all the shit financial and personal decisions going on and if it would of went my way I would be better off, moved out of this house by now, happier with my job and life in general.

          You know, I'll tell you this. The bible has some points man.......... In my situation.

          Would it solve all of the worlds problems? No. Was this written by men that wanted to control their women. Probably. Its an old book and I don't tend to believe everything in there because it was written by humans, and they make mistakes, and they have their own intentions to their own end. If it was written by god I would have no problem with some of this stuff in there. Since it is not I have to assume that the people that wrote some of this stuff just didn't have a good grasp or the words describe what the heck was going on.

          Yes I'm a salty bitch bloated and angry 8 years and going strong. I just keep telling myself "my kids will be done with highschool in 13 more years." 13 more years folks then I'm out man. Never going to get married again what a crock of shit.

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            ^report her


              @ KOE

              Yeah well if I could go to a mans battered shelter I would but only Canadians do a mens battered shelter. America does not.


                I think he meant to Valve


                  meh :/ life very much does suck sometimes


                    I don't think valve has any say on putting her in time out and to clean the house and make me a fucking sandwich right the hell now though. She could probably castrate a whole company she is that red headed soulless ginger strong man.

                    On the bright side sex is good that is the only upside.


                      Religion is the cancer of earth. It spreads and kills everything in its path.


                        @ Wink

                        You sure? I don't think my christian youth group trip to the inner city feeding the homeless and hungry and giving them flu shots killed all the homeless people in Kansas City. I'd be bold to say that I helped out people in need.

                        The problem is people use it as a tool for power, and not a tool for helping. The church does a lot of good things man, and people that use it's cover to mask doing bad things as armor of good. Its the people behind it that make it bad or good, not religion man you've got it wrong man.

                        King of Low Prio

                          the real issue here are lesbians, they started feminism as well


                            When religion isnt the excuse for most wars, acts of terrorism, harrassment, or shaming people, i will believe it is a peaceful cause. You dont need religion to be nice to people, but you need it to say that women are on the same level as cattle

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              I grew up in a jewish family, i went to jewish private school, and all i was taught was that everything is gods will, homosexuality is bad, muslims are evil, christians are just jews that are reading the bible wrong, and that if you dont believe in god you will have a shitty time in tje afterlife. But as soon as i ask logical questions, my family and teachers are bouncing off the fucking walls because im straying away from the true path. The big three religions (judaism, christianity, islam) are stupid attempts at controlling the population by keeping them ignorant.

                              As soon as the internet became a thing, religious populations began to decline.


                                @ Sampson

                                I support lesbians getting married. But only when both chicks are hot. None of that "i played softball" big centaur warrunner butt going on gross. "NEEEIGHT"

                                @ Wink

                                Well I'm sorry you see the world that way. You're proving my point that bad people hide behind it as armor, but heres another sad case that happened in Kansas City this weekend:


                                The guy that did it is a 73 year old white sup. member/leader in the community. He uses religion to spread lies and fear, and a crutch to kill innocent people at a church that he thought were jewish folks there. The people he ended up murdering in cold blood were there as a Christian/Jewish passover meeting so he ended up killing Christians instead of jewish people which either way is bad, but didn't serve his grand scheme of evil etc.

                                The bright side to this is that there are donations being sent out to the mother that lost her husband/son over this senseless tragedy.

                                I mean, look I get it theres good and bad in both man. You can't just say "all religion is bad" because it brought those people together. It also tore them apart due to another persons twisted outlook on it. Its peoples views not the religion.

                                Yeah people that have no faith can go either way bad or good too I'm not saying they're bad. Yes the internet has brought a decline in religion as well. I don't deny that but I can't say that we're any better off now with that decline. Things looking up for you now that people don't believe? Is it really any better out there?

                                And for all you guys that really don't believe, I mean come on. It's just a freak accident that we're all here on earth, there is no living planet anywhere close to us or for that fact maybe out in the universe? (As far as we can tell)

                                You think that the world spins on its axis and rotates around the sun and we have seasons for growing food and having shelter for people is a freak accident? I again........ do not believe everything that the bible says because again its written by people that make mistakes, or that have their own purpose but I just don't believe everything in life is a big freaking mistake, and everyone on earth has no purpose, no reasons to be around and no need for a moral compass. Most ridiculous thing I've heard.

                                And the damnest thing of all out of Atheists, I hear them shit on the bible all day. If you are ANTI-Religious then do like the bible said about women and shut the fuck up. I thought the whole point of being atheist was to not believe in religion but the damnest thing of all these guys spout their beliefs like its a religion. I've seen billboards about what being an atheist is all about and books about it. For a non-prophet (pun intended) organization, why do they need to commercialize and profit off of a no-god mentality? Sounds like a religion to me.

                       Gimmie a break........ quit making money off of people and talking shit on people if you do not want to believe what a crock of shit.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  for me personally I believe there is some kind of 'god' if you will but I believe the bible is a lie created by man


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