General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do we NYX Assassin in team games!?

When do we NYX Assassin in team games!? in General Discussion
Red John

    In team games NYX is taken in so many competetive games. In what kind of scenarios is he needed? I don't understand.


      Usually when the team have dual core, so nyx assasin can create space for the dual core. But I usually draft nyx when the enemy have batrider, od, and some other aoe hero.


        nyx is generally picked up for offlane/support in pro games.

        He is more commonly played as a gnker in pub games.

        Simply put, the stun is not the easiest to land, and he generally requires team work, unless he goes solo dagon hunter build. pro teams use him differently than in pubs.


          aggressive support or offlaner with nukes and stuns. he is almost always viable, thats why he is often picked.


            anyone who can be picked off within his vendetta/stun/burn/dagon combo....

            special mentions to OD/silencer/pugna


              What people don't usually realize is that he has 4s. cd nuke late-game that HITS HARD... He is a decent pick in almost every situation IMO, unless enemy team are playing fatties.

              Dealing 800+ dmg to enemy Invoker late-game with a 4s cooldown won me more games than I care to admit.


                He is a good counter to many heroes and has awsome synergy potentional


                  Kawaii, looks like its cost you more Invoker games than you'd care to admit too :P

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