General Discussion

General DiscussionGlitch or just rare?

Glitch or just rare? in General Discussion

    I have a Jadehoof that has a socket for an Ethereal gem.

    I was wondering if it would add to the current animations or do nothing at all.

    I did some research for "Unusual" Jadehoofs or ones with the certain socketing like mine, but found none.

    I already added a tracking gem to the socket, but I will just add the eternal one over if it actually works.

    When using an Artificer's Hammer it won't let me use it on the jadehoof because it is considered Unusual.

    Any ideas?



    Showing the socket on the assists, zoom in though ^

    Ce sujet a été édité

      People keep telling me it wouldn't work if I clicked the final accept to socket it and it worked.

      So I guess it is glitched or super rare ;)




          no one cares


            Just asking for any possible info on it.


              edit: nvm, I'm stupid

              Ce commentaire a été édité


                Unusual couriers are 1-2% of their basic counterpart, so maybe they did this with Jadehoofs?


                  think its glitched

                  from a bit of googling I found out that jadehoof has 2 particle effects, but the effects are not from an ethereal gem

                  so the courier is kind of unusual


                    When I tried to remove the kill assist gem that was in the slot the Ethereal Gem is now in, it said the Artificer's Hammer would not work on Unusual couriers.
                    I put a socket in another Jadehoof I had that didn't have any sockets and added a kill assist gem to replicate the same situation, but this Jadehoof is able to remove the gem with the Artificer's Hammer.

                    So one is Unusual and the other is not...?


                      are they both genuine?


                        Yeah they are.





                          Ribeirão!  ҉҈҉҈҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈:

                            and did it work in the end? Did it add any extra effects?


                              Supposedly it was a glitch that happen sometimes with used assist gems.
                              I made a thread on the dota dev forums and they reverted it to how it was before.

                              Nothing extra was added to the Jadehoof with it socketed.


                                photoshop o.O?