General Discussion

General DiscussionDid MMR unleashed my true capabality as a DotA player?

Did MMR unleashed my true capabality as a DotA player? in General Discussion
Anthem Blue Cross


    Just recently, I noticed that rank matchmaking can now be filtered, and to my surprise @_@.. Crystal maiden is my best pick. Can these figures can be the reflection of my true potential as a player? If so, maybe I need to study other support heroes.

    Note :
    calibration rank : 2.8k
    now : 4001
    peak : 4102


      What's been going on is you realize you are doodoo and not worthy to play carry. So you now play bitch baby support.

      Quick maffs

        Why cant i win with cm boys ....

        I just feed

        Anthem Blue Cross


          how about your sniper and LC? lol


            Gj man! A 1200 MMR increase from where you were is quite impressive.

            Anthem Blue Cross


              yah, but I did it mostly playing support.. Is that a good thing? as long as you're winning? It's like I'm trying to abuse a certain broken slark or OP TB.

              Oh Shit Waddup

                No lol it means you're doing something right.ost people only trust themselves as mid or carry if they want to increase their MMR. To do it as a support shows you can adapt and have good map awareness and positioning and shit. I try playing support in pubs but I can only do well when the team has my kind of play style I can't adapt to team mates


                  This filtering option is OP, RIOT fix it.

                  My ranked Medusa has 4.8 kda, WTF?


                    What about my sniper/LC? A lot of the times I lose with Sniper it's from my teammates giving up or abandoning me out of spite. What I mean is if you pick a "regular" carry, you will usually get some regular support to help you. If you pick Sniper, you will have everyone in the entire game be jungling/mid/long lane. They just don't care about you. And you combine this abandonment with these players not TPing for some reason. A typical gank on Sniper in this setting lasts around 15 second running around trees as only 2 heroes are being extremely over-extended. In other words, I'd live and they'd die at the cost of 135 gold TP. It's really not my fault.

                    Pretty much any hero in the entire game that doesn't have blink or something similar or a defensive CC would die in that scenario if teammates treated them as they treat Sniper.

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                      its okay vandal. I know that you aren't complete trash. You aren't too bad at carry.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        My ranked DP has 5,7 kda, so what. It's still just public matchmaking :D

                        Anthem Blue Cross

                          so there is a possibility that MMR can be abuse.. even if u have a very low KDA on most heroes.. what matters is you win and nothing else. Playing 1 hero can make your MMR go high, but still that's not fun anymore.

                          I always protect sniper even if it cost me wards, life, salve and tangos.. but still even if you have a balance game, sniper is pretty hard on MMR.



                            No, sniper is easy. Just 1 ward and 20 minutes of farm = gg


                              not bad

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                pretty good, I wish I could do that.


                                  WTG Midorima!


                                    I was kind of impressed by some of my results too, (and depressed)

                                    I couldn't believe I had an 81% WR on Centaur on ranked match, and only a 58% win rate with Dazzle on ranked match.

                                    Gives me a better idea of right now what to play (NO SVEN FOR ME :O) and was impressed that I didn't just do support/initiator and had some good games with semi/full carry.

                                    Sorry just really love the #'s and stats thanks again.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!