General Discussion

General DiscussionNow that MMR is shown at the end of the match

Now that MMR is shown at the end of the match in General Discussion

    Do you care? Do you think it really tells you anything?

    Would you excuse someone's poor play if they had higher MMR?

    Would you ever invalidate someone's game-play, due to them having lower MMR?

    Would you give credit to whoever you saw contribute the most, or just go according to MMR?


      It tells me that there's something wrong with the MMR assignments. I see 3800s playing better than 4400s all the time.


        Yeah there's some questionable things up there...

        like earth shaker trying to stun serpent wards..........


          I only payed attention to the MMRs in my last game. Seemed pretty accurate on my team, the opponent's I didn't see. Still, it was only one game, I need to play some more for a better opinion.

          Edit: The highest MMR in my team was the Invoker player, though he seemed to be one of the brand new (and hated) QWinvokers, so his may or may not be a bit inflated.

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            lose to mmr lower than you...
            "lol 4k trash, get on my level"

            beat mmr higher than you...
            "LOL 5.6k how are you this bad?"

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              Now I can make the difference between thrower and bad player. No need to waste reports on players that are 1k mmr below the rest of the team.

              Edit: and btw, the difference between 3.5k mmr and 2.5k mmr is huuuge! So far I guessed all 3 of them easily (got 3 in 5 matches).

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                All I see with this visible ranks stuff is how terrible MM is.


                  I just get depressed when i see retards(aka pudge and brood pickers + peruvians) have the same mmr as me


                    I always think when the people suck during the game their brain is damaged but in the end I just saw their lower MMR and that explained it to me.


                      I screened every ranked game I played so far since that patch and there is a huge analogy between the braindead players in my team and the low mmrs.

                      Ples Mercy

                        everytime they are in a party the mmr difference is like 700-1,2k

                        Dire Wolf

                          Well I think it's interesting that in my solo matches the spread is always very little, usually only 100 pts between best and worst on both teams. Also I got in a match with the same guy twice in a row. First match we all played awful but he made a really dumb last pick, centuar warlord here after I already picked slardar to counter riki, and we flamed him a little. Next match though he goes clinkz solo safe lane and dominates. I think seeing people's mmr is really showing how easy it is to have a bad game in dota or get a slight advantage and snowball. While the final scores often look very lopsided, very tiny when isolated early outcomes can make the game change significantly.


                          Also in party grouping, last game I had two TBD players on the opposing team (wtf?) and their whole team was godawful so that was weird.


                            it should always be visible so it can be used when you flame your teammates imo


                              It also seems like a lot of 4k players have too many 2.8-2.9k friends.

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                              Low Expectations

                                ^+ At 3.5k mmr its unplayable with people at 2,7k srsly I didnt know the skillgap was so huge, played a game with a clockwerk that didntt hit a single hook all game.

                                King of Low Prio


                                  I play with melody because I am too shitty for my own MM


                                    I'm actually surprised to see people with higher mmr play like shit and oposite. I was shocked yesterday, when a 2.9k mmr guy with earthshaker and balls of steel (i have 3.5k mmr on this account) ALONE rampaged my whole team including me and got 5 levels out of one fight. Havent seen such good plays playing with my friends who are above 4k mmr.