General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst game of my life

Worst game of my life in General Discussion

    it was like playing 1k mmr like rly wtf did i just play?


      i'm assume that's the worst part is mirana mid and feed right?


        mirana and morph and bb i was like wtf
        worst of all i got mirana again going mirana again 0-2 min 1 :D!
        then my ogre now is taking my cs and making me stop wp'ing the mirana so fuck the game! im feeding courier and drow freefarm items +life

        edit... i mean... i was rly shocked and wtf playing it

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          Times like this are when you should stop playing dota and vent by playing your favorite shooter/zombie game until you think the pest has gone.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Today is like the worst day to play dota


              did i mention mirana didnt skill ulti? not even by the time we lost that game...
              @sam yeah... there has to be smth happening cause :@@@@@@@ i played with this =) russian private profile earlier (like 6 am+-2 hours) and he was the same....! 4k and 5k players playing like 2k's and i mean it cause it rly seemed like they were trying...

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                singsing style duh !!!! lucky for you that he don't buy mom and deny rune


                  ^^^ Mirana and BB again...suspicious. Is this the after effect of St. Patrick's day?

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                    ahhaha it wasnt the same mirana :D!
                    anyways... they still deserved to lose...who the fuck does that ogre think he is? making me stop spamming wp to a 0-2 by minute 1 offlane mirana with drow damage boost? forcing me by taking my last hits?? ez loss imo :)

                    King of Low Prio

                      but guys EU has such a high level of gameplay how is this possible?


                        Everyone's drunk in Europe from too much St. Patrick's day booze.

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                          because spamming wp definitely helps, I think it's your attitude that deserved to lose.......


                            Worst game of your life:
                            you were playing like 1k mmr wtf really?




                              :DDDD??? <3


                                if only teamchat was saved and public....


                                  w a k h t Benao i.

                                  inb4 winks appears. Hi, Wink.


                                    these baconbacks are terrible...


                                      Feed courier really help to get the win. WP benao.

                                      Low Expectations

                                        Worst game of your life:

                                        4 man russian stack flames me for losing the game, no wards, no sentries NP got Aghanims (later sold it, just before end of the game)
                                        srsly impossible to climb mmr every second game a ruski stack


                                          Major league gaming 4 stack , riki 35 cs @ 40 min in game + no diffusal, venge rage dc. I mean, I could've done better but still...


                                          Was a fun game though. :)


                                            mom basher is legit build on riki imo


                                              Ethereal Dagon is legit build on riki imo


                                                Lately the higher my mmr goes the shittier game becomes.


                                                  u make a thread when mira goes 4-10 and they all get non retarded items


                                                  he tped level 1 mid gave them wards then proceed to tp mid for 20 minutes dropping wards to enemy team, buybacking to feed faster and buying tp scrolls

                                                  $l@v3 2 th3 M@g1© nUmb3r

                                                    Worse than mine? Always 1 v 5 handicap game
                                                    THIS SF FUCKING 4.4K MMR STILL NOOB LIKE SHIT.