General Discussion

General DiscussionBest ember spirit player?

Best ember spirit player? in General Discussion
Red John

    Who is the best ember spirit player?




        I m , why you askin


          SingSing is one of the best for sure, not sure who's the best.


            Whats his mmr? Nice winrate, he abuses broken heroes a lot, but still.

            bum farto

              #splitpersonalityvrok #djlyfe #godlyfe

              King of Low Prio

                vrok is a known exploiter and I would not doubt that every single person on his friends list exploits too.


                  Lucky bird.
                  Luckily my friend is so nice he gave me print of his dotaprofile


                    TC is the best pub ember, and many players based their build on his initially itemization decisions when the hero was put into dota 2. Of course the hero was around in dota 1, but TCs style of Ember spirit has had the greatest impact on professional play that I am aware of.
                    I'm not going to check each player on this list to see which ones are smurfing or stomping in low priority or queuing with really low ranked players etc.
                    Realistically speaking.... TC, Singsing, Beesa, and a few other pros are probably "the best"

                    @ Luckybird if you are not aware, VROKSNAK and Godcomplex are the same person. He doesn't make an effort to hide the fact. Vroksnak seems content to stomp somewhat rigged games (the casual and lazy 'half abuser' kinda thing that no one really has a problem with) and act as the occasionally ringer in amateur tournaments, which he generally wins with little effort. A classic example of a top tier player that is not 'progressing' as a player in dota, sorta falls into a rut, and rarely looks for the opportunity to be challenged.

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                    King of Low Prio

                      top tier? have you actually seen him play? If it wasnt for all his exploiting his MM would not have been over 4.5k


                        I wonder why vorshnak and god complez isn't on that list. Thats weird.

                        King of Low Prio

                          he was banned from the list for exploiting along with alot of his friends


                            Ah makes sense. Not banned from posting on the forums still i guess lol.


                              Yes i have seen him play. He is def better than the average 4.5k player imo.

                              Have you actually seen him play in a tournament match Sampson?


                                YEAH cuz if u get couple wins in pubs while stacking in us servers that makes u best

                                lol k

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Why would I watch a tournament that even soultrap could enter?


                                    yea, talk trash about Liquid.TC being bad and a stacker. You never stack of course.

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                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      I guess that ^ is a ^^ right?

                                      kalz | 永遠の領主

                                        ^@concede, I think Sampson means Vrok is bad and not TC


                                          @sam and Kalz
                                          Yes, i was responding to Vaikiss. Edited for clarity.

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                                            yeah they should absolutely delete the US servers and just leave eu W according to vaikiss.

                                            kalz | 永遠の領主

                                              Lol why are USE servers supposed to be easy? Lotsa good players play on USE in the >5k bracket. If any server lacks quality players in the above 5k bracket I'd say the SEA and Australia servers. USE and EUW have the best players from the 5k-6k bracket.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Actually no. Everytime I see Arteezy stream his queues last 6 minutes because there aren't enough 5k+ players in US or something. Haven't you seen that picture where he got matched with 3.9k people?


                                                  fuck off


                                                    6 minute queue is fine.. I've seen merlini sit in queue for 35 minutes lol

                                                    Also, wont the game just force you onto a neighboring region server eventually? It is a preference not a lock as far as I am aware.


                                                      SEA is too full of tryhards. Most players I meet are either 6k+ or under 5k for some strange reason. Even the competitive players are stuck in a rut and can't progress past 6k without mass spamming the likes of TB.


                                                        @ Concede.

                                                        It is a lock, not a preference due to lag issues going to different region servers.

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          No it's a lock I guess. Because the game can't force you to another server where you may possibly lag.


                                                            Thanks for clarify. Language is preference though correct. I can't check atm but I recall both options being referred to as "preferences"


                                                              sing sucks, beesa is decent


                                                                Yes language is a preference. Hence peru and mexico/brazil invading us servers at times. Seems to diminish with CM and CD. ALL PICK is garbage for the "language preference" toilet.


                                                                  I mentioned sing's ember because he has a somewhat different style/aproach to playing the hero as opposed to most other pro players I have seen use him. I kinda agree with you, but it appeared OP wanted examples of people to learn from.


                                                                    Jup also vroks ember is fucking horrible dont watch it. I photoshopped that screen for vrok, its a fake, his real mmr is 8550. He asked me to swap the 8 with the 5 so people stop calling him abuser

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                    kalz | 永遠の領主

                                                                      I meant the quality of 5k players, not the quantity. My friend has 4.9k and he plays exclusively in SEA and he's pretty bad. 5k+ players in the USE and EUW servers are pretty good.


                                                                        I think you guys are forgetting the time of day played on here on those servers also. People living in EU, then playing on a US E or US W server when its past midnight there may have high ranked people but are dog poo since they are typically drunk or tired at that time.

                                                                        Probably same goes for any server out there. The 12:00PM people may have the same MMR as the 12:00AM player but are probably not = in skill.


                                                                          Decent point Mr Caveman. That's probably why Us East feels so easy.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Yea there are less exploiters and tryhards in US when led to the players not having such high MM but the overall skill level is similar to EU. Not saying that US is better than EU but because of those reasons you will see alot of 5k+ EU players that would have been 4k~ had they not gone extreme tryhard thinking they would be going pro or just flat out exploited like crazy


                                                                              watch envys stream

                                                                              when he plays europe servers he always gets stomped there

                                                                              when he plays in us servers he has easiest games of his life

                                                                              not to mention that he gets matched with 1k++ mmr lower players in us servers

                                                                              8~ months ago when i was living in other place i had pretty good interwebs whenever i wanted free wins and easy games i always qued to us servers


                                                                                So if you're in europe you automatically get matched with 1k++mmr lower players? That doesn't make sense. That is something to mention. I guess the other mention needed was his mmr......

                                                                                I played with a few EU people 3k/4k players and don't seem to see a huge difference in skill but that was only a handful of days I got to do that and wasn't like a week, a month I was playing on EU west. Granted the guy i teamed up with had a 60% invoker win rate so that may of helped...


                                                                                  i didnt try my luck on US servers yet, but SUNSfan (dotacinema) had the exact same overall game number as me when he completed the qualification 10 games and started playing ranked - with the same rank as mine. Yet he plays from Arizona (US) and according to the matches i watched him streaming, he had normal teammates with this 4,5k while i get useless newbs.
                                                                                  I had a teammate this weekend, who went on hardlane with bristle and didnt skill his passive until lvl4. Needless to say he died a few times...
                                                                                  Or a guy, who farmed with sniper and bought 5 wrath bands (we lost everything when he started buying some real items).


                                                                                    well this thread is going places..



                                                                                      my friend is a pretty good ember

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        I love how the same people bitching and moaning about how much their teammates are horrible are the EXACT same people saying EU is #1. If EU was really as good as you say it is you would not have be here saying your teammates suck. You can not have it both ways since both your opponents and teammates come from the same pool


                                                                                          My friend is currently living in Germany, only playing solo queue and he's maintaining his high winrate... so...


                                                                                            fear spams it a lot in pubs...but i dont like it