General Discussion

General DiscussionSometimes, tinker is imposible

Sometimes, tinker is imposible in General Discussion

    let me summon sano


    King of Low Prio

      luna players are mexican wetbacks

      Quick maffs

        This is your fault satellizer, you didnt want to play with me :(



        King of Low Prio

          save yourself the pain of his clockwerk


            fucking space creator

            we lost because of melody drow


              bad hero

              Quick maffs

                I am not good enough with the hero to actually make a game impact so big like i do with OD necro or templar.

                Fucking hero is too hard

                King of Low Prio

                  i dont lose with drow, I even bought a whole drow set so 80% winrate inc


                    if you have the time watch game ID 556082415, nice gameplay and epic game maybe you can learn from it

                    Quick maffs

                      Thanks sano, it might help

                      King of Low Prio

                        is that me on drow?


                          It's obviously about Avy's Tree.

                          Sup m8

                            I feel you dude


                              tinker so easy to counter, it's called nuke

                              Sup m8

                                and pretty much everything else in the game...


                                  selling soul ring instead of bottle is just lol


                                    ^ yeah I didn't notice that. Soul Ring is extremely important until late game, sell it only if you're gonna replace it with a big item (usually 6th item is Bloodstone, can be Linkens as well)

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      i know dat feeling dorkly


                                        omg? real icefrog??


                                          Yeah, cuz Icefrog has a 48% winrate

                                          also, do you know what order he got the items? Was it dagon first or hex first?

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                          Quick maffs

                                            Oh god i always thought bottle was more important, so bad ....

                                            Wish real icefrog was a tinker player, so he could buff it to make it OP

                                            Some games i get hex first some games i get dagon, in this one i got dagon because, believe me, we didnt had damage to kill shit.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              Don't carry Bottle with you, keep it in base to regen quicker in fountain.

                                              If you Rearm 5 times, that means you activate Soul Ring 5 times. That's an extra 750 mana pool it's given you, compared to Sheepstick which gives 430something I think, and Bottle which gives 210.


                                                You also never deviate from the same late game item build, Sheep, E-blade and Dagon. In one game you're against a Pugna, Radiance + Manta Spectre, and an Earthshaker. That's definite reason to go BKB. You'll need to block the blink initiation from Earthshaker, the Nether Ward damage from Pugna, and the pure damage from Desolate as well as magic damage from Radiance.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  I mean i do get other build sometimes ( aghs or shivas or forcestaff ) but i never bought bkb with tinker, but you are right that game i needed bkb


                                                    Busy buffing tinker spells DND

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Please give him 4 strenght gain, make rockets hit the same target if there is only 1 in range and make his ulti cost no mana at lvl 3.



                                                        It'd be cool if Aghs lowered the channeling time of teleports.


                                                          Heat-seaking missiles is such an stupid spell. I mean, it hits Crystal Maiden (cold chick), Lich (a dude in permafrost) and worst of all Ancient Apparition (a living chunk of ice). It should just ignore them and instead both hit that bitch Lina, that prick Ember Spirit and the asshole Phoenix.


                                                            Yeah and it should hit people you don't have vision as well since it's heat-seeking

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Can someone give me a insight of this game ?


                                                              Rushed hex, i think my hex timing wasnt that bad but it didnt do enough i guess.

                                                              btw sano how did you get used to use so many hotkeys ? by experience ?

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                shit happens man


                                                                  Experience, but it's hard and sometimes misclicks happen (for example, when I sell my bottle and put a Shivas on its place, I always misclick the shivas at least 1 time before getting used to it) but that's not a problem since you can ream. Only problem is misclicking bkb.

                                                                  What was your hex timing? It seems it was bad. Usually you want it under 30 min. 23 min or less = very good, 25 min = good, 28 min ~ decent. By 35-40 min you should already have hex and another big item.



                                                                    meanwhile tinker on my team dies 4 times doing level 1 ancients

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      I think it was 28 min, i am not sure maybe a little bit early, but after hex the game was too one-sided already.

                                                                      It even posible to get hex before 23 min ? Again, i dont know why but my gpm with tinker is never as high as it should be.


                                                                        You had Hex and Dagon and still only had level 2 Rearm by level 23. Keep a skillpoint spare when you're above level 11 so you can choose between level 1 and level 2 Rearm (saving mana for pushing, or needing to use the mana in fights), or level 2 and level 3 Rearm (when you're nearing sheepstick but you don't want level 3 Rearm without it).

                                                                        Against their enemy team, maybe a Eul's or Force Staff could've helped instead of Dagon 3 (2.5k gold more than Dagon 1). Eul's can block X Marks the Spot, purge off Open Wounds, block stuns, and Force can reposition you if you do get caught off guard. Living to perform 3 Rearm cycles is better than dying and only doing 2, even if your Dagon does do slightly more damage.

                                                                        Although I've not played Tinker in a while, and I stopped playing him semi-regularly long before, so I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be (not that I was amazing to begin with), so what I say may not be correct.


                                                                          It's possible Dorkly actually if I'm not mistaken Arteezy got a 22 min hex vs c9 in the monster invitational finals, and he wasn't even stomping his lane (he actually died 1 or 2 times iirc)
                                                                          And yeah if you're getting hex you need your ult lv3 or you wont be able to permahex anyone


                                                                            with level 2 rearm you have 3.5s hex duration and 2s channeling rearm, so your time to cast all your shit is 1.5 seconds. probably means you won't be able to cast laser.

                                                                            with level 3 rearm you have 2.5 seconds to cast all your stuff, whichs a 66% increase over 1.5, so it's much more forgiving.


                                                                              ^But you're short another 100 mana per rearm


                                                                                true, but you're trading mana for kills. spend 300 more mana to guarantee a kill is worth it. better that than risk not getting it.


                                                                                  Yeah but you should only max your ulti after you have at least 2 big mana items. Hex + bloodstone/ethereal/dagon FIVE/etc


                                                                                    except it's not worth it with hex

                                                                                    "But you're short another 100 mana per rearm"

                                                                                    yeah but you don't really need 5 hexes at 30 min... you need many hexes in the ultra late, but 2 or 3 are more than enough to win a teambattle in this stage

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                      Tinker was best in dota 1 days. Where he could refresh midas. Do manta/diffusal BoT pushes. Nowadays he's nothing without sheepstick.

                                                                                      Sup m8

                                                                                        Nah Dagon+ethereal is still kindaaaaa good


                                                                                          tinker is the only hero i can play, suck at everything else, all hail tinka
                                                                                          broke my 12 game losing streak x_x

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Oh god that its sad

                                                                                            Sup m8

                                                                                              It's sad. I've put so many games into tinker and still suck


                                                                                                I wonder how long it took to nerf Midas from being able to be Rearmed.


                                                                                                  Since nobody has posted this yet...


                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!