General Discussion

General Discussionwhats the fastest way to gain level 13

whats the fastest way to gain level 13 in General Discussion



      5-stack @400% Battle Bonus


        add me if you want lvl 13 accounts

        Harry hamburgerryg

          how much u charging for lvl 13 accounts?. And i mean accounts without any calibration games done on it. No reason ti buy a 5k account, if i don't belong in that mmr.

          King of Low Prio

            calibration has little effect on your MM


              calibration has huge effect on your mm, if your incertainity is big (aka almost no game on your account -like going level 13 with only bot game-)


                5 stack with battle bonus. Play TMM or Coop bot. I wonder how long you can keep a coop bot game going without someone winning.


                  olki/jet shark is selling them for 10 keys/25 bucks

                  he sold like 40 already


                    djgandy u can haev it like forever if u play vs pasive bots cuz they dont push u just get radiance and afk in lane under their tower


             (russian trader leveling waves account)

                      9 hour tmm match

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!