General Discussion

General DiscussionWere my item choices bad?

Were my item choices bad? in General Discussion

    This is a game that I won, but it took forever to win and only through rat dota. I have a feeling that it could've been won sooner if I my items were more optimal. Do you think there were other items that I could've / should've gotten that would've benefitted more?

    I was a safe lane Weaver and I think I ended up getting a 13 minute Linken's through kills and 1 or 2 towers. After I went BKB for Invoker, then Desolator for general damage and Slardar also didn't have AC at the time.

    After that, maybe 40 minutes in, I went for a second 10s BKB, then Crystalis > Daedelus since my damage was lacking against the non-supports, then Boots of Travel so I could have Aegis and still TP, and then finally Butterfly, though we already had mega creeps by the time I got Butterfly.

    I think my choice of Treads > Linken's > BKB > Deso was the right choice and just your standard reliable way of playing Weaver, but I'm not sure if my choices after that were the best they could've been.

    -Was the fresh BKB needed?
    -Is it wrong to get critical strike as a damage item on Weaver?
    -Is Butterfly better than MKB for damage?
    -When should you sell Linken's (if ever)?
    -If I wanted to take buildings as fast as possible, would AC be a good item or should I just get +damage?

    Ples Mercy

      getting linkens was the wrong part.

      That match u should have went for pt, bkb,deso, mkb

      u would have ended it there, prolly snowballed for a bf if u were lucky and thats about it.


        So when is it worth getting and when is it not?

        King of Low Prio

          when there is a invoker u get BKB

          no question about it

          Oh Shit Waddup

            I agree with
            Blunt, linkins was a bad first item and bad generally cause they had a lot of little shit to bust it with. If you're quick enough with your reactions bkb would have been a lot better earlier. I agree with what blunt said build wise.

            Fresh bkb is always good vs that much magic.
            I normally go butterfly or crit after Mkb of the game goes that long, in general for weaver I would say Mkb is better for damage cause of germinate but butterfly is better for manfighting, especially for passive bash procs in slardar.

            If you wanted to only rat dota then yes ac would've been worth, plus it helps you kill and gives you armor vs slardar a ult, but IMO butterfly > Ac

            Oh Shit Waddup

              Linkins is worth getting when they have few disables and rely more so on kiting andan fighting, being in your face instead of nuking you down and locking you down


                "Linkins is worth getting when they have few disables and rely more so on kiting andan fighting, being in your face instead of nuking you down and locking you down"

                Just so I don't misinterpret this, what you're saying is: Linken's is better vs fewer disables and when you want to kite the enemies rather than just pop BKB and manfight them.

                If I only have BKB and I'm still lacking survivability, what should I get?
                Should you even build extra survivability, or just more damage and hope you kill the enemy before he kills you.

                Oh Shit Waddup

                  Yeah. Tbh most of the time I think Bkb is mostly better than linkins unless you're confident with your reaction times with shukuchi and ult. just think to yourself before you pick which one about how they can kill you. If it's nukes/stuns then bkb. If it's relying on physical damage with minimal stun go linkins and play safer.

                  An alternate build if you want more survivabilty is phase Hotd and skadi into butterfly. Requires you to farm a lot which IMO isn't what you should be doing as weber, he's all about good positioning and getting cheeky kills and being an overall little shit in fights/ split pushing like a mofo. Splitting is such a good way to catch up with a bad start if you have adequate wards


                    Some pro players get a casual bracer in between.

                    But for the most part Weaver doesn't really need tankiness. Most importantly he needs just enough to survive the initial barrage of nukes and time lapse. Unless the opponents have long distance instant silences like Sky or natural Orchid carriers like Storm and Clinkz, you might want to skip Linkens and focus on damage instead.

                    And for the record, Butterfly hits harder than MKB when you don't need the True Strike.


                      He does.. thats why heart of tarrasque is common item on him..

                      I think your item choice is very good,
                      You need to get linken to avoid track and surprise initiation from slardar and also
                      use BKB on teamfight vs invoker and timbersaw.


                        linken sometimes is gay fuck on weaver.. i forgot what hero line up it was but I played against a linkens weaver and we just couldnt kill him. he will timelapse and run the fuck away

                        i quit

                          on the flip side linkens weaver is spending 5k gold on a pure survivability item when there are better alternatives.

                          and he does need tankiness in this scenario @zenoth since if he gets caught out ratting hes gonna die, if they initiate on him hes gonna die.

                          i would have gone treads->drums->bkb->deso->heart, after that its whatever u want, probably a butterfly+mkb would be the best. but the linkens doesnt really stop any of the spells that are actually doing work on you, and it wont stop a blink slardar from initiating on you (and chain stun follow up).


                            You did well, looking at the team composition I can see why it took so long, you didn't really have initiation compared to the other team, breaching their high ground must've been a pain vs timber, slardar and invo. Probably definitely would have lost if you didnt rat it, I mean 1 hour 26 minutes wow. You did well vs their team comp.

                            Item build I would've definitely gone for linkens to stop cm frostbite, invo cold snap, bkb probably would've been better early but I much prefer the stats and regen linkens gives. After linkens, definitely all out damage, crystalys, deso

                            I would've gone mkb, unless you are man-moding vs a slardar. Would've melted the annoying supports.

                            But overall definitely GJ against their team comp, you did what you needed to do.
                            If you need to rat, yo gotta rat.

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