General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me get these two people off the face of Dota 2.

Please help me get these two people off the face of Dota 2. in General Discussion
Pvt. Parts

    In a game of Dota 2 I just played (match ID: 550090096) Dj Turbo Tunnel played as Io. It was a completely normal game. He proceeded to get level 6. Then, only in order to trap my friend into a corner of the map, he used his ulti. He ported to the far left corner of the map. This led to my friend Turtle (Tiny) being stuck there. He and his friend Jaedong (Ogre Magi) then proceeded to feed the courier to the enemy team so my friend could never receive a Teleport scroll. This evidently led to my friend getting an abandon and then I as well as a friend of mine got a party abandon because I was in his party. Please help me ban them from ever playing Dota 2 or something for this was just out of hand.
    If you can, please spread the word as much as possible.


      Stop lying, Jaedong would never do that.

      Pvt. Parts

        It's not the Korean Starcraft player because he called us "nig**rs".



          Pvt. Parts

            Yea these guys were the epitome of assholes.


              Ou this bullshit happen to me aswell but not with these players



                Just look his wr with wisp, i bet he does that every game

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  report function?


                    The KOTL in this game did the same thing to me.

                    Everything is going fine early game until I spot him farming straight for a blink, then I know what's coming.

                    Blinks on to mountain or into trees then relocates me. Destroys any TPs I try to get from courier.

                    These guys are just children who got the idea from a Youtube video they watched. That Wisp though looks like he might be psychotic since he's doing it all the time just to ruin other people's games.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!