General Discussion

General Discussiondo all mmrs.....

do all mmrs..... in General Discussion

    do all mmrs have people who let you purposely die because they are fucking butthurt, or they dotn help in an easy kill or something dumb like that?


      in 4.4k most people know their roles and do the best for their team.. but there allways be the troll guys no doubt


        the trench reaches 7k


          elo heaven is 5k to 5.5k

          at 6k+ you get teammates with 4.5k rating while opposite team is 5k+

          Quick maffs

            I have seen complains from 2k to 6k mmr players

            So no the trench is infinite


              If you're talking about this game Alation:


              Then you had no supports, they had 3. I can almost guarantee off the bat after everyone picks their carry/initiator and no supports are picked I am royally fucked.

              Sometimes you gotta bite the big one and repick. Otherwise stop doing all pick it is the dirtiest whore with biggest collection of turds no matter what mmr you have. To quote the bastion commentator "nobody likes to support, but everyone likes to win" how true is that? You can't secure a shit ton of kills without someone with a disable or getting aura items, healing items.

              From your recent match page you played support twice in 20 games:


              Heres one you won. You're just as guilty of butt fucking the team as everyone else and not sucking it up and re picking a support.

              If you don't like it do captains mode/draft for a more quality game thats more balanced where the captain force picks a support or two.

              Optimal picks are:

              1 Main carry
              1 Semi carry
              1 initiator (tank)
              2 supports

              Anything else is just a trash can game.


                One more thing Alation:

                I'm just as guilty, take my first game last night:


                I called out lycan in the all pick game before the picks start everyone knew, so we had a CM hard support, 2 hard carries, a tank and a semi carry. Other team had 3 supports, a nuker and a hard carry. Guess who secured more kills early on shutting down our all carry (or almost all carry) team early?

                In retrospect, I should of nutted up despite me calling out early that I was choosing lycan and picked it first, and went support/nuker of some sort. It sucks balls repicking because of the gold loss of 125 but I'd rather win a game next time.


                  i just go full retard because im not going to pick a support (Squishier than them) to just feed as much as them.


                    most games i call what im doing way early anyway.


                      Well both of us need to work on repicking is all i'm getting at if all pick is your flavor of the day. All init. hard carries do not win games, and if they do the other team was not playing even close to their full potential. Yeah I have been going full retard but damn dude be flexible, figure out a support you like and try it out you may be impressed of what you can do.

                      Yeah I call "im going lycan" for my trash bracket all the time before I go in. Does everyone go "oh i don't think having 5 carries on a team is a good idea? So retard move + retard move = lost game. Someone has to man up and be that squishy hero to bail out the other bacon on the team. You're playing selfish and so am I that lycan game I showed you.

                      You can't change anything about other people, you have to change yourself.

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