General Discussion

General DiscussionAC on viper

AC on viper in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    How come no one ever builds AC on viper? It seems like it would be perfect on him, more armor for more tanking, more attack speed which scales amazingly with nethertoxin. I understand his poisons won't benefit but they don't benefit from +dmg items or hp like heart either. I'm thinking of trying an AC viper next time unless someone can't point out some seriously flaws in it. Also I don't know how much to trust items stats on heroes pages but AC is like the third highest win rate of serious items only behind butterfly and etheral blade.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      its not really bad... but.... he doesnt need that much armor for tanking he is an agility hero he gets armor naturally at a rather high rate.


        better items exist... mek, pipe, aghs, hex, manta, bfly, mkb, daedalus, etc.


          i dnt think hes saying get it as a first or second item.. i would hope mek would come first

          had a fun game as viper the other night wehre i went mek pipe and had a rubick on my team.. QoP did like nothing to me in fights haha


            2009 (Ex-EHOME captain) likes to go Phase->Bracer->Hood->Drums->Heart->AC->BFly. If you can speak Chinese you should find his guide series on youtube; it's really fantastic.

            Illusions aren't useful for Viper because of low HP in absence of tank items. Mkb/crit are for traditional DPS heroes that rely on BKB.


              I rly don't understand why you would go AC on an agility hero


                For same reason why people buy mek on that agility hero.

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  why not? the only reason why viper doesnt get ac is because there's probably someone else on the team that is better off having ac than viper. Other then that, if you're the only core that is suitable to build into ac, i dont see why you shouldnt

                  Miku Plays

                    AC is alright but i would rather go with Shivas Guard tbh.... that slow attack speed almost like enchantress

                    Miku Plays


                      Mek is a god item on viper just saying....


                        its damn near amazing not just good. dem healz


                          melt the other with your attacks,when you get low "lol.someother time dipshit"


                            Bfly is better.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I build mek often on him, my typical mid build is treads, wraith band/maybe aquila, mek, possiibly shadowblade, aghs, butterfly. Sometimes I skip aghs it just depends on other team. But getting that attack speed off shadowblade is awesome, I feel like I do crap dmg with really low attack speed if ult is down. That's why I was thinking maybe mek then hyperstone -> ac would be a good purchase. Or I guess I could just grab a naked hyperstone, then farm heart or something and turn it into mjolnir or ac later.

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