General Discussion

General DiscussionDotaBuff Guild

DotaBuff Guild in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    u really dont want in the guild its usually just a bunch of losers complaining


      at some times I can agree with that :P

      @grimm @Moriarty @Χιπισσα Χαλαρη
      There's more people that can invite you besides Melody. try adding trench, Satellizer, Safe Base, Concede, Lawliepop, KawaiiSocks, or manveru and see if any of them answer :3


        add me to guild please :3


          add me 2 plz

          King of Low Prio

            We are no longer accepting people to the dotabuff guild

            caesar joestar

              Out of slots or what?

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                Nope, feel free to add me and I can add you to guild.

                King of Low Prio


                  хуй тебе на постном масле

                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    Nani?? =/

                      Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                        add me to this guild... mine is almost full

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          Add me, I can add you to the guild if you like.

                          King of Low Prio

                            .......dont add blackwolf, he is that creepy stalker dude from dota root that went insane and started threatening to ddos everyone



                              Don't start another shitstorm, dotaroot whiteknight. I gave up trying to argue but i I have quite nice TL;DR if needed.

                              also, i am already in this small guild and i hope your ass doesnt get hurt. It's not like i am playing with your 3k mmr account, or something

                              King of Low Prio

                                4k* sorry brah

                                I am no dota root white knight I just know you are a drama queen who has some insane delusions of grandeur. Out of principle I will leave the guild if this guy is a member. It is sad that I actually believe Hael has more sanity than u.....


                                  Your non smurf account black wolf?



                                    like someone already said; you are (maybe it is true...) stupid 'merican that needs to be ignored.. acting like drama queen RIGHT NOW. Making ultimatums.. What a kiddo.

                                    Oh; and heard this Kennedy quote :

                                    "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."?

                                    You are certain to miss the future, bro. I have another known quote but i kinda want to avoid the conflict... Unlike you.

                                    And i highly advice for you to stay quiet and out of logical discussions (your weak point). Save the internet space.

                                    Oh; and in usa servers 4k is like 3.5 in europe so you still look like 3k to me, sorry :(


                                    Sold my
                                    former profile months ago. And at a time there was no toplist or mmr to speak about... And i had clansigns and other nick at a time.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      The person who currently owns that profile has gotten it to a new best which means that it must have been much lower, how did you manage to sell a 2k account?


                                        ??? I can repeat it to you again:

                                        i sold my account with different name and clantag; there were no blackwolf hints. There are 4k blackwolves on steam alone.


                                          Also; at a time of selling it had 200 commends. This one has around 10.

                                          Still; i am flattered at your attempt on stalking me :)

                                          i hope you are not
                                          one of those rage stalkers from root (that i banned in steam), are you?


                                            No please, don't ban me as well I couldn't take the humiliation of a noname blocking me on steam.


                                              I ban people who only rage in steam chat...

                                              Just feels weird that you spent time searching info about me. Thought that you could had been one of them...

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                That wasted 3 seconds it took me typing blackwolf into the toplist site while I was looking at the sites update, all that time i spent is creepy and weird.

                                                Kapitan Timba

                                                  add me please

                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                    Bump. If you need added, just add me, I can add you.


                                                      Melody SAN


                                                      coincidence? I think not!


                                                      melody is sanson... Or is sanson a melody?


                                                        inv mah prease

                                                        joinDOTA | xRome

                                                          Hi WLB.Melody.Dotabuff, added you and an invite would be really nice. Looking forward to chatting with everyone. :)


                                                            give me leader powers already....

                                                            Everyone loves Chibi

                                                              Hey guys, can someone invite me into the guild group pls?

                                                              P.S. I'll add you Melody.

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                Please could I join the guild as well, I'll add melody


                                                                  I'm planning to watch online the ESL One games next weekend. Got compendium, can open up parties if someone will be interested.

                                                                  edit: I think im in wrong thread :D

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    Melody died :( now I have noone to vent my frustration on


                                                                      Why is this thread no longer sticky?