General Discussion

General DiscussionSmall group and growing seeks more for road to 4k mmr

Small group and growing seeks more for road to 4k mmr in General Discussion

    add me. 3500-3800 mmr
    I am on US east or US west.
    speaks some English. great Chinese.
    Play hard carry and hard support but nothing in between (Preferably).
    Recent favorite hero: lycan, veno, sniper, dazzle, tb, wd

    Kira|(<ゝω・) Road to 3k.

      Hi guys, just wanna say hello.
      Was busying dealing with retard players, gl hf to all real Dota players : )
      * hug *

      Low Expectations

        You can add me aswell 3480, maybe tomorrow


          @Kira, you too mate!


            don't worry i'm usually fluctuating between 4.6-4.8k and most of the people in this bracket (4.5-5k) including me are still scrubs. constantly reminded of that when i queue with > 5.5k players and play against people of that caliber

            just be patient and have fun, and if you want to improve, have a few people better than you to talk with

            honestly going through your own replays is the retard's way of doing it - just ask your higher skilled friends what they think you could do differently (cuz they're going to be fighting against higher skilled/more competent opponents) and follow their advice.

            i find the main problem with watching your own replays is that - even if you identify the mistakes, you might still not know what is the BEST/OPTIMAL choice in any given situation. you can make better decisions that will get you from 3k to 3.7k mmr by watching 30 replays and noting each instance of where you think you did something wrong, but the 3.7k mmr player is still not making the same choices as the 4.5k mmr player, and so on.

            Just as a quick example:

            19:30 I dive tower, get killed, blah blah

            So obviously if you didn't dive, you wouldn't have gotten killed. Noting this might net you fewer deaths in future games. But what if you did something completely differently? What if you were pushing a tower on the other side of the map instead of being (where you were in the actual instance) in the first place? Things like that can affect your gameplay FAR more than just "Oh look, I shouldn't have run into 5 heroes at 25:30." (And yes, I still encounter these types of players in the 4.5-5k) Being able to identify mistakes and "correcting" them, so to speak, is not nearly as profound as simply being able to visualize how to play the game differently, and then executing it.

            good luck!

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