General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does evasion stack?

How does evasion stack? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    How much evasion would this AM have?

    Pretty stupid idea anyway, huskar got a MKB, though they still lost somehow.


      That AM would take 0.75*0.75*0.75*0.75*0.65=~20% so he would have ~80% evasion


        Yeah, very stupid idea to have 5x effective HP against everything except Huskar.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Dat carry Nyx doe.

          Dire Wolf

            Most of the other team's dmg is magic, and can tidebringer be dodged? If it's such a great idea why don't you see it more?


              yeah you can dodge tidebringer


                And Antimage by no means had extra magic resistance and BKB in that game. That's not a great idea, but not a stupid either. It is stupid, when you play against someone who can actually cancel your evasion (Lion, for example), but in a match where enemies have two Necronomicons and shit right-click carry which forced to buy MKB to even hit you - it's anything but stupid.

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                  I don't think it's his real item build.
                  He just started with normal item and bought that item last for fountain camping


                    Well, of course it isn't. I'm just saying that stacking evasion is much better than most tend to think.


                      I didn't realize that evasion stacked like that and read since 6.79... nice will have to remember.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I could see going double butterfly or a halberd and butterfly.


                          @ Let the wookie win.

                          I mean this will really change the way I build axe from now on since his passive spin will work even if the enemy misses you. I may just rush a halberd and stack another evasion talisman on him after seeing this.

                          Let alone how I build PA from now on... sheesh I never got butterfly on her now I will (if i ever get to play hard carry!)


                            Evasion stacks diminishingly, meaning that if you have 20% evasion, and you add another 20% evasion, you'll get 20% chance to evade an attack out of the 80% chance that the attack will hit. So it would end up being a 16% evasion increase only, with a total of 36% chance to evade a physical attack.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I don't know if I'd do it on PA. Are you still going her suggested core of battlefury + dominator? Because by the time you build those usually the enemy will be done or close to done with an mkb. Most enemy carries see PA and automatically start building an mkb. Not the case against butterfly, they'll usually not notice the evasion til you've completed it.


                                Yes, but remember that while evasion itself stacks diminishingly, you get progressively LARGER benefits the more evasion you get.

                                Assume 100 hp, 0 armour
                                1 Butterfly - 35% Evasion - 154 EHP (54 extra EHP from 35% extra evasion)
                                2 Butterflies - 57.75% Evasion - 236 EHP (82 extra EHP from 22.25% extra evasion)
                                and so on.

                                The more you get, the more EHP you receive from each additional butterflies. The scaling is so ridiculous I have won games on TB with 3 butterflies by repeatedly sending illusions to backdoor, and short of blowing ultimate-level nukes on it no one can clear them effectively.

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                                  that racist popcorn said is true.

                                  total evasion = 0.35+(1-0.35)*0.25+(1-0.35-0.25)*0.25+(1-0.35-0.25-0.25)*0.25+(1-0.35-0.25-0.25)*0.25 = 0.6875
                                  so that mean with 31.25% chance you can hit him

                                  lets try some 6 slot evasion omni knight lol

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    That's some weird way to calculate evasion. It calculated the way Luxon already did.


                                      @ Wookie

                                      True... most people will see PA and think "I need an MKB" but I am in the poo bracket take this game for instance:


                                      No one bought MKB, I suggested it several times very early. Ended up screwing up my great dazzle stats with bad item builds. No one was concerned with PA even though we had a 10 minute pause and discussion and she was 7-3 at the time... everyone was all pants off dance off about the stupid wraith king and magnus.

                                      I suppose I'm just saying I should do some cheese ass builds multiple evasion talismans and a BKB on her. I'm really close to doing all pick and picking a carry every time and see what happens and do some corny ass build like all evasion stacking....


                                        he was wrong. so was I.

                                        after some thought. it should be



                                        = 0.794335938


                                        see ? he is remotely close to the truth XD

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                                          Your algebra is 2nd to none whoji


                                            lol. i m a physics major.


                                              Huh. If you'll ever face probability theory, remember - in such cases much easier to calculate from the reverse. Why did you went through this hell, when you could actually calculate chance of the hero being hit? Which is 0.65*0.75*0.75*0.75*0.75 = 0,2056640625.
                                              This means chance of miss is 1 - previous shit = 0,7943359375, or ~79% which is not so far from [size=20]~[/size]80%

                                              PS Though, I do understand the love for big formulas. I remember my first triggered teleportation spell in WC3 editor. That shit was like two A4 pages of if-then-else operators inside other if-then-else operators inside other (well, most of us watched Inception) and resulting in moving unit from one point to another while (OMG) damaging enemies between these points.

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                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!