General Discussion

General DiscussionNP blink dagger

NP blink dagger in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    so i started playing prophet like hell on my new acc and i was wondering… what if instead of shadowblade i rush blink? i mean shadow blade gives you nice stats like dmg and att speed but the escape is unreliable(many many ppl buy detection).

    i thought of shadowblade when i saw a tinker pushing like crap but everytime we wanted to gank him poof he was gone.

    also against invis heroes what should i chose? blink is out of question because they can easily ambush you and exploit the blink's cd


      I think either is fine..
      Whichever suits you well.
      Don't get tricked into "Most popular item" and follow it.
      If you are more comfortable with blink dagger, then use it


        Blink dagger win rate is higher than Shadow blade.
        So you got 1 more reason to try it

        Sup m8

          I go blink on almost every hero. It is just too good.

          Hex Sigma

            the problem would remain the dmg and attspeed but we all know that prophet farms super fast so a maelstrom could easily compensate


              Actually, i use blink a lot when they have invis heroes on the enemy team such as bounty hunter or legion commander (blink is better on her, but a lot of pubbies go SB)

              The point of the blink dagger in NP is when you're going full pusher. So that means necro rush after blink, and as soon as you get it lvl 3, you can basically push any lane safely, since you'll have true sight.

              After necro, you can either go Vyse or Desolator for full push potential. Going hex is awesome because you get the same blink hex initiation as say lion or shadow shaman, only better since it's instant.

              With a fast enough reaction time, you can blink away from all danger, except when they have global skills such as clock's rocket flare.


                midas>micon 3
                ez push ez gold ez game

                Hex Sigma

                  @racist popcorn yea or you can buy gem or other detection instead of necro. I was thinking into going maelstrom so that i can compensate the lack of dmg and att speed that SB provided. After those 2 the rest of the itembuild is situational

                  @flop dont worry bro i build midas every game. Also necrobook helps a lot not only with true sight but also with the pushing power

                  well so my idea of playing prophet tinker style is not as bad as i thought


                    well actually nature prophet is a kind of hero that can flash farm whatever if he get stomped a lot or not.

                    The thing that people not much know is, prophet is decent farm hero but he cant do much with his item in teamfight. compare with luna, gyro, doom etc.

                    so it actually depend on the situation what ur team need is, if ur team need u to go fast push. rush micon 3 asap.
                    If the enemy team gank alot, build forcestaff, dagger,sb for ur survival ability first.
                    If ur team need more dps, build item dps first.
                    If enemy team is squishy, dagon 5 also good.

                    So everything is conditionable in what ur team need.


                      Issue with this item is that Tinker tends to blink into trees when TPing out, but NP destroys them so where is he gonna blink?

                      King of Low Prio

                        Invis are not a issue when you have a necro 3


                          Maybe... don't destroy the trees you're blinking into? lol


                            I actually posted a thread about this a couple of weeks or months ago. Not sure if this was after the SB nerf.

                            On that thread, there were a lot of people that were against it. I forgot the reasons, but I still found that blink dagger was still a pretty viable pick even after that thread. Although, rushing necro 3 and having decent map awareness is mostly good enough. Basically, you don't push or show yourself in lane if most of the enemy heroes are missing.

                            Good luck with this. Try it out, but I think that this item could work

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              Basher win rate is also better than both shadow blade and blink dagger. That means you have to buy it?

                              OP, don't listen to random people's opinion. If you think with the brain you have, you will produce a good strategy for yourself. Don't be like the people who copies whatever they see on a random guide or some mainstream player who plays in some tournaments


                                Ooh this is interesting. I've seen my friends get a blink dagger late game when they want to backdoor with greater safety, but it never occurred to me to get it earlier than that.

                                I think you'd need at least one core item before getting blink for it to be of much use though, don't rush blink after boots and maybe midas. Perhaps going Midas into phase/treads into maelstrom into blink could work

                                Midas into boots of choice into necro 3 into blink would be really good, I don't think blink should be gotten before nec.

                                And like what racist popcorn said having lion-like initiation after buying hex would be really interesting!


                                  I think blink is viable if they have no invis chars, shadow blades, or a spectre. Basically if you are confident you can blink into the trees and port out before someone finds you, blink is fine.

                                  If they can easily reach you first, go with sb.

                                  As for np's lack of teamfight ability, I think there are a few ways around this. First, use his ultimate at the start of any team fight on a creep across the map. I like to get a scythe and/or an orchid instead of a maelstrom because your flash farming is honestly not dependent on maelstrom, and the bonus team fighting worth of scythe and orchid are huge. Makes ganking invis chars far easier as well. If you grab deso for damage, you're also helping drop heroes faster.

                                  Necro I typically don't get, but I think I will to see how much easier it makes pushing.


                                    I may break out a natures prophet tonight and try the blink dagger/necro book build just for s's and grins (granted it doesn't get banned or picked all pick is laaaaaame :O

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I am changing my name to " I love necro 3 "


                                      I think force is better btw


                                        lol, I think Bulldog saw this topic:


                                          since sb got nerfed its been crap... only works in heroes like kka and even that is kinda stupid xD
                                          ofc it gives u damage and att speed BUT that was a bonus for the reason which u bought SB....

                                          i am going dagger on sf lately so yeah... dagger>sb most of the times (imo)


                                            every wannabe pro says dagger > sb

                                            its been the new meta for awhile

                                            well, now that blink has been buffed to 0 mana cost, it is even more viable

                                            i actually prefer sb over blink for several other reasons. i'm sure other people use it for the same reasons, but a lot of people AKA wannabe pros, will never go SB because it's the (noob/nerfed item).

                                            hence why this limits yourself to rudimentary rigid introductory-type builds that will become oldschool metas and die out because theyre garbage


                                            i havent touched NP .. maybe once in dota 2

                                            la the yeezy

                                              Midas --> Necron 3 ---> dagger is much better. Don't go raw blink phase it's pretty useless

                                              Mortimer Smith


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