General Discussion


DAGON PROPHET: VIABLE OR NOT? in General Discussion

    opinions on dagon rush prophet? starts with null talisman and gets dagon1 around 7 min mark, viable in any case as a teleporting assassin or only agaisnt squishy lineups?


      but dagon doesn't help his split push

      King of Low Prio

        sure you can make it, but there are better items


          if you need to create space with furion for your team to farm (i.e. you have an antimage on ur team) i feel like it's prolly the best option avaible (early-mid game) tough, hes already quite good at split pushing with no items

          King of Low Prio

            u can create much more space split pushing than killing a random lone support


              As much as I hate typical dagon prophet on my team, it is workable as long as you skip the Midas to speed it. It's a commitment.
              True viable item builds work when your team is losing as well as winning. Dagon Prophet seems to me like something you do when your team gets first blood, and then starts to snowball, and you want to troll allies by stealing every possible kill.


                You can't use Dagon to destroy towers. =)


                  I hate split push so YES! :D

                  i quit

                    works well with a pickoff/global presence lineup

                    can pick it up at 6-7 mins and instagib supports

                    definitely worth

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                      and i was thinking you talk about death prophet
                      was this ( ) close of flaming you..


                        is dagon viable on death prophet


                          Yes but not recommended if you want to win the game

                          King of Low Prio



                              If your team includes BH and Nyx then it works nicely. You take towers by killing heroes first so there is no one to defend. With the +1 hero or maybe even +2 killing a lone support becomes killing any hero at all.

                              If your team does not have global ganking heroes, then its back to "can't dagon towers" and you lose any game that was not easy.

                              Dagon can help you split push IF you use to as a threat to force more than one hero to come to stop you. If one comes alone, free kill and keep pushing.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                NO NO NO NO NO AND JUST NO. Don`t RUIN PPLS GAMES WITH DAGONS PLEASE


                                  In some situation dagon 1 fast is nice but better don`t. Ppl are idiots and going first item dagon 5..and ruin game. after 30-40 min they have dagon 5 and boots and just keep feeding with 0 dps.


                                    i usually do it on pugna so its not that bad... the problem is that unlike pugna, krobelus gets targeted down and focused very hard :D.... so u cant waste gold on more nuke when u need to be alive the whole fight to do the most damage


                                      If the enemies are all beef and a TA, then use sandking instead.

                             take towers after all heroes die

                                      Hide behind your bloodstone rushing anonymous windrunner as she ults the tower apparently alone. When they rush her, kill and repeat.

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        ahh prophet.... as in furion prophet,.... thought u meant krobelus prophet :D

                                        dagon is good and all ^^ but only if ur gonna make use of it right away

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                                          dagon is good on every hero, including techies.

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