General Discussion

General Discussion"Guarding the Strong" A GUIDE TO WISP/IO BY LEGALIZED RAPE

"Guarding the Strong" A GUIDE TO WISP/IO BY LEGALIZED RAPE in General Discussion


    [u]IO/Guardian Wisp[/u] is a highly unique melee agility hero who works best as part of a communicative team. With its support-oriented skill set, Io is able to share its strength,agility, and intelligence through Tether and Overcharge, harass enemy heroes out of the lane with Spirits, and materialize itself and an ally anywhere on the map with Relocate. Gank enemy Heroes, push undefended lanes, save teammates from deep within enemy territory - the possibilities are endless, and Io features one of the highest skill ceilings in the game.

    [boldnot?]Abilities, Role and Skill build :[/b.]

    [Color=#ff0000]Tether(T):[/color] Io's main nuke ability. It works the same way as dagon at lvl 1 with a 500 damage burst, but it also applies a 100% ms/as slow.

    [Color=#ff0000]Spirits(R)[/color] :Break the link to the tethered unit.

    [Calor=#ff0200]Spirits Inward(Rx2)[/color] Makes you implode and do massive damage around a 500-1000 unit radius. The faster you press R twice the bigger the aoe of the explosion.

    [Color=#ff0000]Relocate(Shift+Rx2)[/color]After a 2.5/2.25/2 delay it will teleport you into another matchmaking game for 12 seconds and return you back to where you were.

    [b]Hero Role :[/b]
    The role of Io is to die enough to decrease is ever so low winrate even further. The more he sacrifices, the bigger he gets and the more potent he becomes for the enemy team.

    [b]Skill build :[/b]

    R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left

    Courtesy of Sampson for Io Skill build.
    - 2 points into E are required to maintain invisible without becoming visible (more points = longer duration)
    - Q is maxed first to give the highest amount of dmg in the shortest amount of time( the longer it takes to kill the target the more time it gives for support to back him up)
    - W is maxed last due to the fact that it scales with the gear you will get later in the game
    - After lv 8 there is some flexibility with your build (W before E) but I commonly stick to above option

    Playstyle, Common errors, Tips, and suggested material :

    Common Mistakes
    One of the biggest Common mistakes that IO players make is that they tether and Spirits Within while attached to the carry. Though this is sacrificial and the correct to play wisp, it allows you to survive while staying with your carry and it does not allow you to become more potent to the enemy team through deaths.


    To ensure you would read this part of the guide, I made it an obnoxious color. Wisp is a very good agility hero and his range is insane for a melee carry/support. Mid or ancients are his best ways of getting farm and his buff after his spirits are out are only given if he is at least 500 units away from any other teammates. So him ganking alone is the only viable way to play him. I hope this helps and thank you for reading.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      [.b]im not sure if you understood how writing in bold works




          2/10 try harder


            Remove . in bracket


              "IO/Guardian Wisp is a highly unique melee agility hero"

              What? I thought he is ranged strength hero.


                Did I win now?


                  Soultrap: Did you read any of it?

                  la the yeezy

                    Thanks for the guide I defiinely owned as wisp 11/10 will do it again

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