General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people pick pudge?

Why do people pick pudge? in General Discussion
Manny Mammoth

    ..other than to ruin games obviously..

    Vanity  ツ

      Most of the players that pick pudge are from the cis or eastern europe, and all of them want to be like dendi


        Because getting a hook is one of the most amazing feelings in the world?

        Can't blame em for wanting to feel good, but you can blame them for sucking.

        Manny Mammoth

          Anytime I ask them why they pick him
          " PUDGE SO OP XDXDXD ecks dee XD "
          Proceeds to lose everything ;-;


            you can blame dendi for it..


              Yes Dendi, the wow factor of getting hooks, and hero infatuation. Hes a cockney butcher that eats people. There is a ring to that people think is so cool. However, I do hate when people pick pudge, hes either godlike or feeding and hes a liability on a team. I feel the same with tinkers and invokers cause they need to either be babysat or have way too much breathing space. I have like 80 games with pudge and I haven't touched him in a good 5 months because of how people see that hero.

              waku waku

                cause he has a good voiceover


                  When you play games as Pudge or Mirana don't you feel the HNNGGGG when you land crazy hooks/arrows?

                  I just hate it when you're doing well until some ally notices you missed a hard target to grab and starts bashing you.
                  Pudge with a good support team though... whole map stays warded/counter-warded and hooks come from everywhere.


                    Because 0/3 ;mid pudge in 10 mins is 18/3 in my games when he's muh enemi

                    one and half gun

                      pudge in my team: cyka mid plz wards suka where is team??????

                      pudge in enemy team: [IMG][/IMG]

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                        People pick Pudge because he's such a lazy fat bastard, all he really needs is kills and he can easily get them. I think that Pudge is easy and hard at the same time, If you practice it hooking is easy at for the most part but playing against competent players that know how to avoid getting killed by a Pudge is the definitely the hardest part of playing this hero and that's mostly why you see a lot of people not doing well with Pudge. They can't hook or the enemy team just knows how to deal with a Pudge unless the player they're up against is better than them.


                          You need bals to play pudge, so Russians think they will get bigger bals if they play pudge. Unfortunately we know how that ends up


                            same reason they pick bs, they live in a dream world and think they are gonna rape, while in reality they gonna fail miserably

                            Manny Mammoth

                              I dont mind a Mirana on um team mainly because she adds to it, Pudges are just burdens

                              King of Low Prio

                                people play heroes that are fun :O shocking


                                  ^ I don't think they are getting much fun with 0/11/3 scores.


                                    i play pudge whenever i have a tb on the team -->takes away the focus ^^
                                    100% success except that time people fed on purpose since the start so i dont count that as a game :D

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      you would be surprised I know some people who lose so much feed and still like playing


                                        Well.. I personally love pudge but I know most people suck with pudge.

                                        Woof Woof

                                          most of them know their hook accuracy is below 20% even aganist afk targets but level of ignorance is just 2 strong

                                          Sōu ka

                                            its actually funny when people say that most people suck with pudge while they believe that they play a good one
                                            there's like 5 people on each continent who can play pudge at an acceptable level
                                            most people dont even buy smokes and if you dont buy smokes on that hero youre actually just awful


                                              i pick pudge when i WANT to lose
                                              the hero is horrible
                                              other than pubs vs retards it never works


                                                Because Pudge's middle name is "mid or feed"


                                                  because the concept of playing pudge seems cool, but then you fuck up every hook and feed relentlessly


                                                    its a fun hero, hence people pick it.


                                                      Yeah well nonetheless I still believe my pudge is acceptable. I know it's a difficult hero for many. I think you're being a little over dramatic but that's just my opinion.


                                                        cuz they have lots of fun with him


                                                          I find that most players go through a "pubstomper of choice" phase. Some people play 70 games of drow, some people play spirit breaker all the time, some people are addicted to riki, and some are addicted to pudge. most newbies tend to try out new heroes after getting stomped or watching a stomp get done by a specific hero. If enemy pudge goes 33-0, you will be inclined to try this hero, thus all the pudge, riki, drow, sniper, sb picks in low tier games.

                                                          When I was brand new to dota 2 and i got fed up of losing with the friends who introduced me to the game, i decided to solo queue and i got obliterated by riki. What do I do? I play riki nonstop for a whole month. Eventually I got my ass handed to me by a TA, so then I went on to play TA, and I did so well with her until I met Pudge... *insert 50+ games of pudge here*

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                                                            My opinion on pudge, if anyone's interested.)

                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                              ^ Will read.

                                                              I mean, he can snowball mid I agree, and possibly impact the game well, but I feel that after 35 minutes of game, he doesn't impact the game hard enough and he's only a three second disable with some dis-positioning. A lot of players just pick him for dendi fandom.


                                                                because of dendi's pudge at T1.
                                                                Dendi is like a celebrity in dota
                                                                his act and what he do influence the majority of community


                                                                  pudge pick is good for pubs u can dominate early.... but if u want 99% lose pick him on ranked 4k + :)


                                                                    Well, no one is denying pudge is a risky pick. He also shouldn't be picked if there's lots of channel disrupt i.e. clock/sniper
                                                                    or the obvious heroes like naix/storm/puck/etc

                                                                    But I have had difficult games lasting a good 1 1/2 hours where I had to win it for the team. If I was dead then it was close to over. I had about 100 + bonus str gain and I think like 7.7k health? Nessaj had to grab aegis and suicide kill me with illusions + manta to prevent me from stomping the rest of his team.

                                                                    We won though, thank god it paid off. By the end of it I just killed them all in their fountain.


                                                                      You won't get 100+ bonus str unless you are in 2k mmr. as well as game lasting for more then an hour(it's just very rare)


                                                                        didn't artstyle actually play pudge and not dendi?

                                                                        anyways, the hero was always insanely popular, dendi or no dendi.

                                                                        pudge/sf/mirana your most pub picked heroes. everywhere.

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                                                                          pudge ftw! nub l2p! 420 hook it faggot


                                                                            Artstyle played pudge before dendi (TI1 finals)


                                                                              I'd say pudge is the sort of hero you pick if you want to have fun in a match, as many people have said before landing a nice hook is one of the most satisfying feelings you can have in game.

                                                                              In term of whether he's effective, pudge is a lot like legion commander in the sense that if you don't snowball, participate in ganks a lot in the early/mid game, then you just become a ~3 second disabler before dying to the enemy you hooked. Even if you get a lot of kills/assists to give you flesh heap stacks, without aghs your combo becomes a lot less viable late game.
                                                                              Finally, a lot of pudge pub plays come down to fear. In a game when wards aren't everywhere on the map and you have no idea where pudge is, you're forced to cower behind your creep wave in fear, or risk hearing the sound of "fresh meat"

                                                                              Manny Mammoth

                                                                                I read that blog before and thought the same, hes just a bad hero imo

                                                                                I always go out of my way to pick OD when i see a pudge, even if i picked a hero i will repick into OD just for him.
                                                                                Then i just spam "nice mana bro" when i see him with 13/13 mana

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