General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Axe wins 9th game, now 9-74 win-loss

Jungle Axe wins 9th game, now 9-74 win-loss in General Discussion

    With lots of saves of the weak lanes by dazzle, we managed to hold on until axe stopped jungling. Maybe with the recent buff to axe he stopped a bit sooner than before? He began to contribute a bit earlier? Maybe slightly better players are picking axe now?
    Or maybe axes that can't die are simply strong no matter what.

    Whatever the case, Jungle axe has been creeping up past the 10% win mark in 6.80.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      New meta deal with it.


        Axe is fucking godly in lane and his ulti is bullshit with scepter. No need to use on heros just jump in and murder a creep for that insane ms and attack spd buff.
        AXE IS BACK, calling it.

        Woof Woof

          so people finally learn to leave jungle scary times

          Dire Wolf

            @CaptainTaichou this is about jungle axe. Relentless keeps his own stats on when axes jungle and it's a pretty awful record. Axe is good. Jungle axe is bad.


              the game was a stomp and ud have probably won without him lol


                @ Relentless

                IDK that ember spirit and sniper made the game for ya. Not sure if jungle axe is viable after seeing that yet.

                I haven't jungled axe (or played axe) in a very long time. I used to jungle when the tranquil boots were suited for jungle heros but after exp/gold and tranquil boot nerf (yes its a nerf in my mind sorry for all that disagree) it hasn't been as a viable early game option.



                  I don't think he was trying to show that jungle axe is viable or anything. In fact, he's trying to show otherwise. The statistic that he gives us shows that jungling axe is not viable at all.


                    @ Pilot

                    Ah.... that makes sense now. Yes jungle axe is bad :(


                      Using this as a catalyst to play/post axe games cause people have to much hate towards this hero because very few know how to play him effectively.

                      Sōu ka

                        youre probably subconsciously throwing/sabotaging the games people pick axe and go jungle to make yourself feel better about your stupid ass statistic
                        and nobody plays any hero effectively at 3-4k MMR


                          I'm with Relentless on this one. Jungling Axe is just retarded. The hero falls more and more off the longer the match goes -- jungling early on is wasting his most effective timeframe. It's not unlike jungling with CM for 15 mins. A totally wasted pick.


                   axe is back :) ofc jungle is waste of time, he is one of the best heroes in the early game.


                              Again don't judge the hero based on how you see pubs play it.


                                last time i faced a jungle axe:

                                low priority dota best dota

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I don't feel people have hate vs axe, I think most players love when he's in their lane. Pubs don't know how to handle battle hunger.


                           Jungle Axe wrecked the enemy team. Thoughts Relentless? (Lacoste played Axe)

                                    Woof Woof

                                      not surprised when enemy has underleveld trilane with 2 melee(both really short range spells early) and kotol that has to channel spell to do any dmg Axe just walks in and claims territory

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                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!