General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it feeding knowing that going in you're going to die?

Is it feeding knowing that going in you're going to die? in General Discussion
Feeder Chan

    So as Clockwerk you see an opportunity to hook in and disrupt the enemy team fight, but the likely scenario is that you're going to die but saves your team from the wombo combo. For example sand king is channeling his ult, and he is next to two other people.

    I opted to hook in just before his channel ending his ult, cog in 3 of the enemy team and isolating them from their carry. Then the team is able to wipe the rest of the carry + 1 and move on and take tower and/or kill those remaining.

    one and half gun

      creating space is ok

      feeding is not ok


        I've always considered feeding to be an "unnecessary, avoidable death". In your case clockwerk's death would have been necessary to distrupt the teamfight. Had it been avoidable, it would have been favourable, but as long as you achieve something as a result of your death it cannot be considered "feeding"

        Woof Woof

          depends if you know your teammates are competent and able to benefit from such great initation then yeh but if they arent you just thrown the game

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Feeding: When you stupidly die for no reason


              ^Like jumping of a cliff. Never do that!


                ^Yeah you're feeding the cliff! It's gonna be so farmed.


                  surrender this last hit to me or i will buy lunch for dire heroes.


                    clock doesnt die, never


                      Sometimes I initiate a teamfight knowing that I'm going to die and the teamfight will be lost because teammates think we can win one and will probably flame/throw if you don't do what they say. Is that okay to do?