General Discussion

General DiscussionFool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. in General Discussion

    Are you one of those buffoons who get mad, rage and cry/spam chat about someone or something over and over, expecting different results with the exact same input?

    Here's a simple solution to a classic example:

    QQer: "Omg no mia what a noob" *ping ping ping ping ping ping ping*
    QQer: "wOWWWWW MIAA???"
    QQer: *ping ping ping ping ping* dude wtf call mia u retard

    Hold up, pause, take a look for a second. You want co-operation but you don't co-operate. You expect help, yet you insult.
    Solution: Don't insult - or don't expect anything. (I for one love, insulting people when they deserve it, however, I don't sit there and spam flood the chat or expect welcoming results).



      when i mad, listening to the music solve my mad.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        You really should call MIA. esp. if he's mid or safe lane carry. Most trolls here will throw game after 2 deaths if other lanes don't call 'miss'. This ain't LoL u know.


          I assume that you assume that I don't call mia - which is incorrect.

          The situation was just a hypothetical, albeit very probable.

          The only time I refuse to call mia is when:

          1. I have called it on more then several occasions, and then have someone complain and blame me for their death and exaggerate (become a martyr) that I didn't call it fast enough or at all for that matter. It is then when I refuse to co-operate further due to their lack of.
          2. They have already insulted/pissed me off during the beginning of the game (I play CM mode mostly) - probably because I build differently than most, I take which heroes I want and I will only swap if it was asked for and it must be done politely. Most people lack the patience to explain that they themselves wanted that hero, but failed to convey that message to me and decides that the best thing to do is throw a tantrum and insult me. But, good old stubborn me loves to become a portrait of the person who's antagonizing me, to display the exact same behavior towards them. Immature? Sure. Deserving? Yes.

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!