General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many wins does it take to get better opponents?

How many wins does it take to get better opponents? in General Discussion

    So far I'm at 7.. How much longer is it going to take to match me against better opponents?

    Woof Woof

      around 15-20 if you play solo and smurf detection failed


        So you can't move up the ladder if you stack?

        Woof Woof

          ofc u can but i didnt stack from game 1 on my alts so dunno how things look for people that do so

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            Well I am just trying to see how far I can go without losing a game at this point. So far they have all been stomps. :/

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              At least 10 or 11 way back in non-ranked. And for ranked at least 6 or 7. But honestly after 4 losses, I feel like the last 3 where throws, etc... winnable but people refuse to buy sentry with everybody have about 2k gold etc..

              Woof Woof

                if you want to maximize smurf detection dont die in your first 2 games High gpm/xpm and no deaths in your first 2/3 games is what u need to reach very high rating fast

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                I come from the dark

                  On my fake account it was enough to play 2 games for MMR to match me with people with over 1k games in the next game

                  King of Low Prio

                    sigh smurf accounts attempting to ruin games for players.......

                    Woof Woof

                      that doesnt matter there are 1k+ wins players with 3k rating


                        Most of the people I have played against so far are anonymous on dotabuff.


                          Just keep on stomping then, it shouldn't take too long for anti-smurf to catch up.

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                            long time ago when i still had interest in smurfing i got in a page 10 game after 4 or 5 matches so there's that


                              your KDAs are way too low you need to go like 50-0 in your first 2 games so the antismurf hits you hard

                              edit: i just noticed you are 5 stacking in all of them and still not stomping get out of here trash

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                              Dire Wolf

                                Never mind you're a smurf account. Rules work different.

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                                  What do you mean still not stomping? And how are my KDA's not high enough.

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                                    '' So far they have all been stomps. :/''
                                    ''All been stomps''



                                      You're doing fine OP.

                                      Just keep playing and don't worry about it.


                                        5 man stack vs NEWBS and everyone managed to die 3-4 times

                                        looks like a close game to me

                                        close game

                                        1 hour game is never ez

                                        so yep youre winning as you are in a 5 man stack but you are not doing nearly good enough to be put in a really high skill bracket as your stack's performance is not really outstanding. theres also the fact that most good/decent players are playing ranked while you are facing baddies in unranked.


                                          '' So far they have all been stomps. :/''
                                          ''All been stomps''


                                          this was the game where my friend fed with meepo and we still stomped them..

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            I dont think you understand what a stomp is.......


                                              Look at the tower damage and you will understand.

                                              Rand al'Thor

                                                Can confirm, meepo was a feeder. O.o

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                                                  i'd post my smurfs so you could see what a stomp looks like but i'm too lazy to remember their names


                                                    uh huh.. I bet.. You aren't impressing anyone.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      -Samson - Vroksnak王 - Atum-

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                                                        ^ Looks about right.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I am black with a shaved head.........


                                                            if you want to stomp hard just pick wisp + ursa combo and as you are 5 man stacking pick a supp like CM or naga so you get kills at lvl 1 already


                                                              are those retarded pics a thing now @ dotabuff?


                                                                No seriously those are hardly stomps, stomps are like going 30-1-16 or something. Those may have been easy games to win, but weren't stomps.

                                                                Ples Mercy


                                                                  this is a motherfucking stomp

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Concede i dont know about sampson and atum but Vroksnak seems right.

                                                                    Miku Fan

                                                                      @Blunt @ Fnatic
                                                                      Warlock is just OP ;)


                                                                        You played 7 games in over 2 months and already got bored of your low skill opponents?

                                                                        Miku Fan

                                                                          We only play Smurfs when we can 5 stack with our friends.

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!