General Discussion

General Discussionmost imba heroes atm in your opinion

most imba heroes atm in your opinion in General Discussion

    phoenix brewmaster tinker necrophos lich

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    GG | dudutsai

      How do you lane and build necro to be OP?


        Necro is such a bad laner against a hero like axe
        Phoenix isnt OP get ursa or LC
        Brewmaster falls off
        Tinker is Strong in 5k+ pubs

        Flat is Justice!

          if your mmr is below 3k: bloodseeker
          if your mmr is above 3k: STILL BLOOD FUCKING SEEKER, because everyone BLEEDS

          Proud Boi

            Juggernaut with aghs; OmniGGslash!

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              necro is bad laner vs axe?

              Señor Mango

                Axe,weaver, enchantress, bb
                Bb being the broken one
                While the 1st three listed r the most annoying heroes to kill

                Flat is Justice!

                  necro has a 58% win rate wth!


                    Mirana/Shadow Shaman/Disruptor/Alch( unnecessary changes to his ult)/Slark (same as alch)/Invoker/Lycan/Invoker

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                      alche with bkb and basher=OP


                        mirana, phoenix


                          ^^ Murdered one like a pig as Medusa. There also were 4 other heroes, but I don't remember their faces anymore...


                            WTF is wrong with you... imho the only hero you could maybe say is a bit broken is slark, due to his freaking ult and insane snowball potential, but even that is something you can handle....


                              Ancient Apparation, please delete his ultimate already. It gives way too much and has very few counters since you can not purge it and the main debuff goes through anything. There is literally no reason not to pick this hero in a serious match.

                              -Temporarily lose 10/11/12% of your max health, which while does not usually do much early has a big impact later game.

                              -NO HEALING. Which means mekansm (one of the most core items of most matches), becomes useless. All hEalers or heroes with lifesteal become a lot shittier, lifesteal items become more pointless except for jungling easier. Also even makes Alchemist and Morphling very sad since they lose pretty much all their toughness (when Morphling morphs to strength he actually does not gain any current hp from it if under frostbite, only max hp and the change to Alchemist ult made him even more hardcountered by AA). There are a ton of heroes who have some sort of healing abilities or need lifesteal items to stay tougher. This ultimate pretty much fucks them over for up to 10 (or 17 with agh) seconds.
                              -Although Terrorblade sunder will still heal you, not sure about Weaver Time Lapse (but based on the concept of the ability it should do)

                              -huge damage. It might be dot damage, but unlike other dot abilities, you can not heal during it, which makes it almost as strong as bursty nukes (can still use magic immunity, eul, etc. to stop some of it though, but tp to fountain, regenerating from items/healing abilities/mek still won't save your ass!).
                              -Total ice blast damage: 350/530/770. Compare it to finger of death which is 600/725/850. First level of finger is really huge, but the last one is still only 80 less damage, despite having two really good to broken sub-effects.
                              - ALWAYS 40 seconds cooldown. Icefrog why? This is one of the shortest CDs for an ultimate, especially of "walking ults" heroes, like AA usually ends up as. Even two points in chilling touch has longer cd - (which is a really strong ability too, making him able to harass his lane easy, and if your whole team can right-click out all the charges (rarely happens though, since supports normally have too awful attack speed, unless troll warlord) you will contribute a whole 2400 magic damage).

                              I know icefrog does not want to nerf this ultimate since AA was very unpopular before and do not want him put back in the lonely closet. But this ultimate is really what makes him broken and needs a fix.

                              Only thing that sucks with him is that his cold feet (his only hard disable) is not reliable without setup, so he is usually not the best in duolane, but amazing in trilanes, since it also gives more targets for his e skill.


                                AA is surely not broken, pretty squishy hero, and you still need to hit that ult



                                  A game object or facility that is too good to exist. It is so powerful that it is unbalancing and hence breaks the game. Every winning player has to use this to be competitive.

                                  leave me alone

                                    brews a bitch

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                                      Colorado: "AA is surely not broken, pretty squishy hero, and you still need to hit that ult"

                                      Hero being squishy, and that the ult is a skillshot doesn't make the hero not broken. (My can do 25 000 000 dmg lategame, but its not op cause its a skillshot. Also hero is squishy thus not broken.)

                                      Hero is EXTREMELY strong, however I'm not sure if broken, but its at least one of the strongest heroes and probably deserves a nerf on that ultimate.

                                      My list:

                                      Phaseless Void

                                      I also think Bloodseeker is very strong, and I think he deserves MUCH MORE attention. Literally 9sec doom, making any casters useless even if they have BKB if player doesnt get off bkb in time.

                                      Superg vs Dark Seer, Brew, Doom, Invoker and casters like that. Silence before bkb and you kinda wreckt them.

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                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        Would be hard to nerf AA ult considering they have nerfed all his other abilities over time.

                                        I would rather a stronger overall AA that wasn't just about his ult personally.


                                          You got a good point ^

                                          AA ult is so strong so the hero is just about the ult, trying to hit the biggest thus just farming a lane far away where an engangement may be.

                                          Thus, he has 3 abilities that gets nerfed that mostly get used in the early game. Buff spells, nerf ult.


                                            I was trying to point out that you can beat him, as you can nearly every hero and i don´t think there is something like a completely overpowered hero atm

                                            leave me alone

                                              aa isnt a walking ult, his e can completely zone an enemy offlaner on its lonesome straight at level 1 and scales super well for the early part of the game. q is also selectively useful if ur with some kind of lane that has good setup (eg ck)

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