General Discussion

General DiscussionAnybody wishes Purge's team to fail?

Anybody wishes Purge's team to fail? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Anyways I like this guy back when xv-rogue and Purge did some doto 101 vids. But he's been overly cocky since TI3. Calling out on LD & Lumi as.. "following in my shoes in do doing 24/7 biz". Does he realize they been doing dota since 2011? and Lumi since part 1?

    Then on top of that, selling special couriers at TI3 event and autorgraphs for the highest bidder. He literally stinks of douche-baggtry. Went back to his YT channel I think 6-8 months ago and had the, "Welcome you suck".. wtf. I have to choose between the GAY bronie Dotacinema or Douchebag Purge?

    I've tried watching a few of this stream, but it's all.. "can u give me sentries... giif me mana kotl or we need wards!".

    Anyways we all know koreans suck at dota 2. I don't think they recruited Wacraft 3 veterans to play this game. They all seem like sponsored zerg LoL players, IMO.

    Anyways What do you guys wish for? I hope he loses majorly and packs home fast and go back to "welcome you suck" videos.


      tl;dr: I hate that someone else has become successful. They're risking their reputation on a new venture and I hope they fail so that I can criticize them and continue to wallow in my own iniquity, content with my self-reassurances that nobody is better than me.


        i don't watch him very much,
        because his voice is some kind faked
        but i thought that saying "welcome you suck" is like
        and introductory to dota,
        because it was so believed that it was a "competitive game" which is not




            Yeah I've watched few of his videos but i think that those will only be popular within new players, fanboys and other 50% trench tier players.

            I don't find them informative.

            Also i don't think he's getting very far with his team unless his team keeps on carrying him.

            Ce commentaire a été édité
            kalz | 永遠の領主

              Purge is a very dedicated person, yeah he appears to be arrogant at times. If you don't like his stream, there are plenty of great streams out there. Any of the spg streams, some of the high mmr russians (dexter), Dendi,Funn1k, Merlini has one of the best streams.

              If you said "I hope RTZ fails" then sure. Thot rtz was cool, but after seeing his raging...fuck no.


                He's just the guy that helps newbies the most in Dota. I don't get why someone would hate him. Disliking is ok, but hating? I don't see any reason.

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                Woof Woof

                  couldnt care any less about Purge/Artezy + There are tons of video guides on yt where people explain most aspects of dota 2 for new players

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    I didn't see him rage of stream yet. But I watched a few games he won. And boy was is like just 1 step from raging, even though they are winning.

                    Woof Woof

                      + people are the way they are due to upbringing/genes(everything from looks to hormone levels) and surroundings so what i am trying to say is you bark under wrong tree

                      Woof Woof

                        ^ probably most important for him is 'high quality game' while outcome comes secondary

                        Woof Woof

                          here i got good song 4y bro now srsly go send mesage to purge and tell him how u feel about him after seeing few of his games

                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            Thanks for the song, lol.


                              y u mad tho?

                              Woof Woof

                                young american check some of his videos #better be safe than sorry

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  I don't hate him or anything but god, he is actually not good at Dota at all. Any guy you take from first page games could pretty much play better than him. I understand Dota is his job and all but he went to Korea for this? Really? If they fucking wanted to form a team Blitz should have came back. I actually understand though. Korean dota skill level is the only skill level they can beat.


                                    he doesn't claim to be a top tier pro player. Frankly he is rather modest about his skill level, unlike the vast majority of players here, who only wish they could reach the level he is at.

                                    Nor did he spend a long time planning to turn pro. He went to help out a friend who he thinks got screwed, and as a team they have decided to give it their best shot in Korea.

                                    Talk is cheap. Its like a shitty version of ESPN First Take with a bunch of skip bayless wannabes talking trash and acting like they know everything about Dota and the players who are actually playing professionally.

                                    If you all think purge is so bad at Dota, then go join an open league and win or better yet, make a team, go to korea, and win Nexon. Otherwise I hear JoinDota is going to be doing a new open league series.

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                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                      i prefer baumi


                                        I like purge he has done well for himself from living at his parents and then living with friends and now lives in korea with friends. He is living a great life so good on him


                                          Purge is a better caster / comentator then Merlini in many aspects, for once you see that Purge just shits around with his people in a more friendly manner ( even while cursing ) , just watched a couple Merlini replays and the guy is arrogant as shit didn't really like it , plus the way he speaks is really anoying, kinda reminds me of Justin Bieber or some crap .. if you are into learning then Purge , if not always right in his choices he does explain why , how and when ,the casts i've watched from merlini are just meh, yeh i did this because of that... like 20 minutes ago he bought an item and now he explains why? Or the usefullness of it?

                                          Purge has alot of skill the guy is a solid player and he doesn't claim to be the best ( like about 90% of the people here ) but he's very very good and that shows in his casts without him needing to be obnoxious.

                                          Maybe its me being a bit picky but i didn't really like the way the Merlini guy makes his casts in comparison to Purge.

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                                          Kanye Best

                                            I want everybody to fail.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              The ones who hates him are the same losers that hate anyone that has any kind of success. He is pretty modest with his skiill level, he probably just went to korea to help blitz.

                                              I mean i dont like dendi stream, but why would i hate him ? why would you HATE anyone on internet ? let people do whatever the fuck they want.


                                                purge is shit, just saying.
                                                He's good for the people who are new to dota, to learn some heros.
                                                but his Game knowledge and map awarness is actually pretty pathetic in comparision to what he thinks he has.
                                                Anytime i've seen him playing recently, all it is is bitching about mistakes in other players rather then improving his own play.
                                                like sure people skrew up, but if your playing carry, and not taking towers.. you can buy your own wards as your supports are clearly gonna be struggling.
                                                But well, if you want to watch dota, watch pro's steam.. otherwise its just a waste of town.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  "But well, if you want to watch dota, watch pro's steam.. otherwise its just a waste of town."

                                                  Dotabuff is every day more funny, seriously, every day.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    @Peekaboo.. "Purge is shit" ... and you are a super pro or what? I meen... lol?!


                                                      Just because he's not a pro player he's shit now? He's a very high bracket player, and even though I'm sure there are lots of people here who are better than him, I don't see any of them helping newbies as much as he does, so I respect him for that.

                                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                        "overly cocky" is your post OP. Why do you even care?


                                                          well if he just didn't say and lie
                                                          that LD & Lumi following his lead
                                                          he's just fine


                                                            who the fuck is purge now? another 18 year old school boy who happens to be famous around newbies?

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              Here's the video in question that really turn my off after enjoying most his tutorial videoes. Yea his stream was basically him bitchin' about 99% of his teammates. Since he can't be BAD. I mean I don't mind Merlini being ragin' etc. cuz he's actually a retired dota 1 pro, while Purge is a nobody. vid link:

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                You guys live only for dota, i mean so if he is good he can rage, if he isnt he cant. Do you understand how kid you sound ?

                                                                "who the fuck is purge now? another 18 year old school boy who happens to be famous around newbies?"

                                                                I am pretty sure he is older than you.

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  He actually has a BA or MA degree in some shit. Just don't like his "Alpha" tendencies. I mean if you're gonna be ignorant or arrogant at least be cool about it like SC2 caster, Tastless. Or not-so-serious racist [ROOT]Destiny.


                                                                    this thread encapsulates why the Dota community is known as the worst gaming community.

                                                                    "i just don't like his alpha tendencies, I rather he be a not-so-serious racist"

                                                                    This thread in a nut shell:

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                      They lost to Eye of Tiger: Hammer woot!

                                                                      Bone Chilling

                                                                        I dunno why but I actually dislike Purge for some reason. I do not know his story, his skill level, or what exactly he does. I've just seen a few of his videos and heard him co-cast a few games. Do not like the guy =\


                                                                          I hope they will take 2nd place. I wish a korean team win NSL3.


                                                                            He's never come across as arrogant to me. He's always been very respectful in his videos from what I've seen. Perhaps the OP is confusing arrogance with self-confidence? Maybe you could post some real examples of what you're getting at, instead of intimating this and that.

                                                                            Presenting your own opinion as fact with nothing to back it up, is the very definition of arrogance. Add to that the fact you're homophobic and that your post reeks of jealousy, with a hint of racism towards Koreans thrown in for good measure, why the fuck should anyone give s hit about your opinion, since you're clearly just an ignoramus with nothing better to do with his time than worry about others success?

                                                                            Good luck to Purge and Zephyr. One narrow loss means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I hope they keep the project going.

                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                              Thanks I dislike him more now that I know he's a homo.


                                                                                me +1


                                                                                  Well OP.. the thing is.. he is in pro dota and you ?

                                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                    I hardly think playing versus Koreans as Pro. That's like playing versus Starcraft 2 and league of legends players with 3 months into this game. I don't think they can make it pass IXDL or North American League/Inhouse. I just hate his arrogrance and *know it all attitude. Guy doesn't even know they watch instead of twitch. You know when he first started commentating he claimed to be top 10% of dota players. I hardly think 4.8k MMR is top considering most dotabuff jerks here are pushing 5.2k. Also on his vblog he's already claim to be top 30 team in the WORLD. I bet if he wins this tournament, he will demand a challenge to NAVI & Alliance, lol.

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      The couple of times I've seen his stream I don't think he's even close to the skill of pro players. He was missing uncontested last hits and one thing that bugged me, which I pretty sure no pro player would do is leveling up skills by clicking on the skill.


                                                                                        I like watching him, as we was one of the first players I found to learn from. I like him and Merlini for much different reasons, and I find most of Purge's in-game guides to be rather informative in regards to proper items to take and why you should take particular skills. i still feel like I'm relatively new, so it helps me, personally.

                                                                                        Everyone loves Chibi

                                                                                          If you dont like him and his stream, THEN DON'T FUCKIN WATCH IT. Only a stupid, miserable human beings do something they dont want. Be happy instead and do what you like to do and you feel good about :) Btw - i dont know why i even write in some whiners tread, i'll rather go watch a good Dota game :D

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            Tall Poppy Syndrome abounds on the internet, thus Purge has a lot of haters.

                                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                              LMAO Tall poppy, more like Dunning–Kruger effect.

                                                                                              Donald Duck

                                                                                                I don't get it. Why all this hate to a guy that teaches newbs like me the basics of dota and some situational stuff?

                                                                                                Did he rage? Well? Everyone rages. U get a bad day, u connect to dota to think about something else, the game goes into Shit and u shout "What the hell".

                                                                                                I think he's an "higher-than-average" player, who can teach lower tier players how to have more map awareness and all this stuff.

                                                                                                Quick maffs


                                                                                                  Yep, totally.

                                                                                                  Purge knows that he is no way close to the level of pro players, and still he takes a risk to go and help a friend on korea, that its probably more than a lot of his haters would ever do for someone.

                                                                                                  Anyone can go and make a pro team, you dont need to be a excellent player to take a risk, plus compared to the average dota player he doesnt rage at all.

                                                                                                  No one can live without self-confidence, saying shit like " we are going to TRY" ," we know that we dont have a chance" you cant say this kind of shit, you need self-confidence to go anywhere in life.

                                                                                                  Btw 4k is already top 10 %.


                                                                                                    DEATH TO PURGE!! nub feed0r charging $50 to teach feed


                                                                                                      At least he doesn't bump 4 month old threads and feed himself with bots on South Africa servers right?


                                                                                                        sandboxie doto best doto