General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for Admin.

Question for Admin. in General Discussion

    Was wondering if there was a way either on request or by default settings a hidden portion could be implemented for the teams you play with.

    Reasoning for this...

    1. A lot of people have obsolete teams that they may want to wish to remove

    2. My reasoning is that when playing in lobby/league or TMM the profiles you play on get constantly sniped and I am sick of having some of the core heroes we play as a team banned simply because they can just look up a profile and have a peek at the most used combinations or picks.

    Is it possible that if on a team all members of the team would maybe set their profiles to private or if the team was closed down or unplayed in for about 6 months it could remove it from your page.

    This is not about personal stats this is just a concern about having a lot of your team stats looked into and it can become a bit of a nuisance when people are able to do this with such ease. (I should know I do it as well)

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    King of Low Prio

      learn new strats


        There is no preset strategy here just preferred hero drafts as the number of heroes that a number of teams and players can play is almost exhaustive.

        Lets assume we see a situation where we have picked a certain combination before and the team catching onto this from checking out the team page is able to ban forcing a less advantageous pick. While not a huge deal, it's a annoyance when due to the publicity of stats you are forced to completely go a different way. Again, while not a massive issue its a little...meh.

        For instance the only way we keep the alternate team from showing is to alternate players every three games

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        King of Low Prio

          learn to adapt, every team has to deal with people knowing how they play/pick


            Again, adapting is not something we have an issue with it just irks me that there is no way to perhaps make it harder for people to see commonly played.


              Pro teams always have research done on them. If you pay attention some teams early picks/bans often tell you exactly what they are going for. The best teams are much harder to draft against because everyone knows they can just pull out another option.

              A really good strategy has options for the draft. A good draft starts with picks that don't reveal the direction it is going. This is a legitimate part of dota strategy.

              King of Low Prio

                it seems like adapting is a problem for you or it would not "irk" you at all. If you are flexible enough it does not matter what they ban


                  >The draft is done by my captain not by me I simply offer advice/input in drafting phase.
                  >It irks me cause I get a lot of my favorite supports respect banned.
                  >Given that I have played every support in the game, some more than 50+ games I should think myself flexible enough to play any.

                  King of Low Prio

                    are they respect banning witch doctor?sand king???

                    no they are banning common support heroes which happen to be supports that your team will play, Lich CM visage


                      I see your point but this is still something that I think is a little bit of a nuisance for just me and not necessarily for anyone else on my team or in general.


                        haha u really think you're being "respect banned" LMAO


                          To some extent yes I do. Considering people are dropping out Undying which as a ban is rare but not unheard of as well as other heroes that my team mates play that are not uncommon bans but as first bans over more conventional bans it does become a little bit frustrating.

                          Anyways this was a question for Admins and I don't think any of you are that so...

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            Well I was under the impression that the whole concept of banning heroes was to disrupt your opponents strategy? Sounds like you're on an ass-tier team if you can't handle people countering your strats.


                              I think you perhaps you should check the entirety of a post before making asshatted assumptions. Team is fine. I am fine. Picks are good. Game is hard. Countering is not an issue. Disrupting is a word for losers.

                              Was just wondering if there was a way to make your team private to prevent easier countering. I would offer for you to come play against our "ass-tier" team but its not my place to organize scrims.

                              This was a simple question raised to admins and not meant to anger the blood of overzealous individuals who look into a query beyond the simplicity of its original state.


                                respect banned? go search help and dont cry about assumptions when its all you do, holy fuck this threads golden


                                  The entire purpose of Dotabuff is to reveal everything about you as a dota 2 player. You signed up for this.


                                    Wave mad about getting called out for being low skill and now QQ's in other threads to make people forget. Golden indeed.


                                    A lot of people had a dotabuff account before they even knew they did. Most "sign" up to it before even knowing it exists.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      turn it off then if you have such a big problem with it


                                        well your captain sucks
                                        that simple


                                 are really not getting this. We don't have an issue I just feel people should be given the option to remove/hide their team.

                                          Captain is fine. That simple.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            that is like saying dotabuff should have a option to have only the time I win as public and whenever I lose it is private. You refuse to give this up no matter how foolish you look so I dont know what else to say........


                                              Then say nothing. As stated in the post "question for admins".

                                              If I wanted to draw from the wealth of helpful knowledge the dotabuff community has I would have made yet another MMR thread but I was legitimately wanting to know from an admin if it was a possibility.

                                              It has nothing to do with stats or wins or losses or KDA or anything of the sort. Its pure and simple (at least for me) about the ability to deny your opponents the easy way out in the drafting phase by looking up your team or visa versa.

                                              Again to clarify. I would have liked or want to know if there is possibility (not for wins or losses or stats or anything) to perhaps hide the team games played but after so much help from the community and so many non-team accounts I can see this is obviously not an issue.

                                              I would have better luck trying to ring blood from a stone then getting a helpful response that even resembles the slightest iota of constructive context.


                                                I agree that teams should learn more than 1 strat, but IMO dotabuff should not keep on players profiles teams that are unnactive for long time... 2 months unnactive and the team page should disappear

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  you posted on a public forums dotabuff has a email address in which you can send all requests to. You made it public because you thought more people would agree with you and you would get support. Now that there are people who disagree with you and you are trying to pretend like this is a private matter now.


                                                    You mean on top of the hundreds of emails they get from people weeping over missed matches, banned from ratings, and the other number of emails that I have previously mailed them without response.

                                                    They are a small and assumably busy team and this was in the hope that Safebase or Jason would be able to comment on how they feel about this. I never once pretended this was private or you're right, I wouldn't have posted it here. It was directed at the admins of the site with never once a reference to "what does the community think".

                                                    Again, people with no useful imput saying their irrelevant and off-topic two cents without reading or understanding the original context of the post.

                                                    "Was wondering if there was a way either on request or by default settings a hidden portion could be implemented for the teams you play with."

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      So basically you believe since you are such the well know player (everyone knows you and all your heroes you play so they always watch all your games and ban all your top heroes) that you should have direct access to the dotabuff administration and bypass the normal means of contacting the admins.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Sampson he is not the first to contact admins by the forum, i dont see what its the problem with that.

                                                        I mean seriously why do you care ?

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          because he posts in a public forum and expects privacy. I am just calling him out for being a idiot


                                                            "So basically you believe since you are such the well know player" No never once have I ever stated this.

                                                            "everyone knows you and all your heroes you play so they always watch all your games and ban all your top heroes" No. Which is why I feel it should be kept this way as far as teams are concerned should people feel the need.

                                                            "that you should have direct access to the dotabuff administration and bypass the normal means of contacting the admins" I have contacted the admins by normal means on other topics and have received no replies which is fine cause they may be very busy and I can respect that. Via the forums is an accepted way of contacting admins.

                                                            I fail to see what point you're trying to make just as you have grossly failed to get the context of mine. You can't seem to read forum post properly and are constantly quick to reply with inappropriate and most often rude and unnecessary content.


                                                              this forum needs moderation.


                                                                I volunteer