General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR is bullshit;

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MMR is bullshit; in General Discussion

    A system that tells you your actual skill level but requires you to actually own the game for everyone?

    I started with 3.3k mmr lost 'till 2.8k, I am right now in a place where people don't even know BloodSeekers abilities, where supporting is irelevant and tryhards are at every corner.

    I find this game very frustrating when i prefer playing support, I have to actually carry my team into victory else I will continue on losing MMR;

    I usually do denyes, I put wards, I roam for ganks, I support my carry, but I get no real recognition of doing any better, but the game keep telling me that I am shit and I need to go to the bottom of the shithole...

    I will be in supermario solo mmr league if this shit goes on... I lose every 4 games I play I lose 3 because I get queued with people that have no ideea how to initiate, or are having below 300 hour experience...

    Before I played with my friends we had no trouble winning at 3.6k team rating, we were having a laugh not focusing on the game as much, right now if I play solo I feel like in vietnam, I have to lead my team that doesn't even know how to play to victory...

    Seriously this is how the game tells me I'm shit? Cause I can't solo 5 man... This is bullshit and I'll probably quit dota2, go back to starcraft, at least there I know if I'm in shitleague it's because I failed ...

    King of Low Prio

      you lose because you are bad, once you accept that you might start getting a little better

      I come from the dark

        your 46% wr tell me that you are where you belong


          I never said I'm a 5k player or even 4k player... I am struggling to improve as well like everyone else, but getting in a bracket where I cannot do anything then pick PL and backdoor is annoying...

          And my 46% wr is because I play with a lot of RL friends that don't take this game as serious as I am and I enjoy playing with them in general.

          I think my own skill level is at max 3.6k at this stage, and this is the skill level I am mostly winning and losing when playing with my serious teammates...

          King of Low Prio

            I am sure if I got all of NaVi to carry me I could have a team MM of 6k, it does not mean I am a 6k MM player it means that I am getting carried


              It is hard for support players to get outta crappy brackets.
              I feel you OP.
              Learn to play a couple carries and just grind until you find yourself in games where supporting is comfortable.

              King of Low Prio

                dont give me the "woe is me I am a support player" excuse as to why you are in the shit tier


                  It's not okay to blame your crappy friends for your winrate, no matter your most played role. I mean, this is the kind of people I stack with sometimes. (the non-annonymous ones...)

                  A little tip, next time you log in to Steam, change your status to disconnected for some soloqueing action :)


                    Lol sampson i'm not exactly in shit tier...


                      I play with RL friends, I had a 56% winrate, until a RL friend got his steam banned for scamming like a retard, so he took this current profile, fucked it up, lost 100 games, won 20, and then gave it back, and I am slightly dragging the profile up, much of my stats on this profile are fucked up due to him, trying to play the hero, cus he got some "cool" items for it, like omg that alchemist.
                      About ranked, if u didn't have any troubles before the ranked MM was implemented, then there is an easy and direct solution, just go regular MM, no one is forcing u to play ranked...
                      Also while playing regular MM and knowing that it won't affect any stats (that mean somethings), u would in fact enjoy the game much more.


                        dude I understand how you feel. I solo queued 99% of my games and even had lots of games in low priority. retards were almost in every game just a matter of luck which side. I was also playing higher skill tier heroes, all this made my win rate quite low. But it seems your winrate is kind of low even for a Peruvian, even if you have these factors. whenever I lose a game and have a retard a quick dota buff search reveals that retard had a winrate significantly lower than 49%. what im saying is you can blame your teammates and stuff for your losses but a dota buff analyse of your games in your profile through matches, heroes can easily reveal if you're getting bad luck or you're just bad and blaming.


                          Maybe u r the retard, have u ever tried to see the other side?
                          Always them noobs, them retards, and u might in fact be that retard.


                            mapzor, what is your actual MMR and what is the starting MMR for this profile your friend messed up? How long are you taking to bring it up to your actual MMR?


                              Play with a group if you actually believe you're better. No one forced you to play ranked so don't...

                              Hiding in the forest

                                let the trolling begin lol

                                Quick maffs

                                  "you lose because you are bad, once you accept that you might start getting a little better"

                                  Yeah its like magic, you think about it and it happens. I would change it for " you lose because you are bad, if you dont have talent or a LOT of time you are going to still be bad"

                                  "It's not okay to blame your crappy friends for your winrate"

                                  It is ok, they are my friends, if i cant flame them why would i play with them ?

                                  About OP, search good players and stack with them, if they say that you are good you are good, if they say that you are bad you are bad.

                                  btw your kda kind of sucks so you really should try to die less i guess, or playing better i dont know.


                                    It's not about owning the game for everyone, it's about doing your part in a team composition. I've lost only 1 game in solo ranked mode thus far, and it's the one game where I didn't play support. In every winning game I picked last, warded consistently, and ganked as much as I could. I ended every game as the poorest on the team, but each one was a victory that wouldn't have happened if I played as selfishly as others.


                                      I just came out of a game when the captain picked alchemist to support, really now, I am queued with people like this and it's still ok mmr...

                                      I played Weaver that game, we lost it cause of the BS that got feed. What can you do in that kind of cases? Dunno? Praise for better;

                                      W/e I think I'll just stop playing dota2 or stop solo dota at least... This is a broken system and people that are at the top cannot see it how hard it is for those that aren't as good as them to rise their mmr.

                                      I never said I am a good player I am probably as good as my win rate is. I only said this system is broken, to many retards in the lower mmr making it impossible to rise your mmr because of it; w/e going to buy some cigarettes and probably play starcraft.....

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        welcome to elo hell. I mean the trench!

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                        Quick maffs

                                          Dude everyone is telling you, you dont HAVE to play ranked, i am not playing that shit on a good time, just play normal games.

                                          kappa god

                                            No offense, but you deserve that semi-low rating (well actually it's better than a lot of players, even a majority of them but since we're talking about 99%-standard bracket here...yeah)

                                            Right off the bat I can see quite a few problems in your games...


                                            Taking this game as an example (I'm assuming you abandoned early on and then your team fed you, but maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't matter)...You went midas on lifestealer when you already have a dusa on your team. There's no logic here. Going midas on any jungle hero as a first item is 9 times out of 10 the wrong choice in pubs. Take legion commander, getting a blink dagger or an armlet over that midas makes your team so much more powerful right off the bat, and you can pretty much be useful to your team right then and there and end the game quickly if the other team didn't contest you. Whereas if you went midas, your lanes are already hard to begin with and having you going midas means you can't help your team and make the lane tradeoff worth it. Although I think you were which case getting a first item midas in pubs is always the wrong choice unless you're uncontested. Picking up boots and some other items that allow you to at least be relevant (say phase boots, stout shield, and a bracer or something) and then getting the midas would allow you to be relevant while having that late game advantage with the midas. Also, there's no reason to pick up a midas when you have a medusa on the team. Odds are she'll be your solid 1 position lategame so your job should be to get your team TO the lategame rather than try to take that 1 position. So make sure you build appropriately based on your team comp.


                                            Taking that "support alch" alch is 100% a legit thing that your captain probably saw in pro games or something and wanted to play. I think that's 100% the same lineup i saw in a game like yesterday in a chinese game. Aside from the fact that he's trying to copy pros (which isn't a bad thing but the lineups they make aren't set in stone and are built through draft), you should try and think about how it could be applicable rather than dismissing it and saying that they suck because they were trying something...that in this case is legit.

                                            You also didn't have boots or a ring of aquila in that game. No excuse for the boots, makes farming harder and kills your mobility, especially when you don't have a manapool to sustain your shukuchi without treads/aquila. Also linkens is a bad choice in that game because bloodseeker will kill you every time he wants before and after you get that linkens (can just use force staff to proc the linken and then blow you up), they also have other shitty single target spells they can blow on you like frost nova. You shoulda instead gotten like a drum->BKB which would have made you relevant and able to snowball.

                                            Main two things: don't go around dismissive of the people you're playing with, odds are your gameplay isn't too far off of them (you're probably better judging from some of your games but I don't think it's far off...) so at least consider what they're doing and try and see how it could work before seeing how it doesn't work. Basically, attitude will help you both improve your gameplay and your game quality (more wins). In terms of gameplay in pubs games are decided in the first 10-15 minutes so playing hard carries like PL and your hard-carry Weaver are both things you shouldn't play if you want to win games. Instead play more of a fighting build - no midas (on like everyone but NP) and get your core items up fast and try to help your team and snowball from there/end the game.


                                              dude 46%, HOW

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              Hiding in the forest

                                                lol you are so bad lol
                                                that everybody in the thread hate you so much... lmao


                                                  You obviously aren't as good as you think you are.

                                                  I pose you this question, and I want you to think on it.

                                                  There are players that are better than you. At one point, they were obviously in the same situation you say you are in, because they were better. What happened to them? How did they get into higher brackets? Why does the same not apply for you?


                                                    There was a SC2 player that demonstrated that excellent micro/macro could get you up to and out of gold league. He did so by agreeing to a static and bad build structure (something like Queens only), and he managed to do it.

                                                    I'd be interested in seeing someone donate a "shit tier" MMR account to a pro support player and then see if he could work his way out of "shit tier" under a strict set of rules. The rules would basically say he needs to play support heroes and actually support. So a loose set of rules might be:
                                                    1.) You must courier/wards at the start
                                                    2.) You cannot steal farm from carry/mid players
                                                    3.) Wards should be bought through the game and courier upgraded
                                                    4.) Otherwise, he can buy whatever items he deems appropriate
                                                    5.) You should last pick if possible; if the last pick requires a carry/mid/etc. then you can fill that void in. You are not allowed to ask for mid/carry/nonsupport during the picking stage.


                                                      @ Zauxst

                                                      " I just came out of a game when the captain picked alchemist to support, really now, I am queued with people like this and it's still ok mmr... "

                                                      Alchemist supports works dude, he can have easy gold and if somehow the game goes very late he can build cuirass and others stuff and be good in fights. Looking at your winrate and your profile I think you are the noob of your team, you should be happy to have 2.8k mmr because I think you will be lower soon.



                                                        Yeah... Alchemist is chosen as support in 4k+ (all the way up to the best) as well as in official matches.


                                                          OP, you already figured it out. Just pick PL. Its boring but it works.

                                                          @ Vandal its possible to raise your MMR from say 2k to 4k on support heroes solo queing as you described, but it takes a long time. I played my first 500 games or so in Normal randoming heroes, then I played a few hundred actually picking heroes and moved up to High and eventually to Very High.

                                                          But if you want to move up faster, and you actually are better at dota then its much easier to pick carries or at least solo mid ganking heroes. This is because if you are the only one on the team capable of really causing the win by making plays... then you need the resources to do it. If your hero does not have a high % of the teams networth then you can't contribute much in low skill, low teamwork games. The closer you get to pro level the more important support players become... conversely the closer you get to nub the more important autoattack heroes become.

                                                          So OP, just pick PL. Win games, grind it out. Your score will go up at least until you reach a point where you can recognize that your own problems are causing a fair number of the losses. But keep in mind having a higher MMR has consequences beyond just seeing a pretty number. Opponents will get harder and games will put more pressure on you at higher MMR. Its not necessarily something you want to do if you like to play dota for fun with friends.

                                                          In ranked games everyone waits to counterpick so just pick PL right away, who cares what they get to counter. Try to get someone to pick KotL to support you. Be polite and ask for it. KotL is the best PL support if they know how to do it right.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            @Vandal that idea is pretty legit, would be awesome to know how someone climbs MMR playing ONLY supports with solo queue with less than 10 games.

                                                            @Relentless i would stop playing dota before playing the same hero multiple times only to up on MMR.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              sometimes i wonder why LELentless is not banned yet


                                                                Really its just about you needing to accept that you're bad, also have a friend who's better than you analyze your replays to see what you're doing wrong.


                                                                  I see a lot of mixed opinions, as I've described thousands of times I am no where near as good as you people might be, I am just the average Joe trying to figure out how to get higher in MMR from a league that is inappropriate, I specified clearly I am at maximum a 4k player when i say this, i mean I probably am around 3.6k mmr;

                                                                  Now thank you for all those players that took the time to actually scout my games, or at least write some good info and tactics ( ps I never knew Alchemist support is good, I have to agree tough in that game I found his stuns usefulls, but unlucky most of the stuns were on himself and that made the enemy go on him, i could easily pick them off with Weaver.);

                                                                  I still have much to learn about this game as I've always mentioned ( and If I didn't I will beg for apologies ), this is one of the reasons I actually read reddit dota and dotabuff and all the other websites that are related to Dota;

                                                                  While this thread is about whining, I only asked for a clear vision on to why SOLO MMR is more focused on team win, then personal team playing; There should've been an intelligent "director" that would've calculated how good I am positioning, how good I am dewarding how good I am supporting the game, or from a cary perspective, how good I am farming, killing, kill stealing etc, and from there calculate personal MMR, not this (you get carried, you are great) system.

                                                                  I will stop responding to this thread, no point to actually "bump" this post even further, I guess all that remains If I continue solo playing is learn to beat the opposite team solo...

                                                                  Thanks to everyone that hated or sympathised with my personal suffering, hopefully next time I will be complaining it will be when I'm at 3.6k mmr :P


                                                                    @Zauxst. The game isn't about positioning, dewarding, supporting, how good you are at farming ,killing and kill stealing. The game is about breaking the enemy base. If you fail to understand that you are stupid. The game is called DEFENSE of the ancients (or used to be called )


                                                                      Instead of thinking of your teammates mistakes only look at yours every game. If you do that for a month you will get higher rating.


                                                                        snälla tyst du ger mig huvudvärk

                                                                        Legit Pudding

                                                                          Didn't they say on release that ranked mmr could go up or down wether you win or lose? Personally i haven't experienced that at all if we win and i have played shite mmr goes up if we lose but i've played really well mmr goes down. The only thing that seems to affect it at least at lower tier is if you have won or lost how you played has no bearing whatsoever.

                                                                          white lies

                                                                            i feel u bro huhu


                                                                              Teammates in 4.2k mmr are still shit.


                                                                       @4750 MMR

                                                                                after some good new years game another circuss. void cluelles how to play. hes 4th lvl at 10min safe lane. 4k total hd, 0 map awarness. he didnt even gave us a chance to win. ofc 49% tr carry^^


                                                                                  Tr players are good

                                                                                  Crackling.дота товари

                                                                                    mmr is bullshit


                                                                                      is mmr bullshit?


                                                                                        no mmr is match making rating
                                                                                        bs usually stands for bullshit


                                                                                          i dont care about mmr.i care about the gameplay.

                                                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                            Yo, this thread was 2 months old and no one had commented on it. Stop necroing dead threads. We dont any more need MMR complaint threads than are already being posted.

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              ^Stop posting here D:, this was dead


                                                                                                ^you woke it up too


                                                                                                  for the most decent players winrate is forced at 50%, writing a wall of text complaining otherwise it's pretty dull



                                                                                                    46% wins is awesome. IDK how you aren't over 3K MMR and not at 50% wins with awesome alch skills like this.

                                                                                                    P.S. Wrath woke this dirty thread up we already have the constant "lie to me again fgt" thread for cry hards :P



                                                                                                      My solo rating is now 2739, was 3280 months ago.

                                                                                                      unbelievable system

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!