General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Ultimate Ranked "Solo Queue" Guide

The Ultimate Ranked "Solo Queue" Guide in General Discussion

    1. Pick last and pick properly - most people put in this situation are those who are forced into playing as a support. Be that guy, else you're in for a long debate with your team.

    2. Don't give stupid people the opportunity to lose the game for you - take mid lane if you must, play carry if you have to. Worst thing that could happen is you playing perfectly but not able to impact the game positively.

    3. luck is required when deciding if you go for #1 or #2

    4. Impose your leadership and communication. Hopefully, others would cooperate as well.

    5. There will be that 1 game where you played perfectly but still lost for "some" reason. Don't dwell on it. Don't flame. Don't curse. Don't shout. Don't blame Valve. It is what it is. Move on and play the same way, perhaps even better.

    6. There will be that game where you will forget #5. Your MMR will drop by 200 pts. Your win rate down by 2%. You are muted for 168 hours. Chill. Don't play DotA for 1 day. Take the stress out, Play LoL and feed intentionally.

    7. All of us have been paired with a faggot. All of us had been that faggot one way or another.

    8. If you are serious enough, don't pick heroes who needs baby-sitting. Or better yet, don't pick Anti-Mage, Sniper, Spectre. You'll be labeled as a "walking dead" everytime.

    9. If enemy picks heroes like #8. Go gank him. You get more gold in killing a hero than killing a creep you couldn't even last hit.

    10. Mid game Smoke ganks has a high success rate in solo queue. Strangers tend to farm separately and selfishly.

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    Ce sujet a été édité

      Pick bullshit prophet
      Get level 6


        Number 6 is exactly what I'm going to do now


          good guide, thanks

          Woof Woof

            pick mid + dont count on others until you reach reasonable rating


              pick first and pick earth spirit or natures prophet


                pick legion commander or earth spirit. gg wp.

                Woof Woof

                  my bad i just watch highest rated game with 2 pros new approach pick mid + never count on others


                    Imagine if 5 ppl that have read the guide and are matched in a team. They will all think, "everyone else except me is stupid and I will go mid."

                    My point is, how do you know whether your teammates are stupid or not if you don't even know their skill level in the first place.

                    Rule no. 2 is not really a good rule as if there are better solo mids in your team, you shouldn't think that everyone is a stupid noob, and additionally demand to go for solo mid. I've seen people saying," mid or feed", and when we give them mid, they feed like shit.

                    Bone Chilling

                      I must say I tried doing this (before reading) on my "belvoed" russian server, and it kinda worked. I tried to pick last, I used voice communication a lot, tried reasoning with "faggots" and everything kinda worked out. Set my new 13 wins in a row record!


                        @[Emmanuel] Vitae hence, rule #3


                          I pretty much agree with this. The best pick is generally support as most of the time your team will just pick carries. Every time I pick CM my team rejoices. Then when I stack ancients they love me even more. I think to myself, "you could have picked the support".


                            Not treu, frist pcki bh wnis u gmae. U logic onyl aplpies to <4k mmr gmae gg volvo.


                              I'd say forget about the mid part unless you pick last. In one game someone randomed batrider, called mid, then last pick was puck or something like that and also went mid. For first 3 min they both stayed mid and were arguing who to go top, lol.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                @eight interesting point.. that's 1 disclaimer I might need to add.. those are all viewpoints from a guy with 3.9k MMR :)

                                I would definitely love to see posts from people > 4.5k MMR

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  I swear by rules 1,4, and 5. I was a heavy rager a while back, a habit I picked up in Malaysian inhouse games. I moved up the ranks in a system that would put you down hard (I was insulted on a regular basis until I got things right), but most people these days don't respond positively to such methods (I've even had teammates quit on me during our pre-tourney boot camps!). When dealing with most pubs, suggestions and a calm demeanor are your best allies.


                                    Voicechat can really help a lot, I have had a game ( where we were losing, they were already getting our tier 3, dark seer wouldnt engage properly but when I started to lead a bit through microphone (I was entire game, but I tried to get us out of the fate of losing) they have got better, we have had a lot of good teamfights when they have did the void + dark seer combo, we were playing carefully and we won. I have even gotten a "leadership" commend lol

                                    Picking last is really a good point too, once there was a last pick left and we needed a supp and... That guy picked slark and ruined the laning, no idea how these people got to this point of game while being so fucking stupid I swear

                                    There are usually many people that will go mid so I wouldnt worry about mid, support is the most rare thing people pick, I hate playing support because it might be boring if your carries are bad or if you are getting crushed totally. Also annoying when they still blame you for some little mistakes even tho its them that lost the game, really.


                                      ive done number 6 like twice now...luckily i minimized the losses to just those games... i used to it all the time before public mmr :B


                                        Tried the guide, it doesn't work, still up to luck.

                                        call me shox!

                                          you can't do anything, there is no such guide that can help you through games of this genre
                                          balanced game like Valve said, not!

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            yes but I don't think your items were correct
                                            you pick up linkens when you can rely on someone else too to deal damage and to split push farm to secure the win
                                            also yes, if you need security, bkb is good choice, you dont need linkens
                                            a better player would have won


                                              and my recent games have been too where i was stomping but i still lost, unable to push properbly cause of my items and team picks
                                              if theres someone to blame, theres only me for not playing better

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                next time try going hood deso instead

                                                call me shox!

                                                  my item build was the normal one I would say, I was playing with Mirana only and Abaddon wasn't using his shield on me so I had no protection whatever
                                                  Black King Bar helped me but without LS I couldn't dodge the swap or Pudge ultimate or Juggernaut ultimate
                                                  I don't think there is something I could have done much better
                                                  perhaps a Divine Rapier would helped I guess


                                                    Problem was he has some absolute numpties on his team. How is it even possible to get only 15 lh with enchantress?

                                                    call me shox!

                                                      I don't know, I don't even know why they got matched with me in the first place
                                                      in my second game I was playing with guys who had 2500 games and now I'm playing with total retards
                                                      I guess you just have to stack, too bad it's impossible for me since none of my friends play this game


                                                        ur going is useless

                                                        can't remember when last time had a solo que ranked game wehre i wasnt ganked by atleast 3 ppls mid by the mark of minute 3


                                                          yeah thats just normal


                                                            "And you have to be a mid player to have that large of an impact solo que..."

                                                            Just saw this post from someone. Do you guys agree on this?

                                                            Happy :)

                                                              To be honest the best way to destroy in solo queuing (or duel queuing) is super aggressive laneing. Most supports won't be skilled or coordinated enough with their team to properly pull and zone you away from harassing a fragile carry and most carrys will assume that the first half of the game is just right clicking creeps until they're six slotted because they have little to no experience vs a coordinated lane. Usually I can completely shut down a lane with undying and one stun because the Drow who I'm up against will just stand there right clicking the wave while I stack decay and then one stun drop a tomb stone and she dies. Of course it also helps that there is hardly ever TP support. The disadvantage is really aggressive laneing heroes like undying usually are terrible late game and so you are basically praying that your carry isn't completely terrible. When in doubt in solo queuing just grab a hero with a stun. Coordination is usually so bad that if someone is stunned slightly out of position they usually just die.


                                                                bump! any new learning? :)


                                                                  If all else fails, ignore your heroes' usual builds and go rat doto and if possible, convince your teammates to go rat doto.


                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    Go mid with a good ganker. Focus on LH/D. Gank early, gank often, and display rune control. If you are a decent player you will win more games than you will lose I guarantee that.


                                                                      5. Don't dwell on it. Don't flame. Don't curse. Don't shout. Don't blame Valve. It is what it is. Move on and play the same way, perhaps even better.
                                                                      5. Don't dwell on it. Don't flame. Don't curse. Don't shout. Don't blame Valve. It is what it is. Move on and play the same way, perhaps even better.
                                                                      5. Don't dwell on it. Don't flame. Don't curse. Don't shout. Don't blame Valve. It is what it is. Move on and play the same way, perhaps even better.
                                                                      5. Don't dwell on it. Don't flame. Don't curse. Don't shout. Don't blame Valve. It is what it is. Move on and play the same way, perhaps even better.


                                                                        ^ pretty much it


                                                                          pick es and abuse it then go play normal when es is nerfed

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé
                                                                            who am i

                                                                              bh...most pubbers are retarded enough to rack up 60 kills in 30 mins => oppa money


                                                                                Addtionally to what OP wrote, I'd recommend playing with a positive mindset and try to have fun but also be serious about winning. If the "atmosphere" is right, it should be able to propel you into enjoying the game more and if you do lose, you won't feel too stressed about it. Worked out for me and I've won more games than lost in soloQ.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  I find constantly trolling your opponents will increase your solo winrate (95% solo ranked winrate)


                                                                                    bump! any new findings? It's been quite a while since I lost.. but I don't play solo ranked that much though.. I only play it when I'm in a really really good mood


                                                                                      Pick storm spirit if they have less than 3 stuns and you dont suck with it. Free win.


                                                                                        1. Agree,in 90% of case you are support,go on line,farm you carry,put wards,buy mek,make shure you die one or twice with body block to save you carry sorry ass,have better KDA in the end of game then your babysitting carry.

                                                                                        2. If you apply rule number one you can't play by rule number two

                                                                                        3. Always

                                                                                        4. Hopefully i's the key word

                                                                                        5. It's good when it's one game,what if it is 2 or 5 or 10???

                                                                                        6. Agree.

                                                                                        7. Huh,some players are just faggots every second game...

                                                                                        8. You can pick that heroes if you have good supports,that is rare case ofc.

                                                                                        9. Agree,if you have good gank hero,read rule number one btw.

                                                                                        10. I don't see 2 much smokes in pub,you???

                                                                                        Don't think that i have something bad about your rules,i really hope that people can follow them,but also i know that most people who play are just selfish enough to pick 2/3 mid or feed heroes and all go in mid arguing about who pick first,or after you apply rule 2 and pick carry they will pick another 3/4 carry heroes.....


                                                                                          Don't queue with Russians= win game


                                                                                            This thread reminds me of a term in poker called negative EV. (expected value). The idea being that minor decisions or changes to your game can have a negative or positive expectation on results. Here's some more.

                                                                                            11. Don't play new heroes or heroes you're very week with in ranked game. Play them in the non-ranked modes (like least played) until you're confident you're ready to get a +50% win rate in matchmaking with them.

                                                                                            12. No matter how big a moron some of your team mates might be, insulting them will only make things worse and most likely lead to rage quits. Even if they're as bad as a faeces flinging monkey tapping a mousepad, respond with positive criticism and suggestions. Kindly asking the feednig Rubick on your team to try to steal Lich's Chain Frost, instead of constantly going after Pudge's hook for the lulz, might radically alter the course of the game.

                                                                                            13. Make sure your team-mates understand the importance of always carrying a TP. Kindly ask those that aren't carrying one when they should, to buy one ASAP.

                                                                                            14. Try to come to an early agreement as who should who build the Mekanism and/or Pipe.

                                                                                            15. Recognise the right time to go and push down towers and make sure your team-mates are on board and not afk farming at the wrong time.

                                                                                            16. If no one on your team accepts responsibility for warding the Rosh Pit, ward it yourself if possible. It is too important not to.

                                                                                            17. Don't expect your team mates to see everything you see and use a mic to communicate. Not having a mic when quick reactions are required by your team mates, could be the difference between getting teamwiped or achieving a turnaround and going for the throne. Don't expect people to understand what to do with a mere ping on the map.

                                                                                            18. Watch competitive Dota and how the pro teams draft. Use them to inspire ideas about what heroes you pick to combine with what your team has already drafted or what plays well against your opponents. Your decision to play OD mid this game has to based on a lot more than your win-rate or the mood your in.

                                                                                            19. When playing solo ranked in Captains and Captains draft mode ALWAYS, ALWAYS take the captain. DO NOT leave this to chance. Find a balance between picking a team that matches up to your opponents and what your team mates say they can play. Don't simply give them what they want. Give the guy who wants to play riki/sniper for no apparent reason a low-skill-cap hero like Viper instead. Politely explain that this is the nature of captains mode and if he wants to play the hero he wants all the time, to go and play All Pick.

                                                                                            20. If the game is safe to leave due to an abandon and its a lost cause anyway, FFS just leave the game. You are wasting time you could be spending in the next game improving your ranking.

                                                                                            SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                                                                              Lots of misinformation.

                                                                                              You shouldn't support in solo queue unless you know your teammates aren't trashbags.

                                                                                              Anyone not in the business of spamming brood/earth/legion should definitely pick high impact heroes. A solo safelane clinkz can get treads/orchid quickly and proceed to dominate, etc.

                                                                                              "Play selfishly but not narcissistically." If they are 5 manning mid and you're Luna 18 min in with treads/drums/hotd/200 from bkb and your team pings you to join, don't listen to them. Dying from a teamfight like that can set you back immensely.

                                                                                              Also 4.5k doesn't mean anything and there were some 5k retards in my games so yeah...sorry to burst anyone's dream vision of decent dota games.

                                                                                              Like at this point it's safe to conclude that a huge minority of the 5k crowd got there by spamming the most broken hero of previous eras (lycan, pl, spirit breaker, huskar, etc.) and the current one is no exception.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                Call miss as mid! Also force allies from lanes to take runes every 2 mintues at least up until 15-20 minute mark.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  If you do pick last you need to be prepared to play anything your team needs. But my advice is pick what you want early if you're set on playing a specific hero so the rest of your team can fill in. They still make retarded picks but at least it's not your fault anymore.

                                                                                                  And also don't pick heroes that pigeonhole your team into a specific playstyle regardless of where you pick them. Picking nature's prophet first is ok, but the team has to realize ok we need a capable off lane then. Or jungling legion commander. Or picking brood. All of those are situational heroes.


                                                                                                    (4500 solo Q ) Well , i think its all about luck... But The Communication that BlackXargon mentioned above is The only key to success.
                                                                                                    Sometimes will work sometimes not... if a teamate is really bad comparing to enemy team players you cant make him better you just can make him feel nice and cooperative this is 50% chance to win.
                                                                                                    Another thing is that most people " I put myself in " get mad if someone tells them what to do... BUT i personaly say it As an ADVICE not as a Command to my teamates. this works!
                                                                                                    Anyway Dota its a nice game hope no trolls were exsist but trolls are everywhere.!
                                                                                                    PeaceVoker <3

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!