General Discussion

General DiscussionDagon brood done right :P

Dagon brood done right :P in General Discussion
allidoiswynn Thats how its done lads!
    Last game for this year for me probably, I wish you guys happy holidays and a hapy new year in advance!!!!


      15 kills in 30 mins with brood, how is that ''how its done'' ? LOL etc

      see you next year nigga



        Quick maffs

          Hey guys can you explain me why dagon is legit on brood ? I usually get orchid/bkb but i see so many people getting dagon.


            Watch and learn :D

            Well you can do instant 825 damage without even gettign in range, you have totally free mobility so you can actually even camp behhind fountain and wait for supports to respawn. Problem with orchid bkb is that you might have killing and pushing potential however you put yourself in danger which agaisnt certain set-ups and not enough farm just does not work


              im surprised you havent gotten cancer yet from that hero
              happy holiday

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                Sweet job, watched some of the game :) Happy holidays man, we'll play some next year for sure! :)


                  Hardly a 'this is how its done' video.

                  Your team was leading from the get go and you got ganked 0 times nor were you shut down by the LD, who could have done it easily with a cheap sentry. LD was noob, don't bother arguing about that. Dagon Brood's weakest phase is the farming period because of shite hp and weak lane presence. Sure, its hard to kill you but its bloody easy to stop a Dagon Brood from farming in the lane........ You had Midas, SR and PMS by 6 minutes. Thats the farming speed of professional carries in a TRILANE. I am not praising you for this, I'm pointing out how unrealistic it is to do this consistently against any decent players.

                  Good job with owning and that micro jungle farming. Decent last hitting too with Brood's crappy animation and damage but honestly, this is nowhere near higher level games.


                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    I can tell you, LD is not a noob and he knew what he was doing, even with sentry he could not compete with me on the lane. He would have semigood farm up to none which would not have won him this game. And no kind of brood has a weak lanepresence as soon as you get soulring. You can hit insanely hard and with dagon lvl 1 only you have 750 nuke not couting your physical damage. And basically thats would be the welcoming present on every hero that decides to come to your lane.

                    "You had Midas, SR and PMS by 6 minutes. Thats the farming speed of professional carries in a TRILANE"
                    What is that supposed to mean ? that there is no way to get as much farm in other set-ups ?
                    I had a free tower tue to sylla gank and I got fast midas and i think 9 mintue dagon.

                    Regardless you dont need to have that good farm to make dagon/eth brood work because even 30 minutes into the game that build deals a massive damage without getting in danger.
                    Also it is done right because I had it very fast and let the enemy have no chance to do anything on bottomlane.

                    there is no need to be hating.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                    Woof Woof

                      wesołych świąt i szczęśliwego nowego roku brah

                        bum farto


                          Done vs team "shut down".


                            ...lovely how you reject decent criticism. There was no parts in my post there were biased. Do you call anyone who doesn't treat you like a pro a hater?

                            Reasons why this game is low level:
                            #Fact 1; Bot tower went down insanely fast and there was absolutely no reaction at all.
                            #Fact 2; LD WAS NOOB. Really lousy last hitting, 0 sentry harass on you. LD died a really stupid death by overextending so far away from his tower. Se-fucking-riously? LD is one of the kings of 1v1 lanes. If you think BM wins LD in such a lane setup, you need help.
                            #Fact 3; You got stay at bot for god knows how long and there were no attempts at stopping you. Oh wait, maybe because they have almost no wave clearers at all helps. I might as well use Legion Commander against 5 supports and call it how to reach 300+ dmg stacks done right.
                            #Fact 3.5; Retarded build cripples team essentially making it 4v5 elsewhere and enemy still lost other lanes.
                            #Fact 4; You said Vrosnak owns by playing in uneven games, so this game wasn't uneven at all? Are you fucking serious?

                            I could go on and on but I won't. If you seriously think this was a high level game where you did outstandingly well then you really need to grow the fuck up and accept you aren't good as you think you are.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              lol fuck broodmother
                              ultimate gay hero, counter picks needed lol

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Quick maffs

                                  waka0 for what a see on they profiles they all look way better players than you, the true is that the enemy was losing the game pretty hard, that its why they coudnt defend bottom all the time, you just cant lose that much of time searching for a almost unkilliable broodmother.

                                  Web regens make it up for the ld harass, without some way of killing the spiders he was doomed on that lane.

                                  "Retarded build cripples team essentially making it 4v5 elsewhere and enemy still lost other lanes."

                                  What ??? it doesnt matter what build he goes brood will always make a team go 4 vs 5, if the enemy decide to team fight they would lose the rax and if they try to kill brood they willl lose time and farm.

                                  LD profile:

                                  almost 700 games with the hero 65 % winrate and almost 5 kda.


                                    They might be better players than me, so?

                                    If Dendi messes ups and feeds do you still you call it a good play/game by him? I watched the entire game before giving my criticism. It was a one sided game from the beginning.

                                    0 sentries whole game. Many times some of them just walk right into web. At btm when BM was pushing at t3, naix just walks up slowly to him and gets dagon nuked to half hp. Makes no fucking sense. The Radiant was playing horribly. SF trilane ended up killing at level 1, OD lost mid, what the fuck?

                                    I appreciate you defending him but as I said in my first post, "Good job with owning and that micro jungle farming. Decent last hitting too with Brood's crappy animation and damage but honestly, this is nowhere near higher level games."

                                    "What ??? it doesnt matter what build he goes brood will always make a team go 4 vs 5, if the enemy decide to team fight they would lose the rax and if they try to kill brood they willl lose time and farm."

                                    Its like saying Furion shouldn't buy any teamfight items like Guinsoo. Dagon's BM weakness is that against an all-in 5v5, he can't do anything as compared to a BKB standard BM.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                    Quick maffs

                                      It was a one sided game but that doesnt make the radiant players be bad players, this game WAS a high game ( just check everyone profile ) you just basically called the radiant players bad players when they actually arent.

                                      "LD WAS NOOB." He wasnt, and i still dont think lone druid can beat bm on a 1 vs 1 lane.

                                      The od guy had 2680 games with od.

                                      A one sided game doesnt make the players on the lose side bad players, there are a lot of variables ( picks, people playing heroes that they are new with, lane composition, etc ...).

                                      You could say that he didnt had the most important impact on the game, but that its another story.

                                      If you want to get mad with OP i dont give a shit, but insulting a lot of experienced players being yourself worst than them is really arrogant.


                                        Fuck logic.

                                        So if my stats are 90% winrate, 9 KDA and I proceed to feed 0-100, its still a high level game yes?

                                        Their statistics are irrelevant to the way they played. They played horribly. End of fucking story. Whats your problem? My first post was hardly insulting, I just got annoyed at OP's ego when responding to me so I made another post. LOL HATER? Ego much?

                                        My argument: Radiant played really badly and one sided game therefore this match was hardly impressive.

                                        Your argument: Radiant players have good stats! It doesn't matter how shitily they played, this is high level.

                                        OP argument: Vrosnak, your score means nothing when its one sided, but mine does!

                                        FUCK LOGIC YEAH?

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          This game must have been low priority because I have rarely seen so bad players against a broodmother.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            how the fuck do ld do anything vs a brood ? who says shit like that ???


                                              brood rapes ld in any fucking "background"

                                              Quick maffs

                                                What i am saying is that i dont think that any of them played badly, lone druid cant do shit against brood, OD got ganked multiple times, dire outplayed them, still that doesnt make any of the radiant players bad players.

                                                How is hard to get a kill with venge and alch on a trilane ?

                                                Are you going to deny that you actually called lone druid a NOOB ? When the guy didnt had a fucking chance on that lane ?

                                                "Se-fucking-riously? LD is one of the kings of 1v1 lanes. If you think BM wins LD in such a lane setup, you need help."


                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                  Hey if I knew that you'd stream it I would have stream cheated :(
                                                  Btw, although you owned me hard, I am still thankful that you showed me the true strength of this build^^

                                                  Although I must say I was very sad about my team refusing to buy sentry wards :(((

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    Ok I am back :3 arrived safely

                                                    I do not agree with you, try to improve your argument in what way LD is a king of 1v1 and hwo does that come into effect vs a brood, and calling players noob just because of 1 game is bad tempered. I player having almsot 300 games on a situation-carry like LD is and still having a 65% winratio (and more than decent kda) shows a lot, maybe it not came to use as much this game but I know for sure that some of the choices he made were made with serious background-knowledge.

                                                    I do agree with you

                                                    Just wanted to say that dagon is a legitimate itemchoice, as is necro, as is bkb.
                                                    What makes dagon great on brood is tha you can farm it very well and you are hard to catch in addition with free mobility.
                                                    Dagon/Eth lets you create (almost) lethal damage to almost any hero making you a threat to any enemy hero wether they are alone or with their team. And actually sniping heroes directly from respawn is part of its gameplan even though it seems cocky but I won lost games already by first sniping a half hp back to base tinker and then killing him immediatly on respawn creating space and room the team needed.

                                                    In general however I prefer dps-bkb-brood however its hard to break the base. So in certain scenarios where bkb fullfils no real purpose or I experience that in a certain setup dagon does more I go for it.


                                                      I did not even know it was you, but if seen you sneak around in the forums before :P I enjoy playing with or against players I randomly met here :D
                                                      And about buying wards situation, sometimes you need to do it on your own. Sometimes becaue your team refuses to do this or because you think it would win you the game!

                                                      Heads up on you :)


                                                        Lets turn the chessboard around. I'm a dick for calling people noob and whatevs blabla but what have we gained from all the discussion?

                                                        Agreement on:
                                                        1. One sided game.
                                                        2. Agreeing you had a lane advantage.
                                                        3. You're an egoist if you can flame Vros for his match but see yours as insane skills.
                                                        4. Regardless of their latent 1337 skills, Radiant played poorly this game.

                                                        There was no next gen shit in this match. No insane jukes nor comebacks. No solo rampages or anything of that sort. It was about a BM in a lane he (according to everyone) would obviously win while his teammates 'outplayed' the Radiant who had a hero edge. You showed us a farm fest camp at bottom. Radiant was completely decimated without your help, as seen by how poor they were which allowed you to instagib people even without a full spider+dagon+eb combo. Then you fountain farm like a dick.

                                                        Ultimately, easy game. Nothing impressive done = HARDLY A HOW ITS DONE VIDEO.

                                                        If your teammates were losing terribly and you went and CARRIED the whole team, its called a 'how its done'. At the rate the game went, you weren't even needed. They could have won 4v5.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                          @snowman ˆ
                                                          The game wasn't really that one sided I think. At least I started it with 4-1 score iirc.
                                                          I really shouldn't have tried to kill that broodmother so early :<
                                                          I once went up against an unstoppable brood and it was alright because I was already Godlike. I just underestimated this Brood.


                                                            why you hatin' on arka


                                                              Fountainfarm or rather fountainsnipe is actually part of dagon/eth brood gameplan, to give a hero not even a possibility to do absolutlely anything in the game rendering it a 4v5.
                                                              Never said it was anything super duper insane skills, however it shows a broad spectrum of skills and ideas and sometimes just a small thing shown can give a person an idea.
                                                              I do not think vrok is a bad player , i played with and agaisnt him :D I lost and won :D I know him and that might be the difference you might not be able to see :P
                                                              snowman, if you think i am stubbort or an "egoist" you ca just stop the talk now, no need to prolong ? :D

                                                              It looks like im gonna have a nice christmas which i did not have for a long time, wish you all the same


                                                                they see them rollin' they hatin'