General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is new MM due...

When is new MM due... in General Discussion
bum farto

    Outside of supporting for my team, sick of supporting for trash pubs like windranger.

    >Sells items
    >I get triple kill in ult
    >Starts farming to rebuy items
    >Too late, they are so farmed.
    >Game over, I get reported for being a little harsh on what is essentially shit


      qq threads my favourite

      l2p scrub

      bum farto

        This is like the first one I have ever made, as far as the game is concerned I am more than forgiving on low skill players but sometimes it is too far.

        Learning to play the game is not something new to me. I am a support player which in Dota2 is something significantly rare and something that appears foreign to you.




            im pretty sure ranked mm will be the same as the current, with the difference ull be able to check ur stats and such,

            bum farto

              My issue is, look at that horrible windranger.


                lol @ that tinker item build


                  i heard tomorrow


                    lol @ level 1 slardar bash

                    bum farto

                      That is just it....I am not the most impressive but I am a solid player who knows what they're doing but why do I get queued with such trash. Perhaps my queuing partner is in a different sort of queue bracket or something.


                        You must be over 1k MMR above a player to really have little chance of queing with/against them. If you are at about 3k MMR you could have 2k MMR players on your team. Valve has called matches like that "good" in 2 examples now. Now that some of the new scores will be visible we can finally get some idea of how likely such large ranges in MMR could be.

                        Maybe for the ranked matches they will do a better job of tightening up that range. We will see.

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                        Sōu ka

                          ive seen your friend on fears stream asking him for scrims
                          almost convinced him

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                            no MM,
                            but you can have black female legion commander.

                            bum farto

                              I think its due to queuing against him a few times, he has a real boner for wanting to play against Fears' stack.


                                @Relentless I doubt ranked matchmaking will include an algorithm that tightens that range. After all, the split in players will mean longer queue times, so I assume that Valve will probably loosen their requirements to improve queue times. I do however foresee that people will start forming stacks with MMRs close to their own, and this will help provide better matches.

                                Sōu ka

                                  at the moment MM is split into 2 pools
                                  normal MM and solo queue only MM
                                  with this update you get 4 pools of players but at the same time solo queue ranked MM becomes a lot more attractive while solo queue unranked MM becomes very unattractive
                                  so more pools usually means that there are fewer players in each pool which makes it harder to find many players close to your skill range (unless your rank is really low)
                                  as is most good players rarely ever play solo queue only which makes the skill range really wide
                                  so for the top games it will be a lot better with ranked solo queue games coming but only if the MM system is decent and not as ass as TMM

                                  Woof Woof

                                    valve and decent mm system Lulz

                                    Sōu ka

                                      making a good MM system while allowing people regardless of their skill level to queue together is literally impossible


                                        ^ This pretty much summarized the impossible task people expect of Valve.

                                        waku waku

                                          I hate it when people go all "gg wp push fast" when the enemy team does not have that much of an advantage yet, or if someone says "easy", especially when it has not actually been easy, it makes me want to try to counter pick every single time


                                            Ppl are just too much retarded and no clue about game. 1 team wipe or smth and all go cry like babys even other team has still no advantage at all.

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                                              havoc arent u from rgc?

                                              bum farto

                                                RGC, Gameranger, Garena, Dotalicious :) you name it I was on it...

                                                Alias' - uk.Nomad, Pantsman, uk.Havoc, CrimsonHavoc