General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people farm when the enemy team is dead?

Why people farm when the enemy team is dead? in General Discussion

    i mean like you have no reason to do so. the game is about the damn ancients not fucking gold.

    Skaterrvr - Sucking at csgo

      It depends if you are in the posision to much or not , and in some cases farming will have a bigger impact then a tower which you will get anyways just a little bit later


        people will just farm mindlessly not looking at the enemy linup that rapes them later
        it happens so often i cant even count


          Retard Team: "Lols, we managed to kill the whole team! Now we can farm without them annoying us all the time so we can all get 6-slotted and look like pros!"

          Other Team: *ganks the farmers while they are isolated because this is another fucking tendency among them"

          RT: "Pfft, noobs. They think they still have a chance to win. 6 slotted inventory here we go!"

          OT: *Continues killing them separately because the RT didn't get the hint that they really shouldn't continue farming alone"

          *Games escalate in the OT farming the RT heroes and getting items for their own carrys"

          OT: *Destroys ancient*

          RT: Fucking supports couldn't keep the team alive! Fuck them feeders! Volvo gg fix mm!

          Of course, that's not what always happens. Sometimes, people just lack balls.

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            dunno dude, many reason,
            they are either behind or the death cooldown is too low
            if you are behind soo much compared to opponent team even if they are dead of course
            it's quite risky to push back after that


              @zano usually that happen to a support player like me when we can take rax they dive fountain and die then the enemy move as 5 and take roshan.. GG . end of the game blame support.

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                if you fight someone like that it's time for midas gaming
                (still farm even if they already kill you)

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                  basically you are saying these guys who farm when the enemy are dead are noobs. yep agreed.


                    I hate when it's a late game teamwipe and they do the same thing rather than push towers.


                      This is completely situational but yes, many pubs fail to take advantage of space created in a successful team fight to push towers. Often its lack of coordination, lack of a mek and enough arcane boots...

                      However the reverse of what your saying will happen as you go up in brackets. higher level pub players will sometimes push too much and get punished for it.

                      Sometimes its best to push, but sometimes the old starcraft adage "when you are ahead, get more ahead" is the proper course of action. If you think players are making a mistake and farming mindlessly, my favorite response is to follow the carry. If he goes jungle, simply follow him and instruct the rest of the team to do so. Protect him, speed up his farm without taking his gold (which will piss the pub carry off) and hopefully he will get his ass in gear.


                        Playing aggressive is generally my biggest downfall.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Pubs in general have a hard time realizing when to push and how it relates to team comp. That's why you almost always want 2-3 carries in a pub match, so you can win 40-50 min games since no one knows how to 5 man push and make it a 30 min game.


                            Enemies are dead, So the priority is like this
                            Destroy tower and Barrack > Roshan > damage T3 tower and back > Continue Farming

                            I can't count how many times my teammates die when pushing T3 tower as enemies have revived and they choose to engage the full hp and mana enemies instead of go back? How clever.


                              sounds like space was created


                                it really depends on how much time left for dead enemies to revive..
                                usually on early game enemies have less cooldown time when they die so some are hesitant to push since enemies can just TP whip there asses.. what i dont understand is that in late game and people get scattered when they see that the enemies are dead instead of pushing together.. it's a basic thing.. it's sometimes leads to an enemy comeback..

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                                  I dont know what you are talking about

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