General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo queue win ratio

Solo queue win ratio in General Discussion

    What are the best % stats for PURE SOLO QUEUE games. I am not really interested in seeing 70% win boyz who stack all the time (even though you also need to be really good to do that so dont cry here kiddies, you are still cool just not the type of cool im looking for)

    I have started playing solo queue like 2months ago and I am having around 53% win there and for some reason it seems more than impossible to go higher. Im playing dota since its total beginning (played it even in SC, reign of chaos, etc), played many inhouse leagues like IHCS or pub leagues like dota-league and everywhere I could do at least 55-60% win rate (while ALWAYS playing solo) in here it seems as something impossible. I can see extreme gaps between skill of individual players and I can see utter retards in my team while playing against relatively skilled enemies and vice versa and the game is hardly ever balanced (8 out of 10 games are ended before 30th min)

    but i dont care i know matchmaking sucks as it is and I just hope it gets improved, however, since I always have been able to have 60% wins+ and right now it is not possible I would wanna know if they are some fellas who do really have at least 55% win or even 60% for solo queue (ONLY FOR PLAYERS WITH MORE THAN 500games obviously as making 80-20 at the beginning is not even a challenge)


      1) Find stack
      2) Win games
      3) Stop dreaming about solo queue

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        I didnt ask how can one get 60% + win rate.... I know it can be done quite easily if you play with players that consist top 2.5%-5% of the community but I would rather wanna see the best solo queue results, is there anyone who has been playing just pure SOLO QUEUE matches and has 60% win and 300-500+ games ? because so far I believe it is close to impossible


          I don't think that winrate is the main problem when we look at matchmaking. Improving matchmaking can either affect your winrate in a positive or negative way. I think the real benefit in improving matchmaking is improving the quality of the games (lose better games, win better games, less stomps).

          On a side note, I think this guy solo queues often and gets a decent winrate. I, of course, could be wrong.


            Any good player would get between 50-60% winrate by solo queuing, and any good players who go for 5 man stacks would have between 60-90% winrates, Dota doesn't force a 50% for no reason, it does so because as u win more, u gain more MMR, and if there are no players with similar MMRs, u would get to play with low players instead of the expectations, which is with better players, and that's why while 2 pro players go solo queue at the same moment, are under a high chance of getting to play against each other, ofc they should be queuing on the same server.

            So, the best players would get around 55% winrate while solo queuing.

            Woof Woof

              having higher than 55 is most likely impossible unless you find a way to cripple rating gains


                again I dont say having close to 50% win rate is necessarily a bad thing (i believe the same thing that losing against good team while believing u did ur best and perhaps even learned something is always better than winning against brainwashed dogs) I just wonder if I just became that bad and have to recover from the dementia caused by all the drugs and alcohol drunk or is it a system's "flaw" (i had 2years break from dota and I feel now that im not even half that skilled as I was in my times of glory where I could play a balanced 1v1 middle to any player or play against guys from mYm without being worried that they humiliate me)

                EDIT: so what i am looking for that someone who is really only playing solo queue and has at least 55%+ wins (if there is 60+ then even better as that will just prove that im just a donkeyballs sucker and forgot how to play this game properly while rest of the folks kept playing and learned)

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                  Well i have been playing solo que since i started the account, i have been in parties alot ofcourse but nothing fixed.
                  so i guess its really hard to get above 55% winrate even though i dont have that i have around 50.5%
                  its not easy to win many games in a row as i play with and against good players..
                  but i can tell you one thing win rate doesnt reflex your skill level..ofcourse it can give you indications
                  i think you should wait for valve's rating if you wanna know where you truely are among the community.

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                    ProfessorFierce made this account purely for solo queue because his friends told him he wouldn't get over 60% winrate
                    but it's less than 100 games, so well...

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                      I have made 65% win rate while playing approximately 80games.....however, after playing more than 100games, i suddently started going down and down and down (sadly not because I would have to play against players who are way more skilled but because I meet people in my team that have 20brain tumors while playing against people that are equal/slightly worse)... that is why I am really interested in seeing only people who have played outstanding number of solo queue games only (not a combination of both party/solo)


                        Consider how the matching works. It will average the MMR of both teams. For you to win much over 50% in solo que you would have to be so good that you could play against the best solo que players in your region/mode/language setting and beat them while having feeders on your team. If you keep increasing wins above 50% and there are not strong enough opponents available in the que the only way to make the math reach an average is to give you feeders.

                        You really need to look at "wins over 50%" not % winrate if you want to get some sense of who is best at winning pub games. But all the problems with that will be solved when ranked matching is finally released *we hope*. You will then have a score that really is solo que for everyone.

                        While the ranked solo que match is still going to get to a point for the top players where it will bring you close to 50% win by adding weak allies to your team... This will at least be honestly reflected in your score. The solo que MMR then is like a Handicap number.

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                          I used to solo queue for quite a while and even nowadays I still play solo queue most of the time. My record is 54% win rate and I never managed to get over it. It all comes down to a bit of luck and good team mates.

                          The only difference between me and you is that I play Dota for only a year now. :)


                            Dendi --->
                            Most of his game are sollo queue
                            SingSing ---->
                            though Sing plays a bit in parties but he have fun instead of winning.


                              Btw. There is only one sure way to know if Valve tightens up the restrictions on the range of MMR allowed for solo que ranked games. That is the que time. Good matches with a small range of MMR usually do not exist in the que. Valve can't find them because they do not exist, you really have to wait longer for someone higher ranked to enter the que. I hope Valve will let people wait for better matches. But I don't expect that to happen.

                              It is possible to bypass Valve and achieve this result on your own if its important enough to you. Depending on how small you want the range you just need to cancel the que and re-search whenever it passes 30 sec or 1 min or 2 min whichever you want. This prevents the range from extending to lower MMR players. But you may have to cancel it for a long time. I have waited for up to 20 min this way to get a good match, but it does work.

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                                but that again tells me very little because both of them also play quite often with 1-2-3more friends which already influences it a lot. because if they just played pure solo dota they might not be able to go over 54-55%


                                  90% of my slark games from solo que



                                    This is one of my accounts i had given it to a friend and he gave it back to me with 8-8 and then i went to 62-28 so i made a 54-20 record.
                                    But very few games in my main account i am 53%-56% again most of games solo.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      I play almost only solo queue, just stack with and my winrate with him is lower than my overall winrate anyway.


                                        check mine :P got it as high as 57.9x % but then i started to lose too many games the past few weeks


                                          check mine , everytime i go solo queue my team sucks, got 1 -2 people < 100 hours played dota 2 in my team and opponent usually stack 4-5 man >1500 hours. this valve mmr sucks

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                                            you palyed only like 200games with your friends (last month)... (yea you sure are solo queue only player)


                                              lol. not that hard to achieve for most good players, but those who can get high win% dont usually play serious enough.


                                                <<< nuff said

                                                tip toein in my bitch

                                         That is aliastar's account with pure soloQ, just under 500 games, so I hope that helps

                                                  in the land of dickheads

                                                    after certain point its impossible to play solo queue, only way u ll have decent wr, is to dominate a game from lvl 3 with smthing like earth spirit, otherwise the longer game goes , the more mistakes ur "teammates" will make

                                                    P.S. i play alone and i pray for the button "do not include me in a solo queue matches" to appear

                                                    Tight dota player

                                                      key is to pick the same pubstomp hero, that you are very good at, over and over, i.e.

                                                      visage solo queue only:

                                                      bum farto

                                                        All I know is that you will never win that many games being a selfish player who ignores the needs of the team because they would prefer farming then giving the team the help they desperately need.

                                                        All of your games follow a similar pattern of selfish play where it can either pay off or ruin your team entirely and despite all the farm you have and kills you got/stole you will lose the game. Then next day turn to the forum complaining about the matchmaking and how you can't win solo queue.

                                                        Want to know how to win games. Be a god damn team player in a stack or not, even if it costs you it's worth it.


                                                          I definitely think you can get about 55-60% doing only solo queue, it is my first account and I never played dota before so i was always around 50%.
                                                          At one point I was at 53% and started to play either all random or capitain mode wich screw me a bit as all random can really put unfair team and in capitain modes you will often find players that can't play some heroes and will screw the game.

                                                          But the main thing is to analyze why you lost and try to correct it in your next games, so if I would do a new account right now I definitely think I would get about 55%-60%.

                                                          Kaninen i Monty Python

                                                            Its all about luck i think... had a 12 games win streak and after that i got a 13 lose streak :/. In the lost games i dont believe any other player would have done a much better job then me, mostely lost because of leavers feeders and 0 wards when opposite team doing quite experienced support rotations and killing the crap out of every one. Many games i get ppl sayign the play the hero for the first time...

                                                            Longing for ranked mm, hope this shit gets improved so we can get some nice, balanced and fun games!

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              52%.. I rarely see anybody who doesn't stack pass that. Anybody who isn't playing a single hero or OP ones like drow/troll/slark etc.. are stackers.


                                                                Drow OP? LOL totally shit tier hero

                                                                Safe Base


                                                                  EE mostly solo ques, a ton of games but very few played with friends.


                                                                    Why do you guys talk about % winrate, it is totally irrelevant since everyone has a different amount of games played...

                                                                    Example, having 60% winrate with 100games is complete shit meanwhile 52% winrate with 2000games is alot better.

                                                                    Only thing that is relevant is how many more wins than losses you have.