General Discussion

General DiscussionBR noobs

BR noobs in General Discussion

    on american servers, why?


      why come to american servers if you cannot speak english, i just had a whole team that was BR and pretty awful.


        The language option is a preference, not a filter.

        Skaterrvr - Sucking at csgo

          Lots of russian everywhere , they do not realise by having no communication that they are ruining the games - comment by a english speaking Russian


            you sure they were br? cause im peruvian myself and i play on us east cause we have no other server.


              racists everywhere
              learn to play and get matched with decent people


                just because i dont like getting trolled by a team of br noobs saying NO:)) everytime i said push doesnt make me a racist, also most of the russians ive played with speak well enough english for us to get along and win.


                  Hue hue hue BR você irmão louco


                    I always play on south america server with only portuguese filter, and almost every day get teammates who only speaks spanish.

                    Think volvo should enable a special kind of report for players who doesn't know the language they filter, so they cannot use that filter again for like a week, at least.

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                      And I agree that playing with someone that doesn't speak ur language is really anoying, but don't say "BR NOOBS". I checked ur profile and 2 minutes of the last game u played, and I'm pretty sure 9/10 of my friend list (all brs) are far far better than u. Don't blame BRs for ur poor matchmaking.


                        laff @ u pub i learned the ropes in game so lower winrate but your still a pubstar.


                          I'm brazilian and when I queue in US servers I get US noobs in my team I think I'll make a thread about this
                          no, wait
                          nobody cares

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                          Retard Security Detail

                            The worst 4 letter words in dota.


                            FCC where are you!!!

                            Quick maffs

                              Well 90 % brazilians on the internet are assholes, and i am telling you this being brazilian myself.

                              This is because the vast majority of brazilians on internet are underaged and you know how kids are ....


                                Dorkly I agree that the majority of brazilians is retarded, but so is the majority of people from every country. This kind of thread is stupid simply because OP has no idea of how many brazilians he plays with - he just knows when someone speaks portuguese
                                If I play in US servers, i'll speak english and he'll have no clue about my nationality.


                                  Blaming brs for the poor matchmaking system, stahp.


                                    u gotta understand that its not about the race, 90% of the humanity is retarded, statistics are from a legit source.

                                    Retard Security Detail

                                      I agree with Nova, the fact that he calls Brazilians a race rather than a nationality is clear proof of it. Bad english speakers can be communicated with, bad BR cannot.


                                        You can communicate with english-speaking retards? Please teach me, I've never met someone who could do it

                                        Retard Security Detail

                                          I am the noob-whisperer. Catch my show fridays at 8pm on Discovery.


                                            Wouldn't miss it for anything... need to learn this technique



                                              if you q in american servers ofc youll get matched aginst americans, also i dont care who you are or where you are from, just as long as you can speak/understand english, it is a team game.


                                                from the day i started dota 2 i've learned russian,spanish,chineese,portuguese,tyrkish,armenian & arabic

                                                try to do the same

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                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  If you know Turkish do you know what "senin ebenin amını sikiyim oç" means?


                                                    it's the same with russians on eu servers or anywhere else.
                                                    bad players are everywhere, but bad players that can't communicate with you are worse.

                                                    personally I'm happy that brasils no longer play on EU servers like it was the case with dota1 (ggc,bnet,eurobnet).

                                                    <FLAME> But srsly, brasils are worst, there isn't single worthy brasil dota team despite huge dota community</FLAME>


                                                      ^ye because slovakia (or whatever shitty country is the flag on ur profile) has only great players and teams


                                                        It's because the south american server is shit. and a lot of people have high ping there. They have better ping in USE, myself included. thats the only reason. And also, the only south american server is in brazil. One of the 3 countries that dont speak spanish in south america.


                                                          Actually French Guiana isn't a country so there are only 2 countries that don't speak spanish :P

                                                          @AoeAoe: not having big teams =/= not having good players
                                                          It's totally different. We don't have big teams because Valve doesn't create any kind of big tournament here, we have only shit tourneys with nearly no prize, how can a big team play like this? People need to study / work. In China you can live by playing Dota professionaly, in Brazil you can't.


                                                            i hope volvo get mached with my dick so i can fuck icefrog in the ass!


                                                              ^Jesus, I like Icefrog, but not enough to do that. You must really love him.