General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i fight doom as PA

How do i fight doom as PA in General Discussion

    I get that doom counters her, but if doom's picked after I pick pa, what should I do?

    Doom with aghs ult takes down most of my health even with the strength from satanic.


      use forcestaff and veil of discord


        Isn't that what I would want to do as doom? I was more curious what I should do with PA when playing against a doom.


          use tread and butterfly

          Quick maffs

            Cry. Luckly there will be another bastard on your team that he will doom first ( maybe a zuus or a enigma ).

            You can try to kill him before he even dooms.

            But yeah just lay down and cry if he dooms you.


              or have linken or bkb or manta...

              Quick maffs

                isnt doom damage universal ? so it goes through bkb ? and what manta will help against a non retard doom ?.

                Doom has his nuke to break linkes so if he really wants he can break linkes first.


                  get silencer on ur team

                  or wait for oracle

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Manta can give you a second or two of confusion during which time you may kill him or kill another hero...same reason its a small counter to single target nukers and shit (varies in effectiveness).

                    You can try to avoid Doom by staying back a bit, and forcing him to come out and try and Doom you while your team fucking wreck him. I was playing Zeus the other day and the enemy Doom would ALWAYS try and doom me, regardless of my position, so by the end I would sit like 700 range behind my allies and he would try and charge through them..dumbest cunt.

                    The other option is pricey, but with Abyssal you can probably take him out


                      Bait it out, survive.

                      Orchid/hex on your team.

                      Initiate first.


                        pa is honestly one of the shittiest heroes in the game

                        i just played a game and i ran into the same situation you did

                        i ended up getting bkb AND linkens and it still didn't do shit...he would just doom someone else

                        you might think "well isn't that what you want?"

                        Well, frankly, I still need to be able to kill shit, and if my teammate(s) die it doesn't matter rofl. It's not just about SURVIVING, it's about you being able to burst down critical heroes (which PA is notoriously unreliable at)

                        pick another hero...phantom lancer/skeleton king/lycan/death prophet are all good against doom (last 2 make sure you pop your ulti before teamfight)

                        best counter to doom is roaming his jungle early but if ur solo queuing in a pub that probably won't happen

                        like i'll be honest, aside from having the highest crit in the game (which doesn't matter cuz it's unreliable damage) there's really nothing that PA can do that another hero can't do better

                        Riki/Bloodseeker are better gankers early/mid.

                        Void is a better 1v1 right clicker late game with a 5 second stun that goes through bkb.

                        Luna/PL/AM can farm much faster

                        Ursa has better burst damage than PA (until late game)

                        Weaver's laning is 10x easier

                        Almost all the STR carries (Sven/CK/Naix/DK) are bulkier and don't need such heavy babysitting, and are useful much earlier

                        I mean if you want to "play for fun" go ahead, but that hero is seriously garbage tier

                        even if u go 20-0 in one game with PA, you shouldn't think: "omg pa is such a great hero," cuz chances are even if u picked another right click agi hero you would go 20-0 if not better

                        it's not about the specific game, it's about how she fares compared to other heroes.

                        I can't complain about scumbag doom pickers cuz I pick doom a lot too but w/e

                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                        King of Low Prio

                          ooo lord the dagger crits tho :P


                            Doom is my favorite young cousin ( 9 yr old ) hero cause he is so * Big* looking strong


                              "pa is honestly one of the shittiest heroes in the game"
                              its not
                              "i ended up getting bkb AND linkens and it still didn't do shit...he would just doom someone else"
                              your magnus was retarded

                              "pick another hero...phantom lancer/skeleton king/lycan/death prophet are all good against doom (last 2 make sure you pop your ulti before teamfight)"
                              umm insta death doom 2 useful

                              "like i'll be honest, aside from having the highest crit in the game (which doesn't matter cuz it's unreliable damage) there's really nothing that PA can do that another hero can't do better"
                              I find you extremely unlucky as if you have a stun in your team you can score ez kills on enemy team

                              "Riki/Bloodseeker are better gankers early/mid."

                              you consider those 2 gankers? carry a tp scroll bro

                              "Void is a better 1v1 right clicker late game."

                              inside chrono yes outside not so much

                              "Luna/PL/AM can farm much faster"

                              Pl can farm faster than pa with bf?

                              "Ursa has better burst damage than PA (until late game)"

                              unless you get kited 24/7
                              and you do ~700 damage level 11 crits
                              and you should get there fast because PA needs minimum babysitting

                              "Drow has an easier early game as a ranged hero."
                              get a point in blur

                              "Almost all the STR carries (Sven/CK/Naix/DK) are bulkier and don't need such heavy babysitting"

                              sven is the most babysitter needing carry
                              and i never have babysitters as PA

                              "I mean if you want to "play for fun" go ahead, but that hero is seriously garbage tier"

                              you ARE in garbage tier. you lost to a BH with double deso and got owned by a pugna + you can gank doom level 1 and he has 0 armor

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                50% win rate talking


                                i keep forgetting that 90% of people who post here are retards so i forgot why i even bothered

                                ur garbage kid

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  like i'd respond to all of those but ur so fucking stupid u probably wouldn't realize how bad u are

                                  47.62% Queen of Pain


                                  You don't know how to carry pubs with QoP?


                                    dotabuff logic:

                                    a smurf stacker is better than a guy that solo qs all the time and doesn't smurf because he cant win outside of new players tier

                                    instead of whining l2p the hero and listen to advice

                                    i started dota on this account played my first matches with heroes and apparently QoP was too hard to learn for me that built linkens on drow as core. while you are a smurf that has less than 70% winrate and whining about getting owned by a pugna and a doom that normally are free kills for PA

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      smurf stacker?

                                      on this account, i've played about 60% solo queue, 30% dual queue, and 10% 3-5 queue. my "stacks" are rarely on and you can ask anyone who dual queues a lot that it's not much better than solo queue because having 3 retards vs having 4 retards is hardly an improvement

                                      "new players tier?"

                                      i just beat a decent 5 player north american stack today, omg look they're all new players!


                                      (Everyone in that game is better than you so don't bother comparing yourself to them)

                                      i gave legitimate reasons why pa is shit (because I've played PA and other agi carries a lot, so I know their strengths and weaknesses) and u responded with non sequitirs

                                      (if u want me to put it in words that maybe even you could understand, you didn't respond to the fucking arguments at all)

                                      i mean even if i solo queued 100% of the time (which i wouldn't, cuz dota is a team game and i don't get how anyone with a brain could find such a shitty game fun without friends to play with) i wouldn't be a 50% shit tier player like u are

                                      i've seen how 50% shit tier players play and it's some combination of amusing and pitiful...get lost

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        Yea these shit tier 50% players know how to play PA and not get owned by a doom and a pugna and you don't

                                        and nj you won a game that you got lifted up by
                                        as a stack



                                          IMHO if your an enemy carry against a doom you should wait for him to cast his doom before going in a team fight. Linkens is the way to go also. All squishy heroes are easily countered by doom its up to your teammates to bail you out. Like SD disrupt, force staff, chen skill, OD skill forgot the skill names LOL.


                                            I would have focused on a combination of HP items and aura items that still help the team while I'm under (while helping myself survive too).
                                            -Vanguard if they have a ton of physical attackers
                                            -BKB if they have some strong stuns and disables

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              always get bkb and try to kill him during the bkb activation, or u can wait till somebody is doomed before u go in,


                                                get someone to disable him for you, you literally cant fight doom 1vs1 as anyone since he has doom skill anyway not only as PA

                                                Woof Woof

                                                  let him doom someone else most pub players arent patient enough so after few seconds of going back and forth doom player is going to snap and initiate randomly


                                                    abyssal is your best option late.


                                                      ROFL this Ara faggot. Top heroes PL and Drow, barely over 200 matches played and acting like a big shot. Don't even call yourself a smurf, because any smurf that actually knew what they were doing wouldn't have PL and Drow as their top heroes... Oh and you have been playing a lot of Brood AND winning. Trash tier x1000000000


                                                        To play PA, you need a good baby sitter and a good team , or just a noob team to play against.... and how to play agaisnt doom? once he get stunned jump on him... coup de grace him to death

                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                          Don't pick PA, problem solved, shes a shitty hero to begin with.


                                                            Says the Pudge player.

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              now thats comedy gold.


                                                                Thanks. Stand up on channel 4 12.00 till 1.00 PM weeknights!


                                                                  I would say diffusal blade and Manta, burn Dooms mana.... I think this is the best approach as PA.

                                                                  Lorenzo VI

                                                                    Doom should have higher priority targets than you in a team fight, any big spell casters, nukers, even players with support items like mek and force staff. If he keeps dooming you and you have an enigma/ tide/ dp/ timber/ warlock/ anything with big team fight potential, there your team if organised enough should wipe them out of the game. Have your teammates keeping you meked up or whatever and soon he will be forced to change target.

                                                                    If you are having trouble constantly it may be the fact you are committing too early or keep being caught out of position. I would not suggest the linkens as he can just lvl death you to remove that. Go for that bkb to keep out of nuking and stuns when you are not doomed and then build a satanic for tankiness and a quick way to bring your health up to recover from the doom.

                                                                    I don't see much point in Manta on PA, or half the heroes that pick it up. Unless those illusions are gaining something awesome (pl replication) or your damage is heavily stat based (morphling) then on a melee hero i don't understand the manta.


                                                                      Only reason I said manta was for the extra mana burn, but it was really just theory crafting.

                                                                      Lorenzo VI

                                                                        Ok I see your point but to dedicate 2 of your 6 items to kill 1 hero who is not even their hardest carry, seems a bit of an over commitment

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Avoid doom, don't team fight, depending on your team. That's the whole point of doom as a hero though is to take someone out of the fight, and farm quickly so he can tank or carry late. He'd be a crap hero without that ult. He's a great pick vs a lot of carries, if you're having issue with him imagine being faceless void and never being able to ult. Hope your team has some big time nukers to make him pay for not dooming them instead.


                                                                            @ Darkness

                                                                            That's a 2 player queue, not a "stack" (which is a term that refers to 4-5 player queues that play together often, not just any group of players.)

                                                                            The fact that you're not aware of this raises some question marks.

                                                                            What you think: Anyone who doesn't solo queue is playing in a "stack."
                                                                            What non-retards think: "Stacks" play together often and consist of core, non-negotiable members (usually 4-5 players, sometimes 3, very rarely 2).

                                                                            Satellizer's from Brazil so he has high ping and is forced to play support, and the allies we had weren't particularly great (Spec had almost no creep kills while farming in safe lane, though he did get a bunch of hero kills). So what's your point? "I got carried?" I pulled my own weight, got a decent score, successfully pushed their T3 despite some heavy opposition, and ended up creating lots of space for the rest of the team.

                                                                            As for the doom game, the opponents weren't retards (chances are, if you've played PA in a game against a doom, the doom probably never bothered to doom you or sneak up on you with SB so your "experience" playing PA vs Doom is against trash tier retards) and knew what they were doing while the magnus was pretty incompetent with his initiation.

                                                                            Stay at 50%, trash.

                                                                            @ [TO] Wink

                                                                            51% Win rate, 36% with NP (How do you fail with a hero that has global teleport and is one of the best pushers and semicarries around?)

                                                                            You're probably one of those retards who never click w and go for free kills and instead farm the jungle for 20 mins before being an in-game factor.

                                                                            I don't understand how you have the testicular fortitude to call someone 100x better than you out. Like you say I "abuse" broodmother but you can't even play the strong heroes well, which is analogous to some kind of street beggar telling an accountant that the accountant's life sucks.

                                                                            (I will admit accounting is a boring profession, which I'm thankfully not a part of, but the point is you're the fucking beggar rofl)

                                                                            Of course, I'm not implying I'm great or even good at this game; just that you're relatively fucking awful.

                                                                            Your friends are mostly trash as well, I think I raped the [ESP] guys like 5x already on my other account before I switched over to my new one.

                                                                            By the way I'm not going to respond again to the likes of you, so don't bother.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              playing solo and get matched with 3/4 stack in your team, is more of a playing with stack then queuing with 1 friend.

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                How do I play Invo against Doom?
                                                                                How do I play anything that actually casts spells against Doom?
                                                                                He is just a pain in the rear. Deal with it. If he doesn't doom you you are lucky. But he is just gonna take one person out of the fight. You can try escape stratigies though, focused on saving the doomed guy.


                                                                                  I leave for like 2 days and look at all this awesome feedback and help I come back to! You guys rock.

                                                                                  And while Ara irked some of you guys with what she said, there are certain parts I agree with. From playing with her a lot and winning with her quite a bit, it seems like PA is a very good pub stomper, but can indeed be countered fairly easily, just like anyone else.

                                                                                  But regarding your tips, i very much appreciate it and will implement them if I keep playing her. :)


                                                                                    xD you hear that ray?
                                                                                    you are officially a girl now. trololol.


                                                                                      can you point me out to your older account then bitch about me being trash meanwhile ur smurf stacking piece of ass couldnt win on decent brain people

                                                                                      + i actually have friends in rl and help them when they enter dota and shared my account with a few of them + your trash ass cant do shit without actually having people in your party

                                                                                      maybe you have a Vsnak ego and think hiding stats when losing and smurfing/stacking shows your actual skill

                                                                                      get over yourself virgin

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        how about u guys stop writing in such useless topic so it can die in peace alrdy? thanks