General Discussion

General Discussionquestion concerning antimage and bf

question concerning antimage and bf in General Discussion

    What should I do, if I completely suck at lane phase (too aggressive opponents, supports stealing farm, stupid deaths) and I understand that I will get pt + bf + pms + quelling blade only at 20 minute mark? Should I go vanguard + manta or just straight to manta or continue farming bf?

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      well farming with am is easier than PA. i usually have phase/bf/Hod/that purple shield thing around 20 min mark with no qb on pa

      idk how you are failing to do so with much more movement you can do with am

      and i refuse to play am cause i hate him


        ^ +1

        If your lane suck just try to leech up as much exp as possible. If you manage to do this without deaths you should at least have ring of health pretty soon. As fast as laning phase goes over (10min~) you can farm up extremely fast. No matter how bad my lane is I always manage to get battlefury on AM 18min or earlier, as long as I don't die. Always carry a tp scroll. If there is ganks on ur lane, leave the lane and farm another lane.


          ^ lol at the guy with 20 games and pathetic 2.91 KDA on antimage giving advice.


            Can you give an advice? inb4 %%всплывай со дна, глина%%


              Build PMS + QB, draw aggro and get as many last hits as possible without losing too much HP. In the past I'd try and push the lane and pull for myself (unless there was a support to do that), now you can just try and clear the small camp if the lane gets pushed. Gold > XP, but XP > nothing


                i think op is doing good with am. 57% am winrate. the average am wr is 41%.

                King of Low Prio

                  I wouldnt use the avg win rate as a good indication because the HIGHEST avg win rate of any of the heroes is like 57%. Numbers are low because there are alot more horrible players than decent players


                    ^ bad argument.
                    so for 57% wr lich, less horrible players than decent players?


                      AM is one of my best heroes and my experience with him is this. Your win/lose depends heavily on your team. There are times when there is pretty much nothing you can do when your teammates lose their lanes and your enemies push in before 25 min. I have countless games where this happens and I feel there was little I could have done. Conversely, if your team can hold against your opponents, not necessarily winning but able to trade kills here and there, you will get your room to farm and you should make the most of it. AM is an extremely feared hero when farmed and that is what makes him so strong. You can also try split pushing with AM but it also depends on who you are up against.


                        Battle Fury is an item that need to be done before 14 mins, or it dont worth anymore. Finishing it fast makes you able to farm at jungle and split push lanes pretty fast, wich probly gonna hit you manta / treads / bf at 20 ~ mins. After that you can get in the game and probly will win it. But its pretty hard for an AM without a team wich can hold game for your farm, also against a ganker team, wich wont let you farm by any chance.

                        Only hero wich can probly own AM at late game is SPEC, all others probly will get owned by him, so there is the problem, you need farm and late game to carry game.


                          God damn it for people like this guy above, why would have items have a MINUTE timing?
                          You SHOULD get fast bf, that doesn't mean if you can't get it in <14 minute you should sell all your pieces that you just bought.
                          Bf is somethow a must item for him, and you should get it asap. If you get it later, you will play a farm oriented game. Otherwise, you can join fights much earlier and gain gold and XP that way. Thats the only difrence the timing window is important, but it also depends on the kind of game you play. Sometimes you will get so much early - mid game action, that won't allow you farm that bf fast (and maybe probably your team is winning, but you as a carry are behind), which doesn't mean you shouldn't get it. If you don't buy it how the hell would you catch up with farm? You will be stuck with treads and manta in 40 minutes in the game.
                          And about the win percentage of AM. He is VERY item dependent. Pubs can't farm, and how stupid even it sounds, they have no idea how to farm with an antimage. Thats why he is one of the lowest percentage heroes of them all.

                          Quick maffs

                            My last antimage game i had a really big problem.

                            I got bf in 14 minutes or so if i am not mistaken, but the enemy clinkz got orchid at 16 minutes. He hunted me a lot and made imposible for me to just blink and farm, even with a gem in the moment he silenced me i was dead.

                            Should i go manta first again a orchid ganker or i should just stay with a support 100 % of the time ?

                            But the sad thing is if i stay with a support i cant flash farm like am should do.


                              @aP. WooT
                              "Only hero wich can probly own AM at late game is SPEC, all others probly will get owned by him, so there is the problem, you need farm and late game to carry game."

                              O'rly? can you tell me what AM can do when he gets insta killed with a 2k crit? or wtf can he do when he cant attack/move at all? and how the fuck he can stop the march? or kill luna that kills your whole team with 8 autoattacks? or survive ODs fat ass? wtf he can do when sven cleaves their whole team dead

                              AM is only good because he farms faster than other carries BUT with similar farm he gets owned by most if not all carries


                                aim for bf/treads/manta

                                21 min mark

                                if u cant do that then give up on carrying please

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                                  just aim at building vlads every game develop a gameplay style around that and see where it takes you, typically when i was playing a lot
                                  id get my bf about 11-14 mins in and get vlads n treds immediately after, with a poor mans shield n those items you could solo rosh but since most teammates you get thrown with can't be reliable, just rushing vlads n drums allows you to fight nd solo kill more effectively than pieces of a bf early game


                                    and since it sounds like you play in a kinda low bracket playing heroes like am require high consistency to produce results. if you can't manage to get steady farm each game you play i suggest playing naix religiously for awhile, the hero is one of the most flexible.carries in the game and you can play.him to a personal preference of item choices unlike am where he needs a semi specific build in order to.carry. developing good game sense is.important for the carry role, what you choose to build impacts the game and the way your team because of how readily available you are to fight, sometimes shooting for battlefury isn't always optimal. honestly come up with your own playstyle for awhile see where you feel comfortable and build from there

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Well no one answer to me :(

                                      again if there is a clinkz running wild in the map with a orchid do you go manta first or do you still make a bf ?


                                        What is Manta going to do when Clinkz has silenced you? If there is a Clinkz, get wards and get dust if he's saving his escape. 9/10 of people who play heroes with invis (or buy shadow blade) rarely expect a carry to have "support" items which is why you are food. If you are farming in lane you should be trying to keep creep near your tower anyway and not pushing too much. With good vision you'll have time to escape and he'll have wasted a tonne of mana on his ulti and skeleton walk.

                                        1 vs 1 mid game without many items Clinkz will eat you up with ease. In fact if you look at the numbers he'll eat pretty much anyone before they can even get a right click on him
                                        - If he has farmed an orchid, he's at least a lvl 11
                                        - He'll go eat a creep for + 715hp and + 70 dmg
                                        - Searing arrows for +60 dmg on top of all that
                                        - +30 dmg for orchid, and +30 attack speed
                                        - He'll silence you so you take + 30% dmg (basically you are armorless)
                                        - 130 extra attack speed from Q

                                        So he's going to be putting out around 230 per attack, and firing attacks off at maybe 1.6 per second

                                        He's not invulnerable though
                                        - So far he's just bought mana items so he's still very squishy despite all that extra hp from ulti
                                        - Still very mana dependant, all the above will leave him with very little mana so he will be very vulnerable after ganking and also have to be more passive till he gets mana back
                                        - No escape if he uses it to initiate on you
                                        - His ulti relies on him eating a hard camp 1100hp creep. Ward near those camps and make sure you are clearing them regularly

                                        So the answer to your question is that 1 vs 1 with no vision you will never beat Clinkz with AM at this stage. Good game play (warding, not pushing lane) will prevent Clinkz from getting that opportunity though. If you don't feed him he will have to team fight, and your role as AM may well be to blink in and eat him up so he can't do damage or has to retreat. If you have vision and he's coming for a gank you can check his mana. If he's low you can blink, ulti then burn the last few points of his mana away. He won't be able to silence you then and with such low armor you may be able to chew through him

                                        Just remember, hard carries can buy support items ;-)


                                          A lot of offtopic posts and no direct answer to the question.
                                          Yesterday speedgaming played vs roxkis, eternalenvy played antimage vs clinkz by scandal, and eternal envy went straight to manta after pms, RoH and treads, only then he finished his bf. Anyway he was ganked two or three times before he finished manta, and then he and his team could do almost nothing against rox, so they lost. The conclusion is - try not to pick AM vs clinkz and other strong gankers with silence like NS, puck, BS and others cause you'll have difficult early and midgame, when AM is extremely squishy and vulnerable to ganks.

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                                            @djgandy, 400+ matches and you still don't know jack shit?

                                            Manta breaks silence, which is why he is asking if its a good choice. And your little scenarios are fucking hilarious, after eating a creep Clinkz is not squishy, and AM is fragile as fuck, and its incredibly rare for AM to be able to manfight, at least 1v1 a Clinkz at this point in the game.

                                            @dorkly, keep an eye on Clinkz early on, see what kind of farm he is getting. If he is farming pretty quick, I would stick with battlefury -> Manta, but I would ask supports to buy a couple sentries (or get it yourself), and keep yourself safe until you finish Manta.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              Oh well ok guys i guess i will just have to adapt. I just really like to go farm with blink but i guess silence kill am too hard early game.

                                              But the thing is not only i need vision but a support close to me i guess, because it doesnt matter if i see clinkz he will just silence me and 3 or 4 shot me.

                                              Well anyway a lot of pub clinkz get orchid really late so i guess this is hard to happen again.

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I agree with darkness, many, many carries can 1v1 AM with equal farm. And that's not even considering if you have a disabler/silencing support around.


                                                  Lategame AM is good becouse of the blink and splitpush viability. He won't be able to manfight with carries with similar farm, unless he gets abysal.
                                                  As he suffers from enemy stunns, he really also relies on his teamamtes stuns. He is not a chase machine at all, but if u combine him with some reliable support stuns, he can be "ez dolla, ez life"
                                                  @conclusion, BF 99% of the time.

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