General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam composition suggestion tool?

Team composition suggestion tool? in General Discussion

    just wondering if anyone has the know how or connections or is aware of a online web-based tool that

    may help people choose heroes when they're last pick / vs tough enemy lineup.
    I am aware of the website...maybe they could add this feature?

    Admittedly players do reach a certain level of knowledge and this comes as 2nd nature but please review the below as it may help others.

    Would work as a click n drag type deal.

    -ud have the option of dragging what your team has picked and it would generate a list of viable heroes that complement/work well with lineup...

    -and/or you could drag in the enemies teams heroes and it would generate a list of viable counters.

    people can probably draw from this and come up with better suggestions but hey...just thought I'd put it out there if anyone else hasn't already