General Discussion

General Discussionfuck you volvo and diretide and fucken hats

fuck you volvo and diretide and fucken hats in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    brackets where removed a couple months ago


      'Normal' is a huge spread of players ... I queue into Normal and I don't get autoattacking supports (or on the rare occasion that there is one, they get flamed), nor Drow Rangers that build Battlefury, nor awkward Riki stomps because no one buys dust. I think you should give people in Normal more credit lol ... many people have a fine understanding of mechanics but, like me, are just really slow :D

      King of Low Prio

        well being slow could 'mask' he fact that you know the basics

        for example if you dont deny because you are too slow most people will just assume you dont know how to deny


          Lol not THAT slow ... more like, not blink/BKB-dodging stuns, misclicking in teamfights, etc. Actually the biggest difference I noticed when queuing with people in Very High was that people moved around the map more and didn't stick to set item builds ... and, funnily enough, have more four-carry lineups.

          King of Low Prio

            I do like 4 carry lineups.....


              nice feed 6-22


                After play diretide 3times, It's quite boring. It becomes more boring if the team ask to feed pudge to gain 150 str. Or grinding trading candy like MMORPG. It's fckin stupid.

                Better i play HON's midwar or riftwar, it's much much much more fun.

                Anyone want my essences and recipes? I don't care about it anyway. Or i can just give it freely to my friend.


                  After an intense meditation session, I have arrived at the conclusion that venturing forth into the outside world might be better than Diretide. Instantly after stepping out of the entrance of my basement, the theory proved itself to be unpleasantly wrong, as I was almost beaten to death by RealLife™. After a short-timed intermission, I found myself playing Diretide again, due to undisclosed reasons.

                  Seriously now, there is no real reason to complain about Diretide. Just ignore the annoyingly green "Diretide" button, click below, choose AP, and go learn how to play Kaolin or something. Or, better yet, uninstall doto and become a family man.


                    ^ i am laughing so fucking hard screw you im gonna die

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      ^^ *dead of laughter