General Discussion

General Discussionember sprit

ember sprit in General Discussion
-apm 400 player

    just used him in pub won the game but i still think theys alot of WEAK POINT on this hero. the base armor is ridiculous low + the base hp and if you going phase boot in mid game which i did the mana problem is a joke 1 set of combo and your competently out of mana , and for those who played this hero in dota1 doesn't it feel like hes ult is mad slow? still need to get use to that.

    if any1 else wants to share some more weak point on this hero do reply =)


      He is squishy, yep, I was watching Draskyll's stream and Aghs Doom brought him down to 0 hp every single from full hp just with his ulti.


        yea i said same shit in another topic, ulti is fuckin slow i dont get it its supposed to be 2.5x ur speed


          this is from the wiki: "You move to each Fire Remnant at 1300 movement speed, or in 0.4 seconds, whichever is faster." and "sends a Fire Remnant that runs to the targeted point at 2.5 times your speed."
          Which part is feeling slow to you guys? The remnant's speed or your speed?


            when u send the renmant.


              which skill to max first ?
              and why the recommended items for him are 3 bf ?

              King of Low Prio

                well ember was my 2nd most played hero in dota 1 outside of my beloved bounty. Pretty much any skill build works for him and for items I liked phase drums s/y (manta if I needed to deal with silence) I would make a bottle if I went mid but I would not suggest him as a mid hero. There are gimmicky builds like bfury and maelstrom but I feel my standard build is much more reliable (if game goes on long I will end up building those items later tho)

                -apm 400 player

                  i rather get 3 daedalus then 3 bfurys


                    the thing with xin is that u can build him depending of the game spells/items.
                    i used to play him different every game, u can deso /bf/ mael/ bs, rly it depends a lot

                    Quick maffs

                      Well i think maelstrom seems really good on him, i mean everytime you use your W you will proc lightning ( and the radius got a buff too i think ).