>build battlefury on PL
>get 225 cs in 37 mins
>blame team
im not defending mm, cuz its fucking horrible, but u werent above those matches
don't judge too prematurely.
if you check the other team he obviously got it to counter..
..logic and reason xd
no but srsly, they prolly lacked aoe clearance vs mother slithece.
still whenever you get a bfury on lancer a baby dolphin dies somewhere, so there.
Bullshit. Even against naga and brood battlefury on PL is the biggest shit i have seen in my life.
finally, someone who understands
and those who were saying my items are shit. you obviously had zero idea how the game went
judging just by looknig at the statistics and not the game. LOL . jokes
if u guys wanna talk trash go ahead, i bet you're a shittier player yourself
yeah what the fuck would you know? pub scrub
no bkb? your shitty 1k hp pl couldve stood naga's riptide, tide's ravage and timber's whirling doom and chakram?
get real noobs.
i was so angered i completely forgot dotabuff is also made up of 80% with fucking pub trashes and scrubs
why did i even post this shit anyway
because alliance didnt build battle fury and bkb , so everyone insults my item builds
LOL fucknig shitty pub players with no originality in play style. Just copy off pro games and then fail miserably, then comes here to talk fucking shit about other people's build
fuck off noobs
on what grounds does a fucking smurf like you stand on to insult me?
get the fuck in here with your original account then talk
@the rest
high wins i assume good players
but still failing to see why i built those items?
WOW you guys must have cheated your winrate. congratz you juts proved yourselves fakers and utter bullshit
1.64 KDA
please download my PL replay and learn to from it don't thank me
i dont really, i mentioned it to give u an idea how many games ive lost in a row
its how bad the retards i get teamed with
"no originality" -- I guess originality is building shitty items to you. You do realize that PL illusions don't get shit from BF, right? It's fucking bad.
the point that gets hammered in on any thread regarding matchmaking is: play with friends or realize that mm is not perfect. then? live with it.
MM sucks, but if you can't manage a positive winrate then you are just bad. However, reaching like +100-200wins is tought and you really need to be good for that.
>never builds Manta or Drums on PL, loses every game, blames matchmaking
Keep going bro, clearly your build is next level and we're all just noobs.
Meh this guy is trolling. Battlefury must be literally the worst item on PL.
If you want originality get Skadi.
At least skadi gives something for your illusions.
If you are going for an alternative ( bad ) build dont blame your team man......
BF on PL is just bad idea. even to counter spiders.
The more times your PL hits, the more chance to spawn illusion. BF cleans creeps too fast you will have no illusion. thus badly affect your split push/ farm.
PL without illusions is shit. PL without fast illusion generation is shit.
And why blame the mm system. your stack buddy also did badly for the two games you posted.
Justin Weaver is right , that guy never wins a single PL game LOL. It is a big achievement to lose all of the 10 PL games. PL is so fucking easy. one must try very hard to lose 10 / 10.
o yes. he likes to have BF on PL.
w/e ur bad and don't understand how to play carry well. you don't build bf to counter brood on pl that is just dumb. honestly you shouldn't have linked that game. don't blame your teammates for your poor item choices both games
Playing badly and blaming everyone but yourself? One of the reasons why toxic players exists are people like you
lol u dumbasses are clearly just focusing on the spiders
do u guys even realize theres a fucking timber and naga on their team
you're fucking garbage cunt. You built BATTLEFURY, an item which gives 0 to your fucking illusions.
A standard diffusal -> Manta build is far better, and if you were worried about brood, you could have just bought Radiance -> HoT, which would also give tide problems.
Not to mention you only had 225 cs in a 37 minute match despite building that battlefury.
omg building bf to counter timber and naga so next level. gotta clear those naga illusions or in case timber gets a manta style.
omg you guys are fucking returds ll
tell u what anyone of u dumbfucks come vs me u go pl ill just use a fucknig timber with that item build
a fucking blodostone heart and blademail and you go whatever the fuck u think u can get in 37minutes save for bkb and bf
and watch and i chakram your sorry fuck illusions away and whirling the fuck out of your 1.3k hp pl
not to mention they have a fucking 20min holy shit slark and a fucknig tide naga as well as a fucking brood pushing silently from another lane. lets see ur 1.3k hp pl with manta and diffu handle this fucking shit. retards
I have not played PL in a long time, mostly because it was just so easy it was boring. But my last game was against a timbersaw who got a bloodstone and it was very easy for me to beat him. Timbersaw is totally all about mana and without it he can't do anything. I can take his mana down to zero and never even get close to him by microing PL illusions with diffusal.
My average KDA for PL is over 10...this is because I play him as he is supposed to be played. PL is an illusion hero. You should never put him in a situation where he can actually be attacked. All your dps comes from illusions. You scout with illusions, you lane with illusions, you jungle with illlusions. Your main hero only exists to keep making more illusions and sending them off on different taskes. You leave 10-15 seconds before rotations occur because you can keep farming and pushing long after you are gone...I've even pushed supercreeps out of my base all the back and countraxed with just illusions. If your main hero is found you have made a mistake. Gem and dust and such mean nothing. If you do it correctly they will never know where you really are on the map. Once you get past your basic items the enemy should never know where you are unless you are killing them.
Bfury is bad for PL because it does nothing for the illusions. Even worse, any attack you do with the main hero reveals where you are.
Ming in 5 of your 10 PL games http://dotabuff.com/players/79386310/matches?hero=phantom-lancer&game_mode=&match_type=real
You have more kills than assists. This tells me that you are walking your main hero up to get the KS. This is extremely bad for PL play and is the primary reason you are at 0-10 win/loss with the hero.
relentless. you got 270 cs in a 55 minute match with PL, and that timbersaw is beyond retarded, he had arcane boots and bloodstone in 55 minutes. LOL. You just get carried, you have a 10KD and high win rate but your GPM is only 440. You "know" how to play the hero, but clearly you can't actually play him very well.
You also don't understand how the hero is played in unfavourable situations. BKB is a legit item on PL, but in very rare circumstances. OP shouldn't have bought BKB in this match for one reason, and one reason only - Naga Siren. You can't always play PL in the way that you said. - http://dotabuff.com/matches/373471777
Battlefury was just a shit choice, no question about that. Also OP, its expected that when you are #1 that the team is relying on you to do something and for you to have the most farm/xp..
Yeah...I was 26-0, but you think I got carried because you can't read a number called "assists". This what? post number 25 or so that you made in allusion to or directly stating your opinion that assists are bad? It is not right to allow you continue to try to deceive new players into playing selfish, brainless dota trying to KS every kill.
BKB is terrible on PL, there is never a situation where BKB is good choice for PL. I have played over 300 games of Phantom lancer in dota 1 and dota 2 and tried every build that used to be and is popular and plenty that are terrible (like bkb and bfury). Nearly all my dota 2 PL games were played in "bad situations". This game we are discussing I had a feeder Leshrac who start the game 0-10-2, before I managed to pull it back. In fact my team was so bad...you see that void stone? that was going to be a hex because my team could not be counted on to do any disabling correctly.
You are perhaps dumb enough to think that my cs not being a magical superhigh number is not because of the fact that MY TEAM WAS BAD, I did this solo que. I had a very hard early game getting almost nothing for 10 minutes while my team fed. But I won anyway with excellent illusion control. All of my PL games my team was terrible. I only played this hero in dota 2 when I really wanted to win and knew matching was going to give me absolute crap in a solo que game. The hero was totally OP at that point...the illusions have been nerfed a bit since.
You think Beesa getting a BkB in 1 game out of 77...a game where it was so irrelevant that he won still holding Ageis? You think that shows something? A heart would have been far better for him than BkB in that game...I'm certain he knows it. But you know what? Sometimes ppl get bored with the same build over and over a like to do things just because they can.
No, you were 4-0-22, and that is despite building Radiance. I was actually talking about your other matches with PL, I didn't say you "got" carried, I said you "get" carried. Not to mention that both DS and Na'ix had higher GPM than you.
http://dotabuff.com/matches/148751674 - no impact
http://dotabuff.com/matches/127834482 - carried
http://dotabuff.com/matches/53398345 - carried
I could go on, in most of your matches you not only don't farm, you don't have anywhere near the impact that you should be having. You built fucking Radiance, of course you are going to get a shitton of assists/hero damage. It has nothing to do with KS, if you are playing a hero like PL who does a fuckton of damage, then naturally you will get the majority of kills unless you play him the way that you do, which appears to be afk ricing minus any farming.
BKB is good on PL in very few situations, but its not something you can rule out completely. You suck balls with PL, stop pretending otherwise, 440GPM depsite having a 10KDA (because you do very little) just highlights that. How are you going to deal with carries that are backed up by an AoE heavy team? You need to get into the fight, and BKB is the only thing that lets you do that effectively. Abyssal/Hex are other items which are incredibly effective later on in most matches too. When I say bad situations, I don't mean fucking losing the game, I mean where you can't simply sit back and spam illusions when they get killed almost instantly. When they are taking your rax, you can't just sit back and do nothing, which sounds exactly how you play PL.
Your CS is fucking horrible because you suck. Even with a poor start, PL is capable of farming at ridiculous speeds during the mid game once he gets a few levels and a few points in E, if you can't catch up in a 50 minute match, then there isn't a whole lot to say. I've played PL many times with little-no support against aggressive tri-lanes, and have still been able to catch up during mid game, where he is capable of farming the entire jungle + pushing a wave without much problem for 20+cs/min (during that period of the game). I play solo queue as well, "all my PL games my team was terrible" - except that you got your ass carried in half of them and you were subpar in most.
You can look at any half decent player use PL and see the massive difference between them and you. You are fucking horrible at the game, especially when it comes to carrying. How many of your recent matches as carry went well? Have you ever actually managed to farm well?
Go watch the game then. Then tell me that BKB didn't make a difference. You keep arguing as though i've called BKB a core item on PL, when I clearly said that its rarely good in my previous post. Stick to feeding, seems to be what you do best.
5 months now...since you had to stop playing total nubs and face avg bad opponents and your stats started to fall so you hid them....and even that on the Australian server, the 2nd easiest in the world. Only South Africa is weaker.
In my matches I don't farm because I have to ACTUALLY CARRY the game. I do the warding and the ganking and the tower defense. IF you tried to play PL in any of those games I played you would have fed, farmed nothing, and lost massively. Because you only know how to cs against no opposition. You only know how to hit creeps and if that option is not open to you....you are left raging and blaming because you know Nothing else.
You play in Australia, even your pros are bad. You have probably rarely played against a moderately skilled dota team and never a good one. You don't understand anything you are talking about and never will learn because you are arrogant and stubborn. Until you admit that you really are TERRIBLE at dota you will not have the right frame of mind to change or learn.
When I stack, I do not pick the carry...because I know how to play support heroes and others do not. If I play the carry we will have bad rotations, bad ganks, very bad warding. So I play the support and take as few cs as I possibly can...ON PURPOSE what a concept!
1. Servers are no different from each other unless you are playing 1st page games every game.
2. Its quite sad that you think the skill level of pros from your country affects your personal skill level, but I guess that's what horrible players do to make themselves feel better about themselves.
3. You've played 1600 matches, many of them in stacks, and yet you still only play in the normal and high bracket infrequently. lmfao, even this shitty account played 75% in VH
4. I clearly was not talking about your farm in the matches where you play support, I'm talking about the matches where you play carry, where you consistently play horribly with not only low CS, but very low KDA too. You have 4 heroes with above 400GPM on average.
5. Even as a support you are horrible, even in massive stomps by your team you consistently have a very high amount of deaths, resulting in mediocre <2KDAs after a high number of matches, which is extremely poor for any position.
edit: I still can't get over the fact that you used a Timbersaw with arcane boots and bloodstone in a 50+ minute match as "evidence" that timbersaw is easy for PL to beat, fucking lol
Relentless is right in that BKB is a terrible item on PL.
@Ming - Nothing justifies Bfury. Nothing. I can only assume you're terrible at micro. PL with one big item can already farm the jungle at speeds on par with AM at less risk. It is incredibly easy to farm creeps without having to be in front, and incredibly dangerous to do so with your main hero. Any competent opponent will punish you heavily for that. Any situation which justifies a BKB is one you shouldn't even be in. How the fuck is Bfury useful against Timber? Str Treads > Bracer > Vitality Booster will give you enough tankability to get by. Nobody expects your illusions to tank one fucking full combo from Timber early, but why the fuck are you manfighting him with a BKB? You expect to win?
matchmaking keeps matching me aganist retards that i stomp with such ease it's almost boring gg valve disband faggots
Bullshit nub. Australia is extremely easy. I have watched games there. Even ppl with 65% winrate and a thousand games on that server are still bad. That is why even the Australia pros are bad. They never get to play against good competition unless they leave the country and they don't do it enough to improve. Some of them have the talent of course, but until they find a way to play on LAN against the Chinese or the NA teams or EU teams they will never reach the current level of pro dota. Iron sharpens Iron, but you measure yourself against mush. You have never played against good players, you can't comprehend what its like. Your Very High, would not even be "High" on EUwest or even USeast....it might be High on USwest since USwest is so weak.
Here is a nice recent example for ppl to watch if they want to understand how to Really win difficult pub games.
I picked a hero that can carry (Troll)...but I played it as support. I had only one friend in the game (BS) and he fed, he knows he did. I got the wards. I controlled the teamfights. I make the ganks happen. I made the saves. I made the big plays. I directed the team.
This is on EUwest, page 4 on live pages...top 25 MMR games in the world at the time. Every opponent is a player better than you have ever faced. And Look! I have very low cs...wow! barely over 2 cs/min I must suck! The fact that I got 28 kills in a 30 min game...a game my team was going to lose...No that can't mean anything. Why look...my cs number is low I must be bad at Troll.
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winrate plunged from 51% to 49% in a week
now im off to LoL
fuck doto fuck valve fuck gabe