General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Update!!

Dotabuff Update!! in General Discussion
Safe Base

    Dear all,

    Our hard working programming team made an update today!
    I want to bring these to your attention, also I would like to give some feed back regarding a few topics.

    - Extra Information in Match History
    We've added hero damage, hero heal and tower damage. So now more of a player's contribution to the team can be seen in the match summary. Some information on things such as doing big aoe damage in team fights, saving people with heals, split pushing towers can now be seen.
    We hope to continue to improve and give our users as many meaningful stats as possible.

    - Filter for the current patch (6.79) has been added.
    Not much to be said here, check out the new (pub) meta!
    Spirit breaker down to 49.08% win rate since the new patch.

    - Top 50 Players list change
    The community voiced their opinion that 200 games was too low a requirement and we agree! It's now increased to 500 games.

    Our programmers are working on various projects to improve Dotabuff even more. You feedback is valuable and we do actively read our forums as well as other places for good ideas.

    Now to a minor point regarding exploits since there are many topics about this. I don't plan to actively reply in this topic about it, hopefully what I can explain myself clearly. Some of the below may be my personal opinion and does not represent Dotabuff.

    - We've changed the wording of the former "exploiter" tag. Players are excluded from lists and rankings if they have inflated stats. This may or may not involve actively using cheats/exploits.

    - We will not discuss details about exploits. It's going to become a "guide" on how to cheat instead if we do it. Things like the "bot controlled accounts" mentioned by another user are known from months ago. We don't publicly talk about it doesn't mean we don't know.

    (I believe in a degree of free speech and transparency as long as it's not excessive. As such when others mentioned that, we left it there. Same with certain insults directed at me.)


      - Top 50 Players list change
      The community voiced their opinion that 200 games was too low a requirement and we agree! It's now increased to 500 games.
      Nice nigga

      Russian FEEDERation

        "Inflated stats"

        What does that even mean? Which mode and for how many games do you have to play it for it to be "inflated"? 1? 10? 20? 30? 40? 50? 60? 70? 100? 1000?

        Why is this cheater unbanned?
        Do you want me to link the matches where he cheated with sandboxie to feed himself? The Reddit thread with over 800 replies about him?

        A cheater should remain banned, why is he even unbanned in the first place?

        Why is this acceptable?

        Ce commentaire a été édité
        Dire Wolf

          Where'd the links to hero guides go?


            @Russian FEEDERation
            Why you are so annoying? Stop being such an angry hater and spamming this everywhere. I hope dotabuff just gave me second chance.

            Russian FEEDERation


              Are you upset cheater?


                @Russian FEEDERation

                Are you retarded?


                  New match pages are awesome, nice one guys.


                    I guess I can uninstall that Firefox plugin :) Now Dotabuff shows the details already.

                    -apm 400 player

                      your government hates you.


                        Thank you, Dotabuff team! Kudos!

                        Quick maffs

                          Nc work.

                          They should ban those two retards from the forum : Russian FEEDERation, FPZ.


                            You added exactly what I suggested some time ago (information you must have since we have the tower damage, hero damage and hero healing records). Thumbs up!


                              Brood's winrate is up 3% 0.0


                                does dotabuff shows if the person is homosexual or not?

                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                  What is the reason behind relocating player avatars in match overview?

                                  They seem a bit out of place now, or is it just me?

                                  Quick maffs

                                    ^I agree. Its just seems out of place.


                                      Nice update, but I still wanna be able to see my hero rating even if I'm not on the top 50 for the specific hero.


                                        Thanks for changing the minimum matches to 500! Much better now. Thanks for listening to the community.


                                          Thanks for the update. The DBE plugin should hopefully be updated soon to fill the remaining gaps, and remove the three fields now covered.


                                            why not just do a thousand games

                                            Player 44983260

                                              money spent on wards or smth like that would be nice if possible


                                                Even better, what about a whole item history? Showing that a player ends with his ideal 6 slotted set doesn't tell the full story. It would be nice to look at games and see how all of the players progressed with their item purchases.


                                                  Ty for the update, nice one!
                                                  Ive already learned from the new stats that I really should use my Mekanism waaay more often, and some other nice things that can improve my gameplay, so its pretty useful, not only some new shiny numbers, I love it.


                                                    PLEASE IF ITS POSIBLE I WOULD LOVE TO SEE OUR " APM" !!! Keep up the good work!

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      APM in dota really isnt a big deal.......


                                                        I Personaly am curious and i want to see my improvement on this level


                                                          This is not starcraft! Game sense is a bit more important then apm.


                                                            APM is funny - no matter how many times you click on that same spot, your character doesn't go there any faster :)

                                                            Im the Bully of my School

                                                              Thank You for your update !! finally some changes in dota 2 , i also like the new bloodseeker :) . I get dagon 5 on him and racecar the whole map aha XD


                                                                Great Update!


                                                                  can have some Update profile option? my friend have old stas from 10 months ago.
                                                                  and i played with him today.


                                                                    ^ If your friend wants to share his stats he can do it by following the guide in the [url=""]FAQ[/url].
                                                                    If he does not want to share you won't be able to check his updated profile.


                                                                      A question:
                                                                      When I click on the "Matches" tab I only see 30-34 minute long games. Before patch there were a lot 5-10 minute games there. Are all 30- games filtered?
                                                                      And about the "Heroes" tab with 6.79 filter:
                                                                      Orders of less games compared to for example "last week". Are too short games filtered here as well?


                                                                        hero dmg and heal are awesome, keep up with good work.

                                                                        suporting stuff like wards would be awesome, but
                                                                        sentry, dust and obs stats gona be difficult to implement because you can buy million sentries/dusts on finish.